The Pareto Project

NOTE TO CURRENT STUDENTS (9/14/18): We won’t be starting these projects until October 1, but I need the post online for organizational purposes. Set it aside until it’s necessary.

Cover art to DJ Signify’s Sleep No More. Listen to “Kiddie Litter,” featuring Sage Francis, here. That song underscores, in a dark and surreal and imagistic way, the idea of being anaesthetized. Compare it to “Take Me Home,” by Brother Ali, which is a song about creating things and feeling pretty good about doing that.

Something Completely Different

This project is built on the “Genius Hour” framework, which you can read about here. It continues to evolve, showcasing the strengths of the classroom makerspace: the willingness to iterate, refine, and evolve an idea; the sense to reboot that idea when necessary; the openness to feedback of all kinds. Search this site for “Pareto Project,” and you can see the long arc of it.

The best place to start, however, is with testimonials and student work:

That showcases what is possible through these projects. And for each student, it will be projects, plural — one personal, one community-based, with the flexibility to expand and contract those projects as necessary.

Here is the guide to a successful Pareto Project:

Use the PDF if you have any formatting issues with the Google Docs version. When you open the document, you should notice the many hyperlinks, which indicate that this is designed to be read online, interstitially, with an opportunity to ask questions and research answers at your own pace. You can (and probably should) print individual pages, however, to help you workshop some of the steps.

This project is probably the best example of what a Humanities makerspace produces, because it frames the project with metacognitive writing and collaborative experimentation. It’s a prime example of how to unlock the real course. Take advantage of it.

Note: With some time and a lot of coffee, I hope to get a fully converted version of the guide online as an interactive post. This will be updated when and if that happens.

“What Do I Do Next?”

Note: This post applies to all students in all classes.

Every year, we watch Ken Robinson’s talk on education as an introduction to the Humanities makerspace. That video, in fact, gives us the icon for the most important skill taught and strengthened in here:

Click the image to load the full set of profiles, skills, and traits.

That list of the universal skills and traits of learning includes a similar icon for each pair. For an explanation of the other icons used to signify these universal skills and traits, load this document:

You can also scan a QR code posted on the wall of our classroom to read it. You’ll notice that these are annotations of another handout — one titled “What do I do next?”

“What Do I Do Next?”

As you explore the ramiform links of various instructional posts, you’ll repeatedly encounter the idea that what we do together in person is more important than any other aspect of your education. I’m here to redirect you, but you really need an internalized mechanism for staying productive. That’s where the following handout comes in:

That is a three-step process for filling any spare moments in class with productive work. There is a QR code on some of the printed versions that loads the annotations embedded earlier.

Start with a working definition of the critical verbs: delvecollaboratecreategather, and analyze. Then use the annotations of this handout — annotations that are embedded earlier, hyperlinked earlier, and now hyperlinked again — to learn about how this handout was constructed, which includes the origins of each term and image.

This reading is absolutely essential to your success in this course. It will give you the tools you need to be productive, and being productive is the key to success. It fuels the development of every skill and trait. Use this:

That handout details the most basic calculus for determining a profile. How you spend your time during class is, therefore, probably the single most critical component in the score you earn three times a quarter. In fact, the Google Form that caps the self-assessment process is built around this idea — that in-class focus and feedback loops determine your success.

There are many other essays, handouts, and posts that explain how this all works, but it will always come back to how you use your time in the space. And that will always be under your control.

English 10 Syllabus: 2018-2019

An interesting thing about the word syllabus is that it comes from a misreading of Latin. That doesn’t change its meaning now, but it does let us think more critically about what a syllabus actually does, not just what we expect it to do.

This syllabus is an overview of our course. It includes the grading policy, homework policy, etc., but it is also an example itself of how instruction works — flipped so that you can access it at your own pace, with plenty of opportunities to ask questions and receive feedback.

Note: You can download a copy of this post for printing or digital annotation by using the PDF and printer options at the bottom of the page. Look for these on all instructional materials:


Course Description: English 10

The official course description:

This course extends the foundational work of ninth grade through the study and emulation of various modes of discourse. Students read fictional and nonfictional narratives, argument, drama, poetry, and exposition. They learn the writing process through many of the same modes of discourse, including literary analysis, argument, exposition, and narrative. A research-driven synthesis paper of exposition, argument, or literary analysis is also completed. The English 10 curriculum is aligned with the Common Core Standards.

