Regents Prep: A Day’s Wait

In an effort to limit the amount of class time dedicated to explicit Regents Exam prep, we’re going to finish writing the practice exam this week. You should already have Part 1 and Part 2 in your folders. By Friday, finish Part 3, recording your response in the same essay booklet you used for Part 2. If you haven’t written Part 2 yet, do that, too. Printed copies of everything you need are available in our classroom, most likely on the bookshelves by the door.

Part 3: Text-Analysis Response

Part 3 of the exam is an abbreviated kind of analysis. The directions are clear enough, so you should be able to build the necessary writing out of the task and guidelines provided by the state. For reference, here are those expectations, which are the same on each exam:

Your Task: Closely read the text provided on pages 19 through 21 and write a well-developed, text-based response of two to three paragraphs. In your response, identify a central idea in the text and analyze how the author’s use of one writing strategy (literary element or literary technique or rhetorical device) develops this central idea. Use strong and thorough evidence from the text to support your analysis. Do not simply summarize the text. You may use the margins to take notes as you read and scrap paper to plan your response. Write your response in the spaces provided on pages 7 through 9 of your essay booklet.


Be sure to:
• Identify a central idea in the text
• Analyze how the author’s use of one writing strategy (literary element or literary technique or rhetorical device) develops this central idea. Examples include: characterization, conflict, denotation/connotation, metaphor, simile, irony, language use, point-of-view, setting, structure, symbolism, theme, tone, etc.
• Use strong and thorough evidence from the text to support your analysi
• Organize your ideas in a cohesive and coherent manner
• Maintain a formal style of writing
• Follow the conventions of standard written English

Write your response in the appropriate section of the essay booklet. You should eventually have a booklet with Part 2 and Part 3 in it; if you need to stitch this together by separating and stapling pages, be sure to do that. Finish Part 3 by Friday. You’ll see why in a moment.

Assignment: Transcription and Revision

Your next assignment, due Monday the 1st, is to type both responses from this practice Regents. You can edit the text as you go or keep it as-is. If you make edits and revisions, you will be able to account for those when you complete the required metacognition and reflection next week; if you copy your writing verbatim, you will be able to talk about possible revisions when you delve into the scoring guides next week.

Typing this handwritten work invites you to grapple with your choices in a different way from our usual metacognitive approach. That will benefit our test prep, and it also creates critical evidence for GAP scoring. My intention is to see if Hunter S. Thompson’s idea about copying writing down works on ourselves. If it doesn’t, we might try typing up the exemplar essays.

Regardless, you are being asked to complete two separate tasks by Monday:

  1. Type up your handwritten essay response for Part 2 of the practice exam.
  2. Type up your handwritten analysis response for Part 3 of the practice exam.

Attach those typed versions to the appropriate Google Classroom assignment. I suggest making a copy of them, first, so that you keep one for the metacognitive work we’ll be doing next week.

Ask any clarifying questions about this below.

Succinct Self-Analysis

The first panel of your Q4 GAP triptych ends on Friday, April 28. You will receive the usual data- and evidence-gathering assignment that morning. On Friday, you will also need to submit the “Succinct Self-Analysis” assignment that was post to Google Classroom during P1 on April 24. The assigned template looks like this:

[pdfjs-viewer url=”” viewer_width=100% viewer_height=400px fullscreen=true download=true print=true]


A copy will be sent to you through Google Classroom, and you will see that it’s been organized already. Keep the layout as it is. At some point after class on Monday, in the box labeled for that day, you must answer the following questions:

  1. What did you accomplish in class today?
  2. What did you learn in class today?
  3. What’s next?

Look to spend 10-15 minutes on this. You can write more, of course, and the boxes in your document will expand as you type. Blend your responses into paragraphs, not bulleted lists. You are focused on being succinct. Read the definition here, and notice that it’s not about length; it’s about avoiding unnecessary words. Short and perfunctory (read that definition here) is useless for our purposes.

At some point after class on Tuesday, in the box labeled for that day, answer those three questions again, blending your responses into succinct paragraphs. Repeat this process on Wednesday, and then again on Thursday.

Evidence: Revision History

If you click on the File menu in Google Docs, you’ll see an option to check revision history. When you select that option, every change you’ve made to the document is called up for review. Read more about this process here.

