The Writing Process

This is a post on the history and efficacy of the writing process as taught in the Humanities makerspace. We always start with Neil Postman in Amusing Ourselves to Death:

Writing makes it possible and convenient to subject thought to a continuous and concentrated scrutiny. Writing freezes speech and in so doing gives birth to the grammarian, the logician, the rhetorician, the historian, the scientist — all those who must hold language before them so that they can see what it means, where it errs, and where it is leading.

All instructional posts, printable handouts, worksheets, etc., are kept here:

For easy reference, this is the most recent version of the writing guide that is explored and explained below:

Read on for the exploration and explanation of writing in a makerspace.
Continue reading

What’s In Your Name?

Earlier this month, you were invited to read excerpts from Freakonomics:

What’s In a Name?

The focus overall is on parenting, with the subject of names dominating an entire chapter. That is now our focus: the names we have and what we might write about them.

Prompt and Circumstance

The prompt for this writing assignment is simple: Write an essay about your name. The trick is unpacking that prompt and finding an interesting approach to the subject.

To do this, we’ll us two tactics. First, a work-in-progress guide to writing built on makerspace principles. It’s roughly 90% complete, which means it will work for you:

It will also be shared in class. Following those steps will produce an essay.

The second tactic is to use the comment section of this post to share, discuss, critique, etc., your ideas. Focus on your approach. What is the interesting perspective you can bring to bear on the subject of your name? What questions can you ask and answer? What will interest a potential audience? And so on.

Post your (succinct) comments here, and we’ll let the interstitial mechanisms of the course take over. Follow Google Classroom for deadlines and other requirements.

Engines That Could

See the 2017-2018 version of this post here.

2/13 Update: We’ll be using this year’s set of data on February 13-15 to tackle motivation and engagement in the makerspace. Load a reader- and printer-friendly version of the responses here:

The original instructional post is below.

Strategic Coherence

One of the first texts given to students each year is Ken Robinson’s TED Talk on educational paradigms. It introduces one of the animating beliefs of this makerspace, which is that traditional education does not prepare students for the world they will join after high school. That world demands a different kind of intelligence, and it’s a far cry from the “model of the mind” that Robinson criticizes.

Watch the whole thing periodically to remind yourself why we do what we do.

For most students, what this nebulous “real world” will demand matters less than getting into college and/or starting a career. That’s why district’s like ours look more specifically at what those colleges and careers value. That list always starts with empathy, but it also always includes the rest of the nontraditional skills and traits we centralize in this course. As a reminder, the instructional, assessment, and feedback structures in the makerspace are all linked by universal languages:

The GAP Process

Two of these universal skill and traits are self-awareness and self-efficacy, which we loop together like so:

Students need to understand why we do what we do. They need self-awareness and a sense of self-efficacy. There is a permanent place on this website to discuss the Dunning-Kruger effect and imposter syndrome, for instance, because an accurate sense of self is difficult at any age. And as that post on empathy and college readiness notes, we always need an answer to the question, “When am I ever going to have to use this?”

The Most Important Skill

That’s what we have here. The makerspace makes explicit connections to college-, career-, and world-relevance in order to reshape the geometry of traditional education. Our work is rooted in a shared sense of purpose.

Part of that is our focus on metacognition and reflection. Tracking the arc of our learning over time gives us the necessary self-efficacy. And that applies to all stakeholders: Teachers in the makerspace practice metacognition and reflection. Brewster, as a district, also reflects on its progress in order to improve.

Which brings us to the BCSD Strategic Coherence Plan:

This Strategic Coherence Plan has been available to the public for a while, but January 11, 2018 saw the formal release in that post. In late January of 2018, the Tri-State Consortium visited the district for three days to evaluate the SCP, which has led to even more innovation.

A quick aside: You can learn more about the Consortium here. I’ve been involved as a team member for almost a decade, and many of the innovations of this course started with Tri-State. I first heard of Alfie Kohn’s essay on de-grading through one of their study groups, for instance.

Our job as stakeholders is to help the district, and we do that by highlighting the extent to which our Humanities makerspace fits the Strategic Coherence Plan. Through the support of district- and building-level administration, we’ve been able to develop a unique and uniquely nontraditional learning environment, and it aligns perfectly with the SCP:

Load a PDF explaining how by clicking here.

Our particular innovations beyond the SCP are just that: innovations particular to our classroom. We have a unique assessment model, grade abatement, based on growth in universal skills and traits; an interstitial model of instruction that improves on the flipped classroom; and makerspace-inspired assignments that reframe and individualize the important work of the Humanities.