Use the following two links to see how the district’s Strategic Coherence Plan corresponds exactly to our course:

Tenth graders will also spend the year learning how they learn best, in preparation for the harder metacognitive work of eleventh grade, twelfth grade, and beyond. We will hone empathy as the most crucial skill for collaboration and the skill most sought by colleges and careers.

Your teachers are your best resource through all of this. To help, they have developed a nontraditional space — one in which they act as “guides on the side,” not “sages on the stage.” Here is a guide that touches on this:

To see an example of what this space produces, and to read testimonials from former students and other stakeholders, visit the following Google Site:

The Makerspace

This classroom is a makerspace. For a quick look at what that means, watch this clip:

That scene from Apollo 13 shows the traditional makerspace experience: A group of like-minded and similarly trained folks confront a real-world problem, gather all the tools and resources they need, and then collaborate on a solution.

This reenactment of a historical scene has NASA engineers pour out a box of mechanical components. Using their expertise, they reimagine how the components can be used. As in most makerspaces, the components are physical — gears, electronics, plastic, and so on. The components can even be as small as DNA:

Trying to hack DNA to create cow-less milk requires the same general kind of makerspace thinking that it takes to save a bunch of stranded astronauts. Both examples fit the usual acronym attached to a makerspace: STEAM, or Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math.

English doesn’t often get a seat at the table, because its components are more abstract. Literature and writing don’t always evoke the same modular, experimental sensibility. We can change that, however, by answering two questions:

  1. What important, real-world problems are we solving in an English classroom?
  2. What components and tools do we need to solve those problems?

Well, the problems you face as a student are the problems all of us face, which are the problems that the Humanities exist to solve: What does it mean to be a human being? What does it mean to coexist in a society? What are my beliefs? How do I want to live my life?

There is also a framing study of education and learning, which is part of the metacognitive framework of English: What does it mean to be educated? What is the purpose of school? How does each of us learn best, and what are the most important skills and traits for our futures?

Like any makerspace, we will experiment to try to solve those problems and answer these questions. We’ll think outside the box. Sometimes we’ll dismantle the box and build a better one. Our tools and components are a set of universal skills and traits, the other human beings working beside us, and the literature and nonfiction that best teaches us how to be human.

Grading Policy

This course uses grade abatement, which is a profile-based system using a set of universal skills and traits. Here is a printable handout:

Copies of this and other assessment tools are available throughout the classroom. That includes this walkthrough of how each evidence-gathering and analytical process works:

Every three weeks, you will collaborate with your teachers to determine which profile fits the work you’ve done during those three weeks. This is a consistent, fair, and objective process. It rewards growth and collaboration much more than performative skill.

Here is a calendar that indicates (among other things) the exact date of each profile:

Make a copy of the calendar for your own use.

We are looking to self-report on Fridays, if possible, to avoid giving you work over the weekend — and to give me the weekend to do an initial run-through of your self-assessments. Note that these are 15-day evidentiary panels, three per quarter, which is enough to give us a triptych metaphor. Because of scheduled vacation days, the first semester fluctuates more; by Q3, each panel has exactly 15 scheduled class meetings1

These twelve profile scores have also been set up in advance in Infinite Campus.

Pareto Projects

That provisional calendar also shows you the shape of our year together, including the opportunity to do a one-of-a-kind project:

Pareto Project Guide (2017-2018)

Right now, the plan is to start the first projects in October. We will go over the process then. For now, you are free to read about our version of a Genius Hour project. Your first one will be personal in nature, like last year’s projects; the second, which will start in February, will be community-based.

Homework and Classwork Policy

The homework policy is built into the grading policy, specifically into the thresholds that separate upper- and lower-tier profiles from each other. Read them carefully. The penalty for failing to complete homework is significant.

Google Classroom is the central hub for required assignments. It tracks completion, including time and date stamps for submitted and edited work. We will also familiarize you with, Google Forms, and other mechanisms for sharing and evaluating work.

Classwork and homework are part of what’s called interstitial learning, which is best understood through practice. It allows you to work when you work best, with one exception: You must use class time effectively. This is outlined here:

This is the usual give-and-take of a classroom: The two most basic requirements of this course, in-class focus and feedback, are also the two keys that unlock the best performance and strongest growth — as well as the highest scores. What observable habits and behavioral patterns do you create over time?

When you are uncertain about what to do in class or at home, ask for help. You can also read this annotated step-by-step guide, which is available in class, online, and as one of our classroom posters:

Required Exams

Tenth graders take a final exam in June. You will sit for that exam during exam week. It will be designed to help you practice for the Common Core English Regents, which is given to all juniors.

