Verbing Weirds Language

Click for the source. Read the feedback below for why it’s here.


This is less a summary, per the usual application of TL;DR, and more a warning: Do not gather your pitchforks and torches without reading everything available to you in this post.

If you read everything, you will not need those pitchforks and torches. That’s the self-fulfilling prophecy: If you invest in this feedback, you will see no reason to mob together and storm the castle; if you don’t do the assignment, that will be just another example of where those Frankenstein numbers came from.

Unlearning Helplessness

This space is reserved for interstitial discussion and Q&A feedback on the following documents:

These have been posted to Google Classroom. The notes are the same for all students; the spreadsheets differ by roster, as you might expect. All students should also look carefully at their Google Classroom portfolios, since those assignments are represented in these spreadsheets. As a reminder, you see all assignments by clicking “VIEW ALL” at the top of the Classroom stream:

You’ll see that the lesson in most of the feedback you’re being given today is about taking responsibility for your own progress. You have an extraordinary number of resources to help you; if you won’t use them, that is a poor choice that may further roil a sea of poor choices.

This Assignment

All students should read the guide/overview first:

This will explain the notations in each spreadsheet, contextualize the feedback embedded in those data, and provide direction for metabolizing all of it. If you do not read this carefully, we will have nothing to discuss.

When you’re ready, you should fold what you’ve learned into reflective and metacognitive writing. Set aside time this week, over the weekend, or next week. You have enough time before the end of the next GAP panel to adjust, but this is much more about success beyond that — success not just in this course, but in any situation where you are expected to demonstrate growth, understanding, mastery, and so on.

In a day or two, I will post the indicated GAP scores to Infinite Campus. They will not surprise you, if you’ve set aside time to read this feedback, consider the data, and analyze your performance. If those Infinite Campus scores do surprise you, we’ll talk about the need for greater awareness and vigilance when it comes to interstitial instruction. Again, this is about taking responsibility for your choices.

Above all, please help each other. Ask questions here about what I’ve given you. Use class time to collaborate. Use interstitial access to me and each other to investigate. Do the work.