Students in this course can speak specifically to the district’s vision. It’s why feedback and advocacy are essential. The district values that perspective as much as I do, and a sense of how this SCP is enacted on the frontlines will help to shape what happens next. The feedback provided in 2018 is available here:

We do this at the halfway point of the year for two reasons: First, students are now fully immersed in a different way of learning and creating meaning. Like any makerspace, we need time to learn the basics and establish good habits. For a reminder of how this works, load the following post:

The Big Sky

Second, this gives us another semester to use the feedback. As you look at those responses from January of 2018, you’ll be able to see how each prompt is tied to student goals and growth. There needs to be time and space to process the responses while still in the makerspace.

With that said, there are a few notes for current students in the makerspace, who are probably reading this as part of the formal assignment.

Students, recognize this as an opportunity for self-awareness and self-efficacy. It requires the most important kind of reflection and metacognition, which is why this assignment is replacing the usual self-assessment writing that accompanies the GAP report process.

There is also an extrinsic motivation: This form will help you to generate evidence for the top tiers of grade abatement: the use of “inquiry-based tools and structures” in an attempt to “demonstrably improve the learning environment,” for instance. The cited language comes from the fourth tier directly:

This is also an opportunity to “do more than just what is required,” since the quality of your responses is entirely in your control. Those of you who take advantage of this opportunity will find more clarity and purpose, but you will also receive more feedback from me and the other teachers in the makerspace.

Review the questions first, and then write your initial responses in a separate document. Copy them into the Google Form when you’re ready. You can submit multiple responses at different times, edit your answers after you submit them, and get feedback before posting anything. Try to answer as many prompts as you can, and ask for help on prompts that are unclear.

The formal assignment will be posted to Google Classroom. Look there for any other pertinent information. Like everything else in our makerspace, this process is about looped feedback and shared understanding, so you need to work together. You might start by asking questions in the comment section below.

Makerspace Reading Calendar: 2018-2019

Here is a printable Google Doc with this information:

Background: Instructional Posts

These are embedded, in order, after the list.

  • The Reading Process | Covers everything.
  • As You Read: Works of Literary Merit | One version of the analysis process. An updated version is here:
  • Choosing to Read: Directions | Covers assigned texts versus student-chosen texts.
  • Literary Analysis Guide | Another version of the analysis process.

The Reading Process

As You Read: Works of Literary Merit

Choosing to Read [2018]

Literary Analysis Guide

Background: Course Syllabi

Each syllabus covers reading goals for the course in full. A note on AP English Language & Composition follows that embedded syllabus.

AP Language follows the reading requirements from the College Board, which are available here: The most relevant section is this one:

Language & Composition is explicitly focused on a different kind of reading. Canonical literature isn’t excluded, but traditional analysis is discouraged. Nevertheless, the makerspace so strongly emphasizes literature as an aesthetic experience that exceptions must be made. See the course orientation and Ken Robinson’s “Changing Education Paradigms” video for more on this.

Makerspace Reading Lists: 2018-2019

The makerspace shifts us away from mandated reading and toward literary merit and student choice. One of the essential texts in the prefatory reading is John Holt’s “How Teachers Make Children Hate Reading,” which we use to frame that choice:

I don’t want you to feel that just because you start a book, you have to finish it. Give an author thirty or forty pages or so to get his story going. Then if you don’t like the characters and don’t care what happens to them, close the book, put it away, and get another. I don’t care whether the books are easy or hard, short or long, as long as you enjoy them.

As the “Choosing to Read” instructional post says, students navigate the first 30-40 pages of a novel in order to make that decision. Each time, we use a specific protocol to learn more about how students read, what that means for their learning, and where the threshold lies between challenging their habits and forcing the issue until something breaks.

Ultimately, students decide between the assigned book (e.g., 1984, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest) and another work of equal literary merit. They must read a book. They are encouraged to stick with the assigned one; the choice, however, is theirs.

We then focus on skills, traits, and the common experiences that all works of literary merit provide us. There are no quizzes and no tests. Literature is used in essays when it is appropriate in a real-world sense, or when we must do test prep.

Otherwise, literature is used to teach the reader. Reading gives us life experience, wisdom, and empathy. It also teaches students something about how they read, which is essential to how they learn.

The assured experience is in the skills and traits developed by reading, the discussions that don’t depend just on plot points, and the metacognitive and reflective work that drives growth.

Reading Calendar: First Semester (2018-2019)

My co-teachers and I built the course calendar in September: For all classes, the Pareto Projects and GAP scoring dates stay the same. Each quarter is divided into panels, like a triptych, with different kinds of literature assigned during each panel.

Here is a post explaining the use of Q1 as a skill-building crash course:

The Big Sky

Through the first semester, a variety of literature and other texts were studied:

Q2 ends with every course having studied a book according to the makerspace protocol, which includes, of course, doing close-reading exercises on prescribed excerpts, discussing thematic elements, and practicing literary analysis.