We will practice the tasks on the English Regents periodically, especially the close reading and multiple-choice work that makes up half of the exam. You can read more about the structure of the exam here:

Again, you do not take this test until you are a junior. We will practice its components this year, with a final exam in June that is based on the Regents.

Required Materials

Bring your district-issued Chromebook or another Internet-ready device every day. Bring paper and a pen or pencil. Keep our current novel, nonfiction, writing prompt, etc., organized and with you at all times.

Otherwise, we’ll determine together what you need to be most successful. The onus is on you to start that process, and not just because we are an English makerspace. At this point in your academic career, you need to individualize a system that helps you accomplish your goals.

We are also going to try to be as paperless as possible this year. We need to be able to edit some documents in real time and to collaborate in a more 21st-century way. You need access to the hyperlinks and connections that make up the bulk of all contemporary writing and reading.

You will still have the ability to print any materials you want printed. Think of it as responsive printing: If you need a copy of something, then you’ll get it. It’s up to you to determine that need, though, and usually to take care of it. We have a printer connected to the desktops in Room 210 for this purpose.

We will obviously print essays and other texts that we annotate together. Not everything can be done on a computer, and that’s not the point; the point is to minimize our paper use and strengthen your digital skills.

Writing Requirements

One of your goals this year is to create writing that expresses who you are before you apply for college and/or a career. You will organize yourself through Google Drive, publish through Medium and other online platforms, and document your growth in different ways.

That’s a powerful digital footprint  —  the kind of thing an admissions board or prospective employer will see when they search for you online. The world wants you to have a digital presence. This course will help you build it.

The writing itself will be driven by a universal rubric and collaborative writing process. The steps are carefully constructed to help you develop your own style while learning how to answer any prompt you are given.

Part of grade abatement is an approach to writing that gives feedback without scores or points on the writing itself. This is to encourage risk-taking, revision, and metacognition.

Reading Requirements

You need to develop a reading habit. Your success, now and in the future, increases the more you read discerningly and actively. Read a little of everything, and read whenever you can. Emulate Malcolm X, who wrote, “I could spend the rest of my life reading, just satisfying my curiosity.”

One way to encourage this habit is through posts like this. All instruction will be flipped online, with class time reserved for face-to-face discussion and small-group collaboration. The more we balance and preface that in-class work with the written word, the stronger both parts of your learning will be.

The beauty of the devices we all have is that they give us access to limitless text — they put us, at all times, close to compelling essays, powerful short stories, beautiful poetry, even the best books. If you learn to read for yourself, not just because you are in school, you will have a lifelong habit.

And if reading for yourself seems clichéd, reject that seeming cliché. Embrace the truth of it, which is that reading makes you a better person. This works for literature as well as the essays you will strive to emulate. It’s the simplest shortcut:

Summer reading will be our first look at how literature, including nonfiction, affects us.

Course Orientation

We are now at the end of the course syllabus. While you continue our in-class writing and reading, use your homework time to continue here:

Course Orientation: September, 2018

That orientation post will acclimate you more quickly to this style of learning than anything else at this stage. Take your time, read carefully, and ask questions. The deeper you dive, the more quickly you will feel comfortable.

You can post any of your questions so far in the comment section below. You can also send an email or schedule a time during the school day to meet.

  1. The shape of the year is interesting. Class time — face-to-face time — matters most, and the first two quarters have lots of starts and stops. You can (and will) learn interstitially — you have to learn interstitially in this day and age — and you can augment your learning online. You can’t replace face-to-face work. So it’s interesting that the first two quarters are desultory: long weekends, days off in the middle of the week, plenty of fire drills, etc., plus distractions like Spirit Week, college applications (for seniors), and the inevitable influx of bad weather. The second semester is pretty solid, though, with plenty of time to build momentum and shake off the effects of the desultory start of the year. Spring break is predictable. The rest of our schedules lines up in 15-day blocks of time. 

English 11 Syllabus: 2018-2019

An interesting thing about the word syllabus is that it comes from a misreading of Latin. That doesn’t change its meaning now, but it does let us think more critically about what a syllabus actually does, not just what we expect it to do.

This syllabus is an overview of our course. It includes the grading policy, homework policy, etc., but it is also an example itself of how instruction works — flipped so that you can access it at your own pace, with plenty of opportunities to ask questions and receive feedback.

