Regents Prep: 30 to Go

Exam Date: June 12, 2018

You are just about 30 days from the Regents Exam.  Castle Learning now has five new prep assignments:

  • 8/16 Practice: Part 1 – Passage A
  • 8/16 Practice: Part 1 – Passage B
  • 8/16 Practice: Part 1 – Passage C
  • 8/16 Practice: Part 2
  • 8/16 Practice: Part 3

This practice all comes from the exam given in August of 2016. Follow the directions carefully. For each assignment, there is now also a CR — constructed response — asking you to be metacognitive about your choices and performance.

Here is the set of five assignments with multiple-choice count and constructed-response count indicated:

These new metacognitive constructed responses are essential. They allow us to apply your performance over the next 30 days to the actual Regents Exam, regardless of your efforts up to now.

For each reading passage, the metacognitive prompt in Castle Learning is this:

Use teacher feedback, your peers, and the correct answers that are provided by Castle Learning to engineer an understanding of how these questions and answer choices work. Write metacognitively about the passage, the questions, and your problem-solving efforts.

And for both writing responses, the metacognitive prompt in Castle Learning is this:

Identify and analyze several writing choices you made in this response. You can focus on your use of detail, your arrangement, your central meaning, or your rhetorical manipulation of grammar and style.

All five assignments will be open from May 14 at 7:00 AM until June 11 at 11:59 PM. Castle Learning will track your time spent on task using 180 seconds as the timeout period, and I will use class time to conference with you about your progress.

Any work previously assigned that was not completed by last week’s deadlines may be completed at your discretion. The list:

  • Part 1: June ’15 Exam (Castle Learning)
  • Required Analysis: June ’15 Exam, Part 1 (Google Classroom)
  • Part 1: June ’14 Exam (Castle Learning)
  • Required Analysis: June ’14 Exam, Part 1 (Google Classroom)
  • Part 2: June ’14 Exam (Castle Learning)
  • Part 3: June ’14 Exam (Castle Learning)

Finishing a missing assignment will also obviously help you prepare for the Regents Exam. Only the assignments assigned on May 14, however, will further contribute to whether or not you pass or fail this course.

Ask questions in class or in the comment section of this post.

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