On Friday, selecting this option should pull up evidence that you’ve worked on this assignment once a day for four days. It is straightforward enough to check this, because each timestamp shows, down to the minute, what you’ve changed:

This is from a guide to bishop composition I’m putting together for you.

If you aren’t diligent about writing each day, it will be obvious. Budget 10-15 minutes, or plan to use 10-15 minutes of class time to do this — not the best plan, but certainly one that would work in a pinch. See what this sort of ongoing and embedded metacognition does to encourage you to use your class time more effectively and deliberately.

This daily, succinct self-analysis is a requirement for all Tier 4 GAP scores. Done well, it might also be enough to pull those of you who’ve perhaps made poor decisions so far this quarter up into a higher tier. This assignment will create evidence of almost every skill or trait we value.

If you have any questions about this work, ask them in the comments below.

Rabbit and Loopholes

Head over to Google Classroom, click on the “About” tab at the top of the page, and find these links1:

These folders will open for you in Google Drive only if you are using your Brewster account. They are otherwise locked to protect the copyrighted materials within. We are permitted to use these materials within our classroom under the doctrine of “fair use” — read about it here, if you’re curious — and that includes our digital classroom, so long as only students can access it.

Anyway, with AP exam week slithering toward us like so many eldritch terrors, what you care about at this moment are the resources available to you, not the law. As you’d guess, you have a folder of practice materials and one of guides and other readings, all centered around the exam you’ll take on May 10. I’ve compiled some of it; other materials are taken directly from the College Board; a few textbook selections have been scanned; and there are links buried in most documents that you’ll want to click on. You have most, but not all, of this in hard copy already.

Your job over the next two days, after you’ve completed the data-driven and metacognitive work for Monday, April 24, is to delve into these folders to see what they offer you. I’ll post suggested reading assignments and a kind of order-of-operation breakdown on Monday or Tuesday; you don’t need me, though, to make sense of clearly labeled resources. What you need me to do, I think, is to remind you that

  1. we’ve been prepping for this all year, so the next two weeks are only the act of focusing your inculcated strengths on a bit of high-stakes gamesmanship;
  2. if you focus on efficacy and efficiency, you’ll figure out what resources you need and which ones are redundant.

Expect to have a focused writing prompt toward the end of the week that will ask you to account for your efforts and choices with these two folders. I’ll keep updating things as I can, including another shot at rewriting the more class-specific feedback in that “Press Your Luck” essay. Use the resources stacked around Room 210, as well, including your peers. Remember that we’re all trying our best to be fine, and it helps to reach out for help.

Ask questions below.

  1. You’ll also notice that I got rid of everything except these exam prep folders and a link to Sisyphean High. I realized that everything you could possibly want, from the syllabus to the most recent GAP guides and scores, is on that main page. 

Lights and Tunnels: RE10, Part 1

Here is a blank copy of the calendar for Q4, which is already in progress:

[pdfjs-viewer url=”” viewer_width=100% viewer_height=600px fullscreen=true download=true print=true]


The end of the year starts on April 19, when we return from spring break. We won’t see another day off until the end of May, and you’ll have final exams a week later.

This calendar is meant to be printed and filled in according to your needs. Note the dates of each panel of your Q4 GAP triptych, as well as the Fridays you’ll be in the iLC. All other assignments, instructions, and feedback will be posted here and on Google Classroom, as always, and we will spend April 19-20 setting things up1. I’ll share a copy of the calendar through Google Classroom, too.

The Non-Denominational Evil Spirit in the Details

You’ve gone over a month without an instructional post here, and not just because of the two weeks we’ve had off for spring break. We’ve been using offline resources to work on grammar, and we won’t be posting copies of those resources to the website. Instead, you’ll continue to work on the “Grammar as Rhetoric and Style” sections that were photocopied from The Language of Composition, the textbook kept on the bookshelf in our classroom. As necessary, I’ll scan those assignments and post them on Google Classroom, where they’re permitted2.

