A Looking-Glass Book

Full of Looking-Glass Creatures

The following Google Form asks you to self-assess the three-week period of work that ends on November 3. See the complete calendar for the start date (and the start/end dates for all GAP periods).

You should technically include the work you do on Thursday, November 2, and Friday, November 3, in your self-assessment, which would mean waiting until the weekend to complete this form. Instead, any evidence created after you submit the form will be folded in by me, over the weekend, when your self-awareness and self-efficacy and so on are being evaluated.

You need the next 24 hours or so to review the things you seem to have forgotten. As always, this does not apply to all of you. It applies to enough of you to justify a post, though, which always brings us back to the idea of herd immunity. You are responsible to each other.

The basics:

  1. Profiles, Skills, & Traits (goo.gl/LGaKUU)
  2. Keys to the Course: Focus & Feedback (goo.gl/efm6CS)
  3. Three Steps: What Do I Do Next? (goo.gl/4zcqCd)

You are assessed on eight pairs of universal skills and traits. You make dozens of choices every week as part of the usual variety of ELA assignments, from how you read an article about empathy to how you craft your own writing responses. You answer questions, take notes, have in-class discussions, etc., and are required to be metacognitive more or less constantly. It can seem very, very complicated.

It’s not. It all comes down to focus and feedback. The system is built to take the most basic level of investment from you and turn it into something meaningful. It’s demonstrably more difficult to fail than it is to succeed.

We’ll see what you know about this on Thursday. You also have the next 24 hours or so to pull together any evidence you feel is necessary, which you should do before you fill out the required self-assessment form. Anything submitted after 2:30PM on Friday is late. It’ll be factored in, but so will its lateness.

We’ll take Friday to refocus on your Pareto Projects, too, since we’re nearing some of your self-imposed deadlines. If you have let that ongoing work lapse, revisit the original post now:

Pareto Project Guide (2017-2018)

Ask questions below, and remember: You are what you do, and you must be honest about what that means.