There are additionally several posts that combat misinformation and disinformation about the makerspace approach to literature. Here is one:

Mongering and Congeries

Here is another that focuses specifically on reading:

Well, Why Read?

Reading Calendar: Second Semester (2018-2019)

Up next will be three full-length books or plays in each course, in addition to short fiction, non-fiction, and poetry.

Below (or in the printable version of this post), you can see the major texts cross two GAP panels each, with around 30 class periods available to us during those two panels. This is more than enough time to introduce the literature, begin the reading process, and then make the student-driven choice to continue or to choose a work of equal literary merit.

Each class will keep test prep and the required essays in place, of course, as well as the Pareto Projects and other project-based learning opportunities (like the ongoing NPR Student Podcast Challenge).

Note that the listed texts are provisional. It might be that we decide that Othello is a better play for English 10, for instance, since it is taught in other English 10 classes. We might move up our study of The Catcher in the Rye in English 11 to partner up with other junior classes, too. We are using some of the most commonly taught books in the English Department in order to create assured experiences.

Note on the overlap between English 11 and AP English Language & Composition:

English 11 and AP English Language & Composition are taught some of the same canonical texts. They are also given some of the same essay prompts, including junior-year staples like the personal narrative. This is because AP English Language & Composition, while open to juniors and seniors, is practically and provisionally a junior-level course.

In 2008-2009, it was officially called English 11 AP. In 2009-2010, the course lost its lab periods, dropped the 11, and opened up enrollment to seniors. Since then, 553 students have taken the course. Exactly 20 (or 3%) have been seniors. Over the last four years, sections of AP English Language & Composition have had an average of 29 students. The only three seniors enrolled during that time are all from 2018-2019. The average number of seniors in any section in the last ten years is 0.8 — less than a single student. Juniors take AP English Literature and Composition; seniors do not take AP English Language and Composition.

NPR Student Podcast Challenge

Update for Students: You were overwhelmingly in favor of spending time on this podcast challenge, so it has been folded into all classes. Formal assignments have been added to Google Classroom. You will not be required to produce a complete podcast, nor will you have to enter the contest. Instead, you will have three required assignments: to analyze example podcasts, to gather potential ideas, and to answer six questions about one of those ideas. All of the surrounding information from NPR is critical, of course (click this link for an example), but you will be working more explicitly through the following:

The current deadline for all this is January 25. Let’s revisit that deadline on a class-by-class basis next week.

The Challenge

We’re a makerspace, which means we make things. Sometimes, those artifacts are inspired by people and organizations outside of our walls. Case in point:

This podcast challenge is a ready-made makerspace unit. It requires you to analyze existing podcasts to figure out how to emulate them. It requires all of our universal skills and traits. In fact, if you look through the student resources NPR has provided, you’ll see a mention of a “toolbox” in the first step:

That’s not just a tremendous example of how those universal skills and traits work in the real world; it’s also remarkably similar to a 20 Time or Pareto Project.

The Calendar

Speaking of your Pareto Projects, this is timed well for us. Look at the calendar for the year:

As I write this, we are in between Pareto Projects. February 25 is set aside as the start of the next process. NPR’s podcast challenge ends on March 31. That overlap gives us a unique opportunity:

  • We work on the podcast challenge once a week or so through the February break.
  • In Q3B, which runs from February 25 through March 15, you continue the podcast challenge or begin a new Pareto Project.
  • If you continue the podcast, you will finish and submit it by Friday, March 29.
  • In that case, you would begin a smaller Pareto Project on Monday, April 1.

Projects are meant to be presented from May 28 through June 14, which is the last Friday we meet together. There is, therefore, more than enough time for you to create a podcast and a second, meaningful Pareto Project.

Let’s start with your feedback: What do you think of this podcast challenge? After looking at NPR’s website, are you inspired by the possibilities? How do you think this would fit our space? Talk to me in the comments, where your peers can benefit from the exchange.

What’s In a Name?

Click here for the post and podcast on names.

Reading: Freakonomics, Chapters 5-6 and More

The focus of our current lessons is an excerpt from Freakonomics, one of the more interesting and controversial non-fiction books available to us. You can learn more about its authors, Steven Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner, at that Wikipedia link. You can learn even more by exploring their website, which is also embedded below.

We are reading two chapters: Chapter 5, “What Makes a Perfect Parent?” and Chapter 6, “Perfect Parenting, Part II: Or: Would a Roshanda By Any Other Name Smell as Sweet?” The photocopied packet also includes the epilogue (“Two Paths to Harvard”). The epilogue comes, as epilogues do, at the end of the entire book, but it serves perfectly as a capstone to Chapters 5-6.

You likely began this reading offline and without an instructional post. That’s not just to balance the online and offline work we do, but to stress how important those two photocopied chapters are to our work. There will also be copies posted to Google Classroom.