What we’re going to do with these GARAS exercises is apply them. Here’s a slightly edited copy of the assignment given through Google Classroom on April 7:

Grammar as Rhetoric and Style: Week 1

The goal is understanding and application. You should learn by doing, and you should also ask for redirection and feedback from your teachers. Take your time in class to study the lessons, complete the exercises, and receive feedback from your teachers about your understanding and application. Do not rush.

Part 1: Direct, Precise, and Active Verbs | Read the explanation of direct, precise, and active verbs in the photocopied packet distributed in class. Take notes that help you to internalize the concepts and terminology. Then complete Exercises 1-3 in their entirety. You may write the answers by hand or type them online, and you may work alone or in groups. If you choose to work in a group, work in a shared Google Doc, so we can track through your revision history each member’s contributions.

Part 2: Concise Diction | Read the explanation of concise diction in the photocopied packet distributed in class. Take notes that help you to internalize the concepts and terminology. Then complete Exercises 1-3 in their entirety. You may write the answers by hand or type them online, and you may work alone or in groups. If you choose to work in a group, work in a shared Google Doc, so we can track through your revision history each member’s contributions.

If you didn’t finish those exercises, that’s your job this week. We’ll pause on Friday to talk about your Pareto Projects in the iLC, but by that point, we’ll already have moved on to the your next writing assignment, and your efforts from April 3-7 are part of this quarter’s first GAP score. You might already need to make up a lot of lost ground.

Regardless, you’re going to write creatively in order to practice these two lessons. You’ll select a prompt, write a response by hand, and then type up a revision that employs what you learned from Part 1 (direct, precise, and active verbs) and Part 2 (concise diction). You’ll have to identify where and how you’re using grammar as rhetoric and style.

That self-analysis and metacognition will be formalized later. For now, you can start writing whenever you’re done with the GARAS exercises from before break. Head over to the site we used on March 27 to start this focus on grammar:

Choose any prompt from there that you haven’t chosen before. Keep in mind that your goal is to gain more control of grammar in context in order to be a more effective writer overall. Let us know what you’re working on, and we’ll help you as you go. Ask questions here, in the comment section, as necessary.

  1. This includes finalizing Q3 GAP scores and reorganizing our physical space. We’ve had almost two weeks to atrophy, so we’re going to need two days to start moving again. 

  2. One of the authors, Larry Scanlon, was a teacher in Brewster for three decades, by the way, which is a cool thing to note. 

Lights and Tunnels: RE11, Part 1

Here is a blank copy of the calendar for Q4, which is already in progress:

[pdfjs-viewer url=”” viewer_width=100% viewer_height=600px fullscreen=true download=true print=true]


The end of the year starts on April 19, when we return from spring break. We won’t see another day off until the end of May, and you’ll have final exams a week later.

This calendar is meant to be printed and filled in according to your needs. Note the dates of each panel of your Q4 GAP triptych, as well as the Fridays you’ll be in the iLC. All other assignments, instructions, and feedback will be posted here and on Google Classroom, as always, and we will spend April 19-20 setting things up1. I’ll share a copy of the calendar through Google Classroom, too.

The Non-Denominational Evil Spirit in the Details

For the next two weeks, you are going to work on the practice Regents Exam you began before break. You should already have Part 2 finished, but you’ll now get a few days to correct any lapses there. Next up is Part 1, which asks you to read passages and answer multiple-choice questions, and Part 3, which requires a couple of paragraphs of rhetorical or literary analysis2.

You have until Monday, April 24, to finish Part 1. Copies of the practice exam are available in our classroom, and you’ll remember that our goal is to understand the test, not just take it. You will use the rest of the week to answer all of the multiple-choice questions, and then you’ll record your answers. In fact, I’ll prepare a Google Form that will require you to record how you answered each question. You’ll have the correct answers provided in class, which we’ll use to start hacking and reverse-engineering the logic of the test. The Google Form assignment will let us plan out group work and individual feedback going into next week.

One other note: On Friday, you’ll have time in the iLC to revisit your Pareto Projects. Remember that those projects are built for 20% of your time, with the other 80% dedicated to test prep — until May, at least, when we’ll reorganize ourselves around something else. You need to use your time in class effectively, which means working on this Regents Exam for a few days.

  1. This includes finalizing Q3 GAP scores and reorganizing our physical space. We’ve had almost two weeks to atrophy, so we’re going to need two days to start moving again. 