Note: You can download a copy of this post for printing or digital annotation by using the PDF and printer options at the bottom of the page. Look for these on all instructional materials:


Course Description: English 11

The official course description:

Designed for students who have completed English 10, this course builds upon the skills introduced and cultivated in the previous two years with an emphasis on a close reading of a variety of texts, listening, speaking, and writing. Student writing portfolios will contain examples of the four modes of discourse. English 11R students will work towards a mastery of the elements of argument and rhetorical appeals. In June, the students will write the NYS Regents Examination, which they must pass in order to graduate. The English 11 curriculum is aligned with the Common Core Standards.

Use the following two links to see how the district’s Strategic Coherence Plan corresponds exactly to our course:

Juniors will focus on argument, which also helps prepare you for the Regents Exam you take in June. You can also expect more rigorous metacognitive work as a precursor to your senior year, college, and beyond. We will continue to hone empathy as the most crucial skill for collaboration and the skill most sought by colleges and careers.

Your teachers are your best resource through all of this. To help, they have developed a nontraditional space — one in which they act as “guides on the side,” not “sages on the stage.” Here is a guide that touches on this:

To see an example of what this space produces, and to read testimonials from former students and other stakeholders, visit the following Google Site:

The Makerspace

This classroom is a makerspace. For a quick look at what that means, watch this clip:

That scene from Apollo 13 shows the traditional makerspace experience: A group of like-minded and similarly trained folks confront a real-world problem, gather all the tools and resources they need, and then collaborate on a solution.

This reenactment of a historical scene has NASA engineers pour out a box of mechanical components. Using their expertise, they reimagine how the components can be used. As in most makerspaces, the components are physical — gears, electronics, plastic, and so on. The components can even be as small as DNA:

Trying to hack DNA to create cow-less milk requires the same general kind of makerspace thinking that it takes to save a bunch of stranded astronauts. Both examples fit the usual acronym attached to a makerspace: STEAM, or Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math.

English doesn’t often get a seat at the table, because its components are more abstract. Literature and writing don’t always evoke the same modular, experimental sensibility. We can change that, however, by answering two questions:

  1. What important, real-world problems are we solving in an English classroom?
  2. What components and tools do we need to solve those problems?

Well, the problems you face as a student are the problems all of us face, which are the problems that the Humanities exist to solve: What does it mean to be a human being? What does it mean to coexist in a society? What are my beliefs? How do I want to live my life?

There is also a framing study of education and learning, which is part of the metacognitive framework of English: What does it mean to be educated? What is the purpose of school? How does each of us learn best, and what are the most important skills and traits for our futures?

Like any makerspace, we will experiment to try to solve those problems and answer these questions. We’ll think outside the box. Sometimes we’ll dismantle the box and build a better one. Our tools and components are a set of universal skills and traits, the other human beings working beside us, and the literature and nonfiction that best teaches us how to be human.

Grading Policy

This course uses grade abatement, which is a profile-based system using a set of universal skills and traits. Here is a printable handout:

Copies of this and other assessment tools are available throughout the classroom. That includes this walkthrough of how each evidence-gathering and analytical process works:

Every three weeks, you will collaborate with your teachers to determine which profile fits the work you’ve done during those three weeks. This is a consistent, fair, and objective process. It rewards growth and collaboration much more than performative skill.

Here is a calendar that indicates (among other things) the exact date of each profile:

Make a copy of the calendar for your own use.

We are looking to self-report on Fridays, if possible, to avoid giving you work over the weekend — and to give me the weekend to do an initial run-through of your self-assessments. Note that these are 15-day evidentiary panels, three per quarter, which is enough to give us a triptych metaphor. Because of scheduled vacation days, the first semester fluctuates more; by Q3, each panel has exactly 15 scheduled class meetings1

These twelve profile scores have also been set up in advance in Infinite Campus.

Pareto Projects

That provisional calendar also shows you the shape of our year together, including the opportunity to do a one-of-a-kind project:

Pareto Project Guide (2017-2018)

Right now, the plan is to start the first projects in October. We will go over the process then. For now, you are free to read about our version of a Genius Hour project. Your first one will be personal in nature, like last year’s projects; the second, which will start in February, will be community-based.

Homework and Classwork Policy

The homework policy is built into the grading policy, specifically into the thresholds that separate upper- and lower-tier profiles from each other. Read them carefully. The penalty for failing to complete homework is significant.

Google Classroom is the central hub for required assignments. It tracks completion, including time and date stamps for submitted and edited work. We will also familiarize you with, Google Forms, and other mechanisms for sharing and evaluating work.