After you’ve read and annotated them, you can explore the Freakonomics website for other interesting articles, especially those about parenting, raising children, and naming children. The image at the top of this post links to a podcast that you could listen to, for instance, before you load the website proper:

Because Levitt and Dubner have published so many follow-up articles, studies, and books, you are almost guaranteed to find more to read on the subject of parenting and raising children. As a teacher trying to innovate the way we do assessment, I’m particularly interested in this one:

You really ought to start with the podcast on names, though. It’s available here or through the image at the top of this post.

Your Reading Assignment

Take notes that track what you find interesting, what you want to discuss, what sparks your curiosity, etc. You can write on the photocopies, in a notebook, or online through Google Drive. As you write, you should discuss what you read with your peers. You can always rearrange the classroom to suit your needs:

Objects in Space

So you have a simple goal: Read carefully, take notes of some kind, and look for what’s most interesting to you. More formal assignments will be given separately.

This is also (as always) a unit designed to test your attentiveness to this kind of flipped instruction — the posts, links, etc, that teach you what to do before you work directly with your teachers. If you’ve gotten this far, you should click below to load a strange and often hilarious website that relates to our reading:

That, too, is part of the fabric of this discussion. The focus on parenting is central, of course, but the power of names is right there. Instructions

An earlier version of (Click for a related article.)

Another Tool in the Toolbox

The high school has bought us all subscriptions to, so let’s experiment with it as a tool in our makerspace. Read on for a quick overview and the directions you’ll need to register for your class.

The original purpose of was to check against plagiarism, which it still does better than any other site. The full suite of features is here: Turnitin for Secondary Education.

We’ll test some of these when/if you are asked to submit a writing response to Turnitin. The peer review options are especially interesting, although they may be redundant with Google Docs.

Regardless, you need an account to get started. Follow these instructions:

  1. Visit the website:
  2. If you have an account, enter the login information, click “enroll in a class” and enter the Class ID and enrollment key. (If you have an account but have forgotten your password, click “Forgot your password?” and follow the instructions.)
  3. If you do not have an account, click on the “Create Account” tab in the upper right corner.
  4. Click on “Student” at the bottom of the page.
  5. Enter the Class ID and Class enrollment key.
  6. Enter your first and last name.
  7. Choose the first option for how your name will be displayed.
  8. Enter your BHS email address and confirm it.
  9. Create a 6-12 character password and confirm it.
  10. Choose and answer a secret question.
  11. Click the “I’m not a robot” box and click “I Agree — Create Profile.”

The Class ID for each section will be distributed through Google Classroom. The enrollment key is always the same: tardigrade.

If you have any questions about using Turnitin, ask them in the comment section below.

2019-2020: Registration Info

Reprinted here for 2019-2020. Find your period, copy the class ID and enrollment key, and register at

Class Name: P2 English 12
Class ID: 23156813
Enrollment Key: tardigrade

Class Name: P3 English 12
Class ID: 23156818
Enrollment Key: tardigrade

Class Name: P6 English 12
Class ID: 23156822
Enrollment Key: tardigrade

Class Name: P7 English 12
Class ID: 23156826
Enrollment Key: tardigrade

Class Name: P8 English 12
Class ID: 23156834
Enrollment Key: tardigrade

Notes on Your Progress

Provisional GAP Scores

Before you move into the silent, sustained reading that will occupy your time for the next few class periods, be sure that you’ve seen the update to Infinite Campus. Load that in a separate window, if you need to. Take a look at what we’ve posted under GAP2C: Q2C Profile.

This is a provisional profile score. Provisional, as you know from this post on the provisional moratorium on cell phones, means “temporary, precautionary” — so this is a score for the time being, and one that is designed to warn you. We’ve used provisional scores before.

This particular score represents the appropriate profile for your work on January 2 and January 3. It includes the progress you’ve made toward revising your Pareto Project self-assessments, which were due over the break, and the progress you’ve made toward analyzing a short story through the provided handout. It also reflects your in-class focus and feedback, as always.

First, consider the self-assessment of your Pareto Project. Take a look at this:

Pareto Projects: Final Self-Assessment

That was posted on December 7, after three months of weekly work on a project of your choosing. The timeline and background are reposted there, but the central assignment is the two-part self-assessment. You had three weeks to write insightfully about what you learned. As it says there, on Google Classroom, and on the printed copies of the assignment:

It is being posted now [on December 7] so that you can organize the next two weeks around this kind of thinking. You must pay attention to yourself and your peers as we share the results of your Pareto process. This assignment is how you derive insight from that attentiveness, and it will help you set up the next passion-driven project you do.

When you came back on January 2, you were given a second chance to do this right. Three months of work, three weeks to think critically — and then another three days to provide some insight.

Here’s the data we have that led us to post a provisional GAP score. First, we have when you most recently accessed the required Google document. We can record the students who didn’t touch their work for two days. We can see each iteration and revision.

