Pareto Project: Day 1

Wassily Kandinsky’s Yellow, Red, Blue. Click for more of his art.

Paradigm Breaking

On Thursday, December 8, you start your Pareto Project. This is your chance to learn what you want to learn and create what you want to create. Under the aegis of grade abatement, and with my help and the help of your peers, you will design a twelve-week project that culminates in — well, in whatever you want it to culminate in. You aren’t just encouraged to think outside of the box; you should break down the box and turn it into something new.

You will receive the guide to this project in sections:

  • Thursday, December 8: Introduction, Overview, and Step #1
  • Friday, December 9: Step #2
  • Monday, December 12: Steps #3-#5

The staggered release of the guide means that you cannot jump ahead easily. You have time to explore each step of the process. You have time to read. You have time to ask questions.

You’ll see why this is so important when you load the three pages for Day 1:

[pdfjs-viewer url=”” viewer_width=100% viewer_height=600px fullscreen=true download=true print=true]

Those three pages are stacked with links and further explanations of all kinds, and that’s before you get to the first step. You need to slow down and spend your time more judiciously than you normally do.

Remember that I write to you in a way that also teaches you how to read. Unpacking the guide is its own lesson, so you must read carefully. You must take notes. Only then should you start to talk to your peers and teacher.

A copy of the calendar for this project has been photocopied for you. Let me know if a copy of the guide itself should be printed —and before you rush to say, “Yes, it should,” note that most of what you need is linked to within the guide. Printing might not have the efficacy you think it does, but we’ll talk about it.

This first excerpt has also been shared through Google Classroom, where you will eventually submit your work for Step #1.