  2. Brief, perfunctory analysis, at that. The real difficulty of the exam lies in the essay, which you’ve now ostensibly deconstructed, and the multiple-choice section. 

Lights and Tunnels: AP11, Part 1

Here is a blank copy of the calendar for Q4, which is already in progress:

[pdfjs-viewer url=”” viewer_width=100% viewer_height=600px fullscreen=true download=true print=true]


The end of the year starts on April 19, when we return from spring break. We won’t see another day off until the end of May, and you’ll have final exams a week later.

This calendar is meant to be printed and filled in according to your needs. Note the dates of each panel of your Q4 GAP triptych, as well as the Fridays you’ll be in the iLC. All other assignments, instructions, and feedback will be posted here and on Google Classroom, as always, and we will spend April 19-20 setting things up1. I’ll share a copy of the calendar through Google Classroom, too.

The Non-Denominational Evil Spirit in the Details

We’ll start with the multiple-choice section of the AP Exam. You have until Monday morning to finish Section I of the 2016 exam, which has been photocopied for use in the classroom. I’ll prepare a Google Form that will require you to record how you answered each question. You’ll have the correct answers provided in class, of course, in order to start hacking and reverse-engineering the logic of the test; the Google Form assignment will be given so I can plan out group work and individual feedback going into the week of April 24.

You will be given 60 minutes for this part of the exam when the real thing tentacles its way into our lives on May 10. You can break those 60 minutes into 15-minute chunks, one per passage, or attempt the entire hour in one go. If you need more than 60 minutes to finish, take it, and then mark down how long you needed past the allotted time. We’ll work on speed as necessary.

Next week, you’ll write Section I metacognition and process analysis. I’ll work with you on breaking down the logic of each passage, question, and answer choice. Meanwhile, you’ll answer the rest of the free-response questions from Section II, and I’ll give you more tools for deconstructing and analyzing the kind of thinking, reading, and writing the exam demands of you.

Remember that you’ve already read a guide from me pointing out the overlap between these test skills and our universal skills. It was part of a post you were required to read way back on January 312:

Advanced Placement Ownership


I’ll post an update to the free-response guides and this essay on high-stakes gamesmanship before April 24, too. There’s no need to overwhelm you this week; as the footnote earlier says, we all need a few days to get back into fighting shape. Use Wednesday to reorganize and refocus, Thursday to do what you do best in the classroom, and Friday to figure out how you’re going to schedule in your Pareto Projects over the next three weeks.

Oh Yeah, Those Pareto Projects

Scroll through the instructional posts from before break, and remind yourself that we’ve already revisited/rebooted/retooled/etc these projects. Your job now is to figure out what 20% of your time looks like before AP exams. I’m going to suggest that you skim the writing you did back on March 2, after you’d read this post:

Pareto Projects: Soft Reboot

How does the project look now, nearly two months later? More importantly, how can I help you on Friday to position yourself so that you can best continue the project over the next two months?

  1. This includes finalizing Q3 GAP scores, revisiting the BHS/China makerspace exchange, and reorganizing our physical space. We’ve had almost two weeks to atrophy, so we’re going to need two days to start moving again. 

  2. This is a not-so-subtle reminder that (1) you have been preparing for the exam since September, and (2) your comfort at this moment depends in large part on how much of this reading you did back at the start of Q3. There are no surprises in here, except for the surprise that I am going to spend three weeks doing more or less nothing but test prep, with Pareto Projects folded in to keep me from getting lost in gamesmanship. 

The First Rule of Tautology Club

If you think of this week as a balancing act, you’ll miss the point of it, which was actually given to you last week. We’re building systems, one choice at a time, until you are capable of effective writing and close reading and critical thinking, regardless of the situation. That starts with how you organize yourself, and this week requires even more organization than usual.

Timed Writing

You have a timed essay to work on.

The design of our recent lessons and readings allows all juniors to talk to each other about this essay, even though you might be answering different prompts. The common skill is synthesis, and you’ve all read the same prep on that concept. Individual course instructions are below.

AP11 Students: Take Monday to finish your timed response to Free Response Question 1 from the 2016 AP Exam. You have all the prep and directions you need. You must be ready on Tuesday to move into rapidfire reverse-engineering work. That will be one of our two focuses for the rest of the week.