We also have the Google Form, which tracks entries and edits. We know who didn’t touch that for two days. We can see the extent to which you were working.

And we have whatever else you produced between December 7 and, now, January 3: all the documents, feedback, notes, etc., that you gave us, we compiled through observations, and so on.

The same thing goes for the revamped version of your short-story analysis. That was due on December 21:

English 11: Narrative Writing + Literary Analysis

It was posted on December 10. We bumped the final, emulative exercise — the writing of your own story — to Q2C:

A simplified worksheet, time in class to do it, and the option to write your own story or use a provided one.

We can also see what you accessed on 1/2 and 1/3 for this assignment. We can see what you typed. We can document that only 11 students opened up the new document to work on it over two days, and we observed only three students write by hand on the printed version. We can even see how many people view the instructional posts.

We’re waiting to give you feedback, too. If you write anything all, we can help. Case in point:

It is irrelevant to this feedback that the deadline for this short story analysis is tomorrow. Our course is always about the process — about a process-based form of feedback and focus on growth. It’s about what you do, each and every day, not whether you might be able to — might be able to — rush through an assignment at the last minute and do it well. It’s about every choice you make, and how, sometimes, those choices show us a sudden and clear picture of who you are:

Dürer’s Rhinoceros

We watched you gossip, play games, scroll social media, etc., every time we moved to help another individual or group. Some of you, at least, chose not to work. And we’ve been over this: You always have something to do. Today, a few hard-working students had finished their work, so they were asked to read this and give us some feedback:

Clarifying Grade Abatement

You also had feedback to process from January 2. GAP scores for Q2B were held in abeyance until we’d talked face-to-face on our first day back. Those scores, too, are powerful indicators of what you need to improve immediately, and you are always meant to unpack and process them.

Hence these provisional GAP scores. With enough hard work, you can improve them. Growth is rewarded. Self-awareness is rewarded. Amenability is rewarded. Focus on that.

If you have general questions, ask them below, where we can answer them for everyone’s benefit. If you have a question about your individual circumstances, send us an email or speak to one of us in class.

Regents Exam Practice: August, 2016


All test prep should be prefaced with a close reading of the following quotation:

We may take as our guide here John Dewey’s observation that the content of a lesson is the least important thing about learning. As he wrote in Experience and Education: “Perhaps the greatest of all pedagogical fallacies is the notion that a person learns only what he is studying at the time. Collateral learning in the way of formation of enduring attitudes… may be and often is more important than the spelling lesson or lesson in geography or history… For these attitudes are fundamentally what count in the future.” In other words, the most important thing one learns is always something about how one learns. As Dewey wrote in another place, we learn what we do.

~Neil Postman, Amusing Ourselves to Death

That is one of the two framing quotations on the front page of this instructional site, and it gets at the core philosophy of a makerspace: You learn by doing, and by thinking about thinking — being a “capable psychonaut,” as it’s called in this unit on akrasia and self-control.

You should also read the guide to grade abatement and this clarification of the process. Test prep, like everything else, relies on universal skills and traits. It teaches us as much as we allow it to teach us.

Castle Learning Triage: 8/16 Practice

Students in New York must pass the ELA Common Core Regents Exam to graduate high school. It’s a comprehensive exam, which means it is not explicitly tied to a single year of ELA instruction; in fact, it can be taken and retaken at any time, with permission1. All but a few of you will take it at the end of your junior year.

Whenever we do test prep, we are really performing triage — score-driven, teacher-assisted triage. We are also identifying strengths in order to promote a better form of feedback.

The practice discussed in this post comes from the ELA Common Core Regents Exam given in August of 2016. We will use Castle Learning.

Castle Learning has already been set up for each of you according to class period. If you are in a different situation (e.g., graduating early and needing to take the exam in January of what would have been your junior year), you will be added individually. You’ll need your Castle Learning login information, which you can get from any of your teachers. Here is the main site:

You will be helped through the registration process, if this is your first time using the service. Once you are registered, you’ll find these tasks have been assigned to you:

  • 8/16 Practice: Part 1 – Passage A
  • 8/16 Practice: Part 1 – Passage B
  • 8/16 Practice: Part 1 – Passage C
  • 8/16 Practice: Part 2
  • 8/16 Practice: Part 3

For each of those, there is an additional CR — Constructed Response — that asks you to be metacognitive about your choices and performance. These metacognitive constructed responses are essential. They turn cursory work into meaningful work, and they force us to identify and analyze strengths and weaknesses.

For Part 1, which pairs close reading with multiple-choice questions, the metacognitive prompt is this:

Use teacher feedback, your peers, and the correct answers that are provided by Castle Learning to engineer an understanding of how these questions and answer choices work. Write metacognitively about the passage, the questions, and your problem-solving efforts.