Classwork and homework are part of what’s called interstitial learning, which is best understood through practice. It allows you to work when you work best, with one exception: You must use class time effectively. This is outlined here:

This is the usual give-and-take of a classroom: The two most basic requirements of this course, in-class focus and feedback, are also the two keys that unlock the best performance and strongest growth — as well as the highest scores. What observable habits and behavioral patterns do you create over time?

When you are uncertain about what to do in class or at home, ask for help. You can also read this annotated step-by-step guide, which is available in class, online, and as one of our classroom posters:

Required Exams

Juniors take the New York State Regents in English in June. We will practice the tasks on the English Regents periodically, especially the close reading and multiple-choice work that makes up half of the exam. You can read more about the structure of the exam here:

Individual help will be offered through Castle Learning and one-on-one workshops as needed.

Note: Because of the Regents Exam, juniors do not sit for a final exam in English during exam week.

Required Materials

Bring your district-issued Chromebook or another Internet-ready device every day. Bring paper and a pen or pencil. Keep our current novel, nonfiction, writing prompt, etc., organized and with you at all times.

Otherwise, we’ll determine together what you need to be most successful. The onus is on you to start that process, and not just because we are an English makerspace. At this point in your academic career, you need to individualize a system that helps you accomplish your goals.

We are also going to try to be as paperless as possible this year. We need to be able to edit some documents in real time and to collaborate in a more 21st-century way. You need access to the hyperlinks and connections that make up the bulk of all contemporary writing and reading.

You will still have the ability to print any materials you want printed. Think of it as responsive printing: If you need a copy of something, then you’ll get it. It’s up to you to determine that need, though, and usually to take care of it. We have a printer connected to the desktops in Room 210 for this purpose.

We will obviously print essays and other texts that we annotate together. Not everything can be done on a computer, and that’s not the point; the point is to minimize our paper use and strengthen your digital skills.

Writing Requirements

One of your goals this year is to create writing that expresses who you are before you apply for college and/or a career. You will organize yourself through Google Drive, publish through Medium and other online platforms, and document your growth in different ways.

That’s a powerful digital footprint  —  the kind of thing an admissions board or prospective employer will see when they search for you online. The world wants you to have a digital presence. This course will help you build it.

The writing itself will be driven by a universal rubric and collaborative writing process. The steps are carefully constructed to help you develop your own style while learning how to answer any prompt you are given.

Part of grade abatement is an approach to writing that gives feedback without scores or points on the writing itself. This is to encourage risk-taking, revision, and metacognition.

Reading Requirements

You need to develop a reading habit. Your success, now and in the future, increases the more you read discerningly and actively. Read a little of everything, and read whenever you can. Emulate Malcolm X, who wrote, “I could spend the rest of my life reading, just satisfying my curiosity.”

One way to encourage this habit is through posts like this. All instruction will be flipped online, with class time reserved for face-to-face discussion and small-group collaboration. The more we balance and preface that in-class work with the written word, the stronger both parts of your learning will be.

The beauty of the devices we all have is that they give us access to limitless text — they put us, at all times, close to compelling essays, powerful short stories, beautiful poetry, even the best books. If you learn to read for yourself, not just because you are in school, you will have a lifelong habit.

And if reading for yourself seems clichéd, reject that seeming cliché. Embrace the truth of it, which is that reading makes you a better person. This works for literature as well as the essays you will strive to emulate. It’s the simplest shortcut:

Summer reading will be our first look at how literature, including nonfiction, affects us.

Course Orientation

We are now at the end of the course syllabus. While you continue our in-class writing and reading, use your homework time to continue here:

Course Orientation: September, 2018

That orientation post will acclimate you more quickly to this style of learning than anything else at this stage. Take your time, read carefully, and ask questions. The deeper you dive, the more quickly you will feel comfortable.

You can post any of your questions so far in the comment section below. You can also send an email or schedule a time during the school day to meet.

  1. The shape of the year is interesting. Class time — face-to-face time — matters most, and the first two quarters have lots of starts and stops. You can (and will) learn interstitially — you have to learn interstitially in this day and age — and you can augment your learning online. You can’t replace face-to-face work. So it’s interesting that the first two quarters are desultory: long weekends, days off in the middle of the week, plenty of fire drills, etc., plus distractions like Spirit Week, college applications (for seniors), and the inevitable influx of bad weather. The second semester is pretty solid, though, with plenty of time to build momentum and shake off the effects of the desultory start of the year. Spring break is predictable. The rest of our schedules lines up in 15-day blocks of time. 