RE11 Students: Begin writing your response to Part 2 of the January 2017 ELA Regents Exam. You need the essay booklets that are on the bookshelf by our new whiteboard. Pick one up for yourself, and use that to start writing. You can continue this essay in class or at home over the rest of the week. See below for how you’ll spend the rest of your time.

Character Essay

The following document will also be shared with you on Google Classroom. Use it to figure out what to do, and then get to work. You can ask questions about any of this below.

[pdfjs-viewer url=”” viewer_width=100% viewer_height=800px fullscreen=true download=true print=true]

GAP 3B Feedback: Developing Systems

The header image in this post is from the RSA ANIMATE of a Ken Robinson speech on educational reform. In this particular section, he’s discussing how counterintuitive and reductive it is to separate students by “their date of manufacture,” as he says. Of course, he’s not advocating for kindergartners to work on the same assignment as high school seniors. It’s more about recognizing that learning is a little more complex than a factory-line model suggests.

I want us to think about this idea, which is one of the reasons I’ve chosen to fill this post with three sets of separate, class-specific feedback, instead of separating them as this site normally does. You are formally responsible only for what’s written to your class, but you now have access to all of it, which is a pretty clear suggestion to read all of it. It’ll show you how style and detail shift between audiences, for one thing, but it’s also an exercise in finding useful feedback wherever you can. As an example (and something else for you to consider reading):

Cooking More at Home Is About Developing Systems, Not Memorizing Recipes

The recipe community makes it seem like one-and-done type meals are the pinnacle of home cooking. And if you crack open a cookbook or browse a few food blogs, that’s mostly what you’ll see. But for people who don’t already have experience in the kitchen, this is wildly inefficient.

When I read that yesterday, my first thought was how perfectly it lines up with lifelong learning and teaching. We need systems that help us learn, not step-by-step instructions. Memorizing “recipes” might help us pass those high-stakes tests, but even then, it’s going to depend more on systematic skills and traits, not what you’ve memorized.

The point is that you can find meaning in almost any feedback, if you trust the source. Trust this one.

To All Students

GAP 3B scores will be entered within an hour or two of this post. The recent spate of bad weather upended our schedule, so you’re receiving these much later than anticipated. I also needed a lot more time to determine how to talk to you about your recent work, as you’ll soon see.

You have around two weeks until the end of the quarter, at least in terms of GAP scoring, and you can use that time to conference with me about your GAP 3B scores. But you need to take heed:

  1. Don’t stop moving forward because you want to conference.
  2. Do not come to a conference without doing your homework for it.

Your homework for a conference is to read the feedback below, dive deeply into your body of evidence, and put your thoughts in writing. Don’t tell me that you don’t understand, and don’t say that you disagree. For 99% of the potential concerns you’ll have, the following feedback is enough. Applying it to your current routine might require a conference, though.

Two other general points:

  1. You are going to notice that many of the specific assignments discussed below were due on March 10, which was a snow day. This does not matter at all. The work was assigned weeks earlier, and you were given Monday, March 13, as a day to finish that work without penalty.
  2. All of you are being told that this — this post, any photocopy of this post, and any performative lecture based on this post — is direct feedback, and that failure to use this feedback to improve will lower your next GAP score. This is true. It isn’t a guillotine, though, waiting to slice through your neck. It’s more like the bladed pendulum in Poe’s short story, which descends slowly, inch by inch, to cut you in half. The difference is that you don’t have to lay there and let it cut you in half. You can stand up and climb out of the pit.

To AP11 Students

As always, your focus in class and the quality of the feedback loop you created were most important. Remember to look at yourself with clear but unyielding eyes, as I do: If you were off-task, you were off-task. Make better choices during the period.

Next, you should consider three particular assignments carefully. I will not provide hyperlinks as I normally do; you are in the third quarter of a college-level class, and we have spent a substantial amount of our time honing your organizational skills. This feedback should be unnecessary in the first place.

#1: On March 10, you were instructed to attach all evidence of your ongoing writing process to an assignment first posted on February 13. After a month, each and every one of you should’ve had something to submit. Missing or insubstantial work here fits a lower profile.