For Part 2 and Part 3, which ask for writing responses, the metacognitive prompt is this:

Identify and analyze several writing choices you made in this response. You can focus on your use of detail, your arrangement, your central meaning, or your rhetorical manipulation of grammar and style.

Part 2 and Part 3 will be assigned to students through Castle Learning. There will be no corresponding Google Classroom assignment; scores and feedback will be given through Castle Learning itself. To receive feedback (and credit), the following five steps must be completed:

  1. Write Part 2 and Part 3 by hand in the provided essay booklet.
  2. Type Part 2 in Castle Learning, revising it as you type.
  3. Write a thorough response to the metacognitive prompt about Part 2 in Castle Learning.
  4. Type Part 3 in Castle Learning, revising it as you type.
  5. Write a thorough response to the metacognitive prompt about Part 3 in Castle Learning.

The last step we will take is to look at exemplary student responses, which are provided by New York:

Additional Notes

Use this post to ask questions about the August 2016 exam. These questions can be related to procedure or to the passages, questions, and prompts. These comments will be used now and in the future to save students time.

Remember that this is a grade-abated assessment. Your score on each part of the practice exam is important, and you will be given that score. It does not factor into your GPA, however, because that score is not nearly as important as understanding the how and why of that score. Those of you who struggle on tests will focus on collaboration, growth, and metacognitive insight. Those of you who excel will focus on using metacognitive insight to help others reach your level.

Later this year, we’ll talk about score conversions, final scores, and the gamesmanship necessary for high-stakes exams. Here is a preview:

Gamesmanship: Regents Exam (CC ELA)

  1. Our school has experimented with a few different options. For a couple of years, we gave the exam to sophomores, even having some sophomores take it in January. That was before the test was overhauled and brought in line with Common Core, though. 

Clarifying Grade Abatement

What Grade Abatement Isn’t

In her 1977 book, On Photography, Susan Sontag tells us that “[i]n teaching us a new visual code, photographs alter and enlarge our notions of what is worth looking at and what we have a right to observe. They are a grammar and, even more importantly, an ethics of seeing.” It’s a novel use of “grammar” — a word usually associated with English teachers attacking spliced commas and split infinitives — but it means only that there are rules in play, even if we are unaware of them.

There are rules in teaching, too, that we don’t usually question, especially when it comes to grading. Grades create a grammar and ethics of learning — an implicit code about why we learn and how we assess that learning. What I call grade abatement is an attempt to change this. It is an attempt to shift the focus from grading to authentic learning — to circumvent the harmful effects of grading on student self-efficacy and productivity.

It may be most helpful to discuss first what grade abatement isn’t:

1. Students do not “choose” their own grades. The verb is in quotation marks because students do participate in the process; that process is precise and data-driven, however, with no element left open to subjectivity. We use Tony Wagner’s idea of “collective human judgement informed by evidence.” This guide covers that process, and the instructional post for that process is embedded further down. Here is a direct link: The GAP Process.

2. It does not exist to give the teacher more time. Grade abatement takes about the same amount of time as traditional grading, because of the amount of oversight and feedback required to help students learn without the old crutch of grades. The difference is in how that time is spent. It feels better — more authentic, more useful — in comparison to the sometimes ambiguous and usually frustrating mechanisms we are used to.

3. It does not change the frequency or quality of teacher feedback. It heightens that feedback, in fact, because there is no number attached. Students have to grapple with the specific feedback given to their performance, and they lose the limbic resistance that comes with lost points. There’s no shorthand, because there’s no number. Their focus shifts from numbers to the skills and knowledge being learned. Here is an explanation of that shift: A Better Form of Feedback.

Why Grade Abatement Is Necessary

As for what grade abatement is, it’s best to start with why it’s necessary. Alfie Kohn breaks down the harmful effects of traditional grading in his essay, “The Case Against Grades,” which is really required reading for anyone hoping to understand grade abatement. From Kohn’s opening:

By now enough has been written about academic assessment to fill a library, but when you stop to think about it, the whole enterprise really amounts to a straightforward two-step dance. We need to collect information about how students are doing, and then we need to share that information (along with our judgments, perhaps) with the students and their parents. Gather and report — that’s pretty much it.

You say the devil is in the details? Maybe so, but I’d argue that too much attention to the particulars of implementation may be distracting us from the bigger picture — or at least from a pair of remarkable conclusions that emerge from the best theory, practice, and research on the subject: Collecting information doesn’t require tests, and sharing that information doesn’t require grades. In fact, students would be a lot better off without either of these relics from a less enlightened age.

The italicized sentence is what I keep in mind: Collecting information doesn’t require tests, and sharing that information doesn’t require grades. The crux of grade abatement is this belief. We can gather and assess all the information we need to help students learn without resorting to grades on individual assignments, and the grades we do use can be stripped of most of their harmful effects.

