2019 English 10 Final Exam

Another failsafe for English 10 students preparing to write their in-class final exam.


The final will be written from Monday, June 10, through Friday, June 14, with any extra time or other accommodations given during the week. Students will be given an essay prompt and accompanying sources. They will use these to write an essay response by hand, to type a revision, and then to submit a final copy to Google Classroom. Another copy must be submitted to Turnitin. The work will be scored with the English Department’s rubric and given a final grade out of 100 points.


Type: Argument from Sources

Dates: 6/10/19 — 6/14/19

Total Time: 200 minutes (in class)

Point Value: 100

% of Final Average: 20%


A full testing protocol will be in effect for the entire week of June 10, or until all students have finished all steps of the exam. Breaking that protocol may result in a zero on the final. All students must:

  • Sit in assigned seats
  • Turn off and store phones and other handheld devices
  • Turn off and store Chromebooks and other computers
  • Stay silently working until given permission to get ready to leave at the end of each testing period

Note: You will have a moment at the start of each class to complete the daily check-in. Your goals should be based around specific steps in the writing of the final exam essay. Then you will store your phones and computers for the remainder of the period.


Here is the exact first page of the final exam. Only the specifics of the topic have been obscured.

This is exactly the format of Part 2 of the ELA Regents Exam, which you have practiced at least twice this year. As you will on that state exam, you must write a complete essay here in response to the provided topic, task, and guidelines.


You will start working on Monday, June 10. You must leave your work with your teachers at the end of each class period. If you are given permission to take a finished, handwritten draft home to type it, that permission will be given explicitly in class.

Suggested time for the handwritten response: 90 minutes, or roughly two-and-a-half class periods

When you have finished handwriting your response in the provided essay booklet, you will begin revising it. At this point, you may once again use your Chromebook or laptop computer.

Suggested time for the typed revision: 90 minutes, or roughly two-and-a-half class periods

When you have finished typing your revision, you must submit a copy to the appropriate assignment on Google Classroom. You have until midnight on Friday, June 14, to do this.

Then you must submit a second copy to the appropriate assignment on Turnitin. You have until midnight on Friday, June 14, to do this.


Note: Final exams not submitted to Turnitin will not be scored. You must submit your writing to Turnitin to receive a final exam grade.

  • Complete, handwritten copy of the response
  • Typed revision submitted to Google Classroom
  • Typed revision submitted to Turnitin

The revision will be given a score out of 100 points through the English Department’s writing rubric. See below.

Again: Final exams not submitted to Turnitin will not be scored. You must submit your writing to Turnitin to receive a final exam grade.


Writing Rubric – English Department

[pdfjs-viewer url=”http%3A%2F%2Fsisypheanhigh.com%2Fmalachite%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2019%2F06%2FWriting-Rubric-English-Department-1.pdf” viewer_width=100% viewer_height=500px fullscreen=true download=true print=true]


Note the prep built into the course at the 40-day and 13-day marks. You’ve written arguments from sources before, and your persuasive essays from Q4 are explicitly designed to prepare you to write this kind of response.

In the week before the exam begins, the best prep is the required prep: Part 2 of the Jun. ’18 ELA Regents Exam, which is posted to Castle Learning. The earlier you do this, the more helpful the feedback will be.

You can also ask questions below about any aspect of this final.