#2: In that same March 10 assignment, you were instructed to tell the story of your month-long writing process, using an instructional post to guide you. You were further instructed to treat that response as you would any essay, developing and shaping it with the same skills we’ve emphasized all year. You were given an article to incorporate into that reflective and metacognitive response, and, again, you had a full month of work to consider. Missing or insubstantial work here fits a lower profile.

#3: Finally, you had a formal GAP assignment, which was given in advance of Friday, March 10. You were told not to complete the form until Friday. You were also given much more than just a form to complete. There was a close reading assignment, too, that compelled you to apply an article’s insight to your own learning process. If you did not submit evidence of this close reading and analysis alongside your form, you could not earn a GAP score of 9.

As you dive back into your own work on these three assignments, I strongly suggest that you track down that last article. There was a reason it was given to you a bit ahead of the scoring process: Many of you are overvaluing and overstating how invested and self-directed you are, and while I have empathy for that, you must hold yourself accountable for what you do, not who you think you are. You are treating that fourth tier of scores as a given. You need to grapple with the requirements.

We are going to slow down, at least in one respect, while we set up our test prep and lay the groundwork for the fourth quarter. That makes your margin for error significantly smaller. You must be better students over the next two weeks.

To RE11 Students

As always, your scores come down to how you spend your time in class and how much you invest in our instructional posts. If you want to know why your score is lower than you thought it was, start there. You are closer than ever to senior year, which is a pretty good indication that you’re old enough to have self-control. You have no excuse for being distracted and disrespectful. You never did — only three-year-olds do, and even that’s debatable — but it’s time to face your behavior with clear and unsympathetic eyes.

Before you think to debate this perception of your assiduousness and focus, your score also depended more than anything else on two specific assignments. Both were due on March 10, and both were the culmination of your work over the previous month. Missing, incomplete, or insufficient work on either assignment outweighed anything else you might have in terms of GAP evidence.

#1: On March 10, you were told to scroll down the assignment feed until you found the assignment posted on February 13, nearly a month earlier. You were then instructed to attach any and all evidence of your writing process. Regardless of your progress on the essay itself, you should have found something to attach. Failure to do so is a failure to follow directions, to be organized (a skill we have also been studying for more than a month), and to be productive.

#2: In that same March 10 post, and in the instructional post attached to it, you were invited to tell the story of your month-long writing process. You were given an article to fold into that writing, too, which gave you an approach to this reflective writing. You were then told explicitly to shape and develop this writing as you would any essay.

Look at what you submitted for this reflection, if you submitted anything, and ask yourself if it looks substantial enough to reflect a month of writing. Then remember that you were also given Monday, March 13, to do this. You were told that your in-class work on the 13th would count for this GAP score, too, and I think it’s important we recognize that many of you did not listen to that warning.

We are almost at the end of the third-quarter, and we will spend the next two weeks working in class on either Regents Exam prep or a personal essay prompt. You will keep to the Pareto and GAP schedule outlined in our calendar. Start planning how to demonstrate growth, in class and at home, with each and every assignment. If you don’t change your habits, you will fall into the lowest tiers of our system, where you will find scores of 60 and below.

If you’d like to schedule a conference about your latest GAP score, make sure you’ve read the instructions at the top of this post. Your teachers aren’t going to entertain baseless complaints, but we’d actually like to give you clarity and direction.

To RE10 Students

If you’d like to understand your latest GAP score, load Google Classroom and scroll through the list of assignments posted over the last month or so. Every missing, late, or incomplete assignment cost you. You shouldn’t need us to point out what is missing or late, since it is recorded automatically.

If you got permission for a late assignment, that was, of course, okay. If you were given an alternative assignment, that, too, was okay. For 90% of the missing work in this course, however, there was no extension or alternative assignment. You just didn’t do the work.

If you’re not sure how you’re missing work, let’s meet to go over your recent organizational efforts. Your teachers will help you sort through your current system and develop a better one. We can talk about procrastination and distraction, too.

If you are confused about why the work you’re submitting isn’t sufficient or complete enough to boost your overall GAP score, you should schedule a conference. Your teachers will show you anonymous work from your peers that is acceptable. For the most part, though, you can trust your common sense: If you have a lot of time to finish an assignment, you’re expected to use that time, and if you do genuinely finish early, you can always reflect, be metacognitive, and help others. It really is about effort, in the end.