Here are a few more critical points to address, before we delve into how grade abatement works:

1. Grades aren’t necessarily toxic. The presence of grades does not preclude effective teaching and learning. In fact, the case can be made that grades are useful, that they motivate students, that they provide valuable data, and so on. It also doesn’t do us any good to demonize grades. Instead, we need to acknowledge that…

2. Grades do warp learning. Grades change the learning environment. Kohn covers a lot of the research worth studying — research into student engagement, self-esteem, self-efficacy, and so on; again, his essay on this is pretty much required reading — but anyone with experience in a classroom knows what grades do. As soon as numbers are introduced, the student’s relationship to the material changes. So does the teacher’s relationship to the material—  and to the students. That’s why the quotation at the start of Kohn’s essay rings so true: When the student, Claire, says, “I remember the first time that a grading rubric was attached to a piece of my writing… [s]uddenly all the joy was taken away,” we hear our own students. And that’s because…

3. While grades aren’t necessarily toxic, they are vectors for toxicity. Think of them as clouds of mosquitoes in a malaria-ravaged country. Grades lead to gamesmanship, cheating, hyper-competitiveness, disengagement, and almost every other enemy of authentic learning. Students scrap and fight over a hundredth of a point. They define their self-worth in numbers. They’re afraid to take risks. Grades spread this negativity from assignment to assignment and quarter to quarter. The positive impact of grades (and that’s a questionable list in the first place) is eclipsed entirely by the negative effects. Which is why it’s so unfortunate that…

4. Whatever we believe, grades are unavoidable. It isn’t possible to abolish grades in a public high school. You might as well try exterminating every mosquito in the country. What we can change is the extent to which grades affect learning in our classrooms. We can’t change the entire system, but we can remove grades from most steps in the learning process, chip away at a student’s extrinsic motivations, and build a sustainable and self-powered kind of learning.

What Grade Abatement Is

The word “abatement” is the key: Since we can’t abolish grades, we must try to abate their negative effects. The primary goal is to establish profiles — grade abatement profiles, or GAPs — of each student, and then to apply a holistic assessment through those profiles. The complete process has its own corner of this site:

The GAP Process

The process is complex. That makes sense. This is not a small shift. It requires changes to instruction, assessment, and feedback. It can be broken down, though, which is what I’ll do here.

It starts with traits that teachers can observe and students can hone: amenability, collegiality, and assiduousness. Then we consider general skills that support learning: organization, autodidactic strength, metacognition, and the ability to collaborate empathetically. Finally, we consider the core skills of critical thinking, close reading, and effective communication.

The last three skills are universal to all learning, and they are most readily measured through some kind of artifact: essays, multiple-choice tests, presentations, and so on. Instead of number grades, however, those artifacts are filtered through the complete constellation of learning: how amenable the student was to feedback, how collegial and collaborative he was, how well he understood his own learning process, and so on.

Of these, metacognition may be the most important skill, because it allows the student and teacher to parse, quantify, and evaluate elements of learning that can’t be tested by traditional means. Metacognition is also the most important element for achieving a better form of feedback, which has its own complex post.

At some predetermined point, the teacher and student collaborate on a holistic assessment of the student’s total progress and output. In the Humanities makerspace, this assessment occurs every three weeks, using technology and old-fashioned analysis to give the work a new kind of authenticity. The evidence is gathered in a way that invites honesty and introspection. The student is a partner in the process, helping to fill in the teacher’s observations and notes. Then the profiles are used to translate that evidence, including any final conferences or writing responses, into a number.

The full GAP guide has a copy of the rubric and a description of each profile, plus detailed explanations of each criterion and element of the process. Most of the particulars wouldn’t change if this process was adapted for other courses, because we are really talking about the basic components of learning. Moreover, the language of each profile is precise enough to prevent ambiguity, while giving students a significant amount of agency and choice.

Here are the skills and traits written out more generally:

  • The skill of reading closely to build empathy, broaden knowledge, and emulate authors
  • The skill of thinking critically, especially in answering essential questions
  • The skill of communicating effectively, especially in writing
  • Assiduousness, or the ability to persevere in completing difficult tasks
  • Amenability, or the ability to take criticism well and use it effectively
  • Collegiality, or the ability to collaborate with peers to read, write, and think
  • Metacognitive aptitude, especially as demonstrated in journals and self-assessments
  • Autodidactic aptitude, especially in navigating an interstitial classroom

They can then be paired under more precise labels:

Collegiality ⇆ Empathy | The crux of the course and the stuff of growth, especially in a collaborative learning environment. Empathy is a skill built through discussion, writing, and reading in the Humanities.

Integrity + Character | The focus on individual learning environments and experiences, especially the honesty and openness necessary to take risks. Character is built through the internal and external artifacts below.

