This accompanies the previous post on the novel:
The Invisible Man: Take-Home Test
This test is ungraded. We will use it to give you feedback on your writing. It will also help you focus on the kind of details from the novel you’ll need in your analysis essay.
You will begin this test in class on Friday, March 29, and then finish it over the weekend1. The Google Form component is posted to Google Classroom. Here is a printable copy of the test:
[pdfjs-viewer url=”” viewer_width=100% viewer_height=600px fullscreen=true download=true print=true]
The Invisible Man: Character Analysis Essay
This will be distributed on Friday, March 292, with a deadline of Thursday, April 4. You will be using class time to write it all next week. The prompt is accompanied by a step-by-step process that includes sentence starters, transitional words and phrases to plug into your essay, and even sample sentences and paragraphs you can use.
You are welcome to use our writing process, which is outlined in a post here and available for direct download here, if you like. It is important to learn how to construct a traditional analysis essay, however, and this packet will do that. Here is a printable copy of it:
[pdfjs-viewer url=”” viewer_width=100% viewer_height=600px fullscreen=true download=true print=true]
Use the comment section here to ask questions about either of these assignments. By asking here, you give your peers a chance to read the answers.
Note that it is available now, March 26, and is obviously designed to be open-note and open-book. You need to do some of it by hand, which is why Friday is reserved for that work. ↩
Note again that it is actually available now, March 26, and will likely be posted to Google Classroom before the 29th. Friday is the day we will discuss the essay and go through the prompt. You could start now, if you were motivated enough. ↩