Effort is also responsible for how you spend each and every class period. Your in-class focus remains the single most important part of your GAP score, whether we look at how you performed over three weeks or in a single day. Every time you are off task, whether you are playing a game or texting a friend or studying for a test or just staring mindlessly into the void, you cost yourself a higher profile.

This GAP scoring process is ultimately about things you can control:

  1. You can stay focused during every moment of every class period.
  2. When you’re not sure what to do next, you can ask for help.
  3. You can submit every assignment.
  4. When you’re not sure if what you’re going to submit is substantial enough, you can ask for help.

To All Students

If you are not working hard every day, completing every assignment, and asking for help whenever either of those responsibilities seems difficult, you run the risk of failure. Failure, for you, might mean a GAP 6, or it might mean a 60 on the report card; whatever you think it is, that’s the risk you face.

For those of you who’ve come to appreciate what this environment offers you, this is about navigating the exhaustion and distraction of the end of the year. It’s about becoming the best version of yourself. It’s about finding meaning in that NHS application. It’s about beating the SAT and Regents and AP at their own game. It’s about adjusting how you learn while you are pouring your energy into Mary Poppins. (Break a leg, by the way.)

For some of you, though, it’s about correcting the mistaken belief that the bare minimum in here will allow you to pass the course and stumble, blissfully ignorant, into next year. You have forgotten what “the bare minimum” really is in our classroom. This course builds on itself, so that your success grows exponentially — as does your failure. The evidence for a particular profile resets every three weeks, in that what you gather and categorize for a profile resets; growth or resistance are based on everything that came before, however, so you must always deal with the past. That should be obvious. How else could we talk about improvement in writing, reading, thinking, or any of our other skills or traits?

Perhaps it’s even simpler than that: Do the work. Avoid your friends, if they prevent you from doing the work. Listen when you are reminded to do the work. Ask for my help if you don’t see the value in the work, because I’ll either show you the value or create something else for you that is valuable.

Remember that this is a makerspace, and that gives you a chance to rebuild yourself. It’s a process that will take you a lifetime, but every day you can tinker a little bit more with the blueprint.

As always, ask questions in the comments here.

GAP Scoring: March 10, 2017

Your course calendar tells us that we’re a couple of days away from the second GAP score of Q3. As you read this post, especially the GAP protocol, keep in mind that your organizational skill is the concrete on which everything else is built. Make time for all of this, in class and at home, and never lose sight of the purpose of what we do and what you’ve been assigned.

And think about pushing some of your peers to stay focused during the period. Even a day or two of renewed focus is enough to shift the GAP score up a bit, and the alternative…

Clear and Unyielding

As you read the following essay, replace every reference to teaching with a reference to you, your learning, and what it takes to evaluate yourself through grade abatement:

A copy of this will be provided in class, too, to facilitate your reading of it. Take the time to see past the superficial audience — teachers — and into the universal insight on display here. To help, start with the pull quotes from the article. Here they are, with the language altered so that they reference student learning and GAP scoring, not teaching:

You talk enough dirt about yourself and [teachers and peers] will start to believe it.

I’m as guilty as anyone of distorting my [learning]. When talking to [peers and teachers], I often play up the progressive elements.

As an aside, any time you edit the original text of a quotation, use brackets. In this case, it shifts the nouns and pronouns so that you can apply them directly to yourself.

The first of those pull quotes is always a concern: You must avoid downplaying your success, especially when collaboration and collegiality are vital to our work overall. You need to develop confidence, which isn’t quite as difficult as you might think. The second pull quote is part of one of the most important paragraphs, because it deals with a more common problem: ducking the ugly truths about our own progress. Here it is with the language altered again:

I’m as guilty as anyone of distorting my [learning]. When talking to [peers and teachers], I often play up the progressive elements: Student-led discussions. Creative projects. Guided discovery activities. I mumble through the minor, inconvenient fact that my [learning] is, at its core, deeply traditional. I let my walk and my talk drift apart. Not only does this thwart other [peers and teachers] in their attempts to honestly evaluate my approach, but it blocks my own self-evaluation. I can’t grow properly unless I see my own work with eyes that are sympathetic, but clear and unyielding.