Close Reading ⟹ Internalization | Encompasses the texts analyzed for emulative purposes, the universal languages and structures memorized, and the literature read to develop empathy.

Critical Thinking ⟹ Metacognition | The problems being solved, the meaning being made, and, most importantly, the thinking that drives every iterative and individual choice.

Effective Communication ⟹ Writing | Employs bishop composition to centralize writing, especially essay writing, among other discussions and communications.

Amenability ⇆ Self-Awareness | Requires an awareness and acceptance of critical and constructive feedback from all stakeholders in the atelier environment. Especially focused on radial discussion, proxy feedback, and metacognitive analysis.

Assiduousness ⇆ Self-Efficacy | How to live like an academic tardigrade: testing limits, adapting to challenges, and embracing failure as a necessary step in learning. Builds the muscles to beat down procrastination, impulsivity, and complacency.

Organization ⟹ Autodidacticism | The systemic, systematic, and individualized approach to getting things done. The “secret” skill that frames the rest and enables self-directed learning.

The ⇆, +, and ⟹ convey a relationship of sorts, which is the point: These skills and traits connect to each other, support each other, etc., in a way that matters. Understanding that lets us develop a single sheet —  a handout that can be posted, downloaded, photocopied, and so on. That’s an essential step in making this usable in a classroom: taking a complex process and giving it an intuitive user interface.

The final step takes those skills and traits and connects them to the profiles, which can again be presented through a more user-friendly handout:

The two fonts are due to my stumbling into this excellent infographic. One handout is better for online use; the other, for photocopies.

Iterative note: This is always evolving, which is really the point of a makerspace. Here is another version of the profiles, with a breakout of each tier: Grade Abatement – Tier Guide

Efficacy and Transparency

Grade abatement is student-centered, but the teacher must build, tweak, and tune the machinery. It’s ongoing and iterative. This requires flexibility and a kind of interstitial access to student evidence — a means of taking notes and marking progress throughout the assessment period. The narrative comes together over time; after a few weeks, for instance, it should be more or less clear to both the teacher and student which tier fits. Technology is invaluable here, because it makes the data readily available and trackable over time.

The skills and traits required in all classes are, at a basic level, the same, which is why the profiles are essential. Beyond the profiles, the teacher needs to distinguish a set of more specific criteria. What are the most important artifacts produced by students? What skills are tested on state or national exams tied to this course? When are students most responsible for their own learning?

The key to all of this — gathering evidence, collaborating with students, compiling GAP narratives, and arriving at a profile score — is efficacy. We can use the definition implied by Jerry Jesness:

Grades are educational quality control, and passing grades “prove” that teacher, student, and school are successful; therefore, the “best” teachers are those who give the highest grades, and the “best” administrators are those who can convince their teachers to do so. In this bizarre system, it is better to teach 10 vocabulary words than 100. If a teacher assigns 10 words and the student learns eight, the student scores 80 on the exam and both teacher and student are successful. If the teacher teaches 100 words and the student learns 50, both student and teacher have failed, even though the second student has learned more than six times as much…

The entire essay, “Why Johnny Can’t Fail” (published in Harper’s in 1999) goes a long way toward identifying how a dependence on grades warps our teaching, and it echoes Kohn’s logic and research into how grades corrupt authentic learning and effective feedback.

The GAP process, in contrast, lets us create assignments with efficacy, and it helps students to recognize, report on, and utilize that efficacy. That leads to the second watchword: transparency. Sharing GAP guides — this is one among dozens — with students gives them more control. There is a blueprint for the learning process, and that transparency should empower students to focus on the skills and knowledge they truly need. There are stakeholder guides, system update notes, and archives of pretty much every iteration.

It’s all part of a kind of engineering redundancy. I repeat and repeatedly connect the elements of instruction, assessment, and feedback so that we have failsafes in place. It becomes nearly impossible to be uninformed or misinformed about grade abatement or any of its mechanisms, except through willful ignorance, spite, or a weird kind of rumor-mongering. That happens, of course, but more and more, it happens only outside of the classroom, with stakeholders who are consumed by their own issues1.

And this matters because grade abatement is important. It lets us focus on learning. It lets us sharpen student skills and deepen their knowledge and inculcate the traits they will need for the rest of their academic and post-academic lives. It prevents the entitlement, grade inflation, and social promotion that hurts learning, replacing all of that with the potential for a radically different environment. Grade abatement let me build this makerspace, and this makerspace does wonders for students:

Sisyphean High

Use the top menus to navigate this site. The course syllabus is embedded here, since that is the fastest and most comprehensive way for students and all other stakeholders to start learning about what a Humanities makerspace is.

  1. Isaac Asimov identified one of the issues with paradigm shifts: “There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that ‘my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'”