The bolded sentence is critical. This is where you all are, two-thirds of the way through the third quarter of the year: in need of “eyes that are sympathetic, but clear and unyielding.” If, at its core, your learning remains deeply traditional, you must account for that.

Start here: What does traditional learning look like in your life? To what extent do you “play up the progressive elements” of your learning, especially during GAP scoring? To what extent is the core of your progress “deeply traditional,” and how can you remove that obstruction?

Answer these questions in conversation and in writing. Focus on insight. Then use that insight to inform the GAP scoring assignment outlined below.

GAP Scoring: March 10, 2017

First, though, let’s test your self-control, close reading, and self-awareness. Do not complete this form until Friday during your class period:

Again, do not complete that until Friday, March 10. Don’t complete it in its embedded form, and don’t complete it through Google Classroom. You still have two days to generate evidence for your GAP score. You have another post assigned to your class that deals with your recent writing work, a reboot of your Pareto Projects, and plenty of good and bad decisions made during those all-important 39 minutes. Give yourself 48 hours or so to read these instructions, work through recent posts, and think critically about your progress.

You should also use your newly strengthened organization to revisit the updated guide/overview of grade abatement, which will recalibrate you before you tackle one of these GAP forms:

Grade Abatement Triptychs

Even some of the students who have earned a GAP 9 in the past have lapsed over the last three weeks, which was always a possibility when we moved to shorter time frame. Each bad decision is magnified. By the same logic, all of your good work is magnified, too. Look carefully at the profiles and even more carefully at the protocol, which has been updated slightly in order to clarify how to apply it to your body of work. As always, you must focus only on the evidence you’ve generated.

Ask questions about these instructions in class and in the comment section below, and remember: You are balancing many assignments right in order to test your organization and advocacy. If you feel overwhelmed, advocate for yourself. If you are confused, keep attacking the work, alone and with peers, until it makes sense. If you feel frustrated, find someone who knows how to listen, vent, and then fix the problem.

Process Over Product (10R)

Preschool Crafts ⇒ High School Writing

Read the following essay:

It will be photocopied for you, too. Follow these steps:

  1. Take notes, click on links, ask questions, etc.
  2. Talk to your peers about their notes, questions, etc.
  3. Share the essay or its ideas with other folks, and talk to them a bit about what they believe.
  4. Do the writing assigned below.

Empathy and Blame: Process Reflection

Melissa Dahl’s essay emphasizes process over product, which fits your ongoing essay work. You started with two videos on empathy and blame, respectively, and then were asked to find an approach to your essay that is unique, inventive, and interesting:

Empathy and Blame: Essay Approach

Most of you will not have gotten much further in the essay itself. That’s more than okay; it’s actually what we intended here. You need to embrace what Dahl talks about in her article, except that you would replace “preschool crafts” with “high school essay writing.” You are interested in the process of writing, not just the product.

Your assignment: Write a response that tells the story of your writing process, from the day you watched those videos up to today, including

  1. your use of time in class and at home;
  2. your collaboration with your peers;
  3. your collaboration with your teacher;
  4. your use of other resources, especially the interstitial classroom; and
  5. your overall sense of how the writing process has unfolded.

To figure out what you’ve learned through your writing, we must have a sense of the time and energy that went into creating your writing. In other words, you are writing an essay about your essay, or at least about the process of writing your essay. That’s where you will learn the most. Remember the quotation at the top of this website:

We may take as our guide here John Dewey’s observation that the content of a lesson is the least important thing about learning. As he wrote in Experience and Education: “Perhaps the greatest of all pedagogical fallacies is the notion that a person learns only what he is studying at the time. Collateral learning in the way of formation of enduring attitudes… may be and often is more important than the spelling lesson or lesson in geography or history… For these attitudes are fundamentally what count in the future.” In other words, the most important thing one learns is always something about how one learns. As Dewey wrote in another place, we learn what we do.

~Neil Postman, Amusing Ourselves to Death

The most important thing you will learn here is something about how you write, and that reflective work begins before you’ve come close to finishing the essay itself.