AP English Language & Composition Syllabus: 2018-2019

An interesting thing about the word syllabus is that it comes from a misreading of Latin. That doesn’t change its meaning now, but it does let us think more critically about what a syllabus actually does, not just what we expect it to do.

This syllabus is an overview of our course. It includes the grading policy, homework policy, etc., but it is also an example itself of how instruction works — flipped so that you can access it at your own pace, with plenty of opportunities to ask questions and receive feedback.

Note: You can download a copy of this post for printing or digital annotation by using the PDF and printer options at the bottom of the page. Look for these on all instructional materials:


Course Description: AP English Language & Comp.

The official course description:

This Advanced Placement course focuses on developing maturity and complexity in reading, thinking, and writing, with special emphasis on collaborative learning, reflection, and metacognition. Students read, analyze, and emulate primarily nonfiction prose; the writing and reading processes are taught, however, through all modes of discourse. Scaffolded onto this is continual, portfolio-driven self-analysis. Each student will be required to take the AP examination in May. In June, the students will write the NYS Regents Examination, which they must pass in order to graduate.

That is the high school’s overview. As an AP course, there is also the College Board to consider:

You don’t need to read the entire document, but some of the specifics might help to clear up confusion. That excerpt, from page 11 of the PDF, matches up with what you’d do in any English course. But Language and Composition is meant to be paired with Literature and Composition. On page 12:

We will still study literature, starting with your summer reading memoirs, but this is the College Board course in rhetoric, argument, and civic discourse. See the section on “Required Reading” for more.

You should also peruse the following two pages to see how the district’s Strategic Coherence Plan corresponds exactly to our course:

You can expect more rigorous metacognitive work as a precursor to what you’ll need next year, whether you will be a senior or in your first year of college1. We will continue to hone empathy as the most crucial skill for collaboration and the skill most sought by colleges and careers.

I am your best resource through all of this. To help, I’ve developed a nontraditional space — one in which I will act as a “guide on the side,” not a “sage on the stage.” Here is a discussion of how all stakeholders can take advantage of that resource:

To see an example of what this space produces, and to read testimonials from former students and other stakeholders, visit the following Google Site:

The Makerspace

This classroom is a makerspace. For a quick look at what that means, watch this clip:

That scene from Apollo 13 shows the traditional makerspace experience: A group of like-minded and similarly trained folks confront a real-world problem, gather all the tools and resources they need, and then collaborate on a solution.

This reenactment of a historical scene has NASA engineers pour out a box of mechanical components. Using their expertise, they reimagine how the components can be used. As in most makerspaces, the components are physical — gears, electronics, plastic, and so on. The components can even be as small as DNA:

Trying to hack DNA to create cow-less milk requires the same general kind of makerspace thinking that it takes to save a bunch of stranded astronauts. Both examples fit the usual acronym attached to a makerspace: STEAM, or Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math.

English doesn’t often get a seat at the table, because its components are more abstract. Literature and writing don’t always evoke the same modular, experimental sensibility, and even an AP course in rhetoric and argument has “English” attached to it. We can change that, however, by answering two questions:

  1. What important, real-world problems are we solving in an English classroom?
  2. What components and tools do we need to solve those problems?

Well, the problems you face as a student are the problems all of us face, which are the problems that the Humanities exist to solve: What does it mean to be a human being? What does it mean to coexist in a society? What are my beliefs? How do I want to live my life?

There is also a framing study of education and learning, which is part of the metacognitive framework of English: What does it mean to be educated? What is the purpose of school? How does each of us learn best, and what are the most important skills and traits for our futures?

Like any makerspace, we will experiment to try to solve those problems and answer these questions. We’ll think outside the box. Sometimes we’ll dismantle the box and build a better one. Our tools and components are a set of universal skills and traits, the other human beings working beside us, and the literature and nonfiction that best teaches us how to be human.

Grading Policy

This course uses grade abatement, which is a profile-based system using a set of universal skills and traits. Here is a printable handout:

Copies of this and other assessment tools are available throughout the classroom. That includes this walkthrough of how each evidence-gathering and analytical process works:

Every three weeks, you will collaborate with your teachers to determine which profile fits the work you’ve done during those three weeks. This is a consistent, fair, and objective process. It rewards growth and collaboration much more than performative skill.

Here is a calendar that indicates (among other things) the exact date of each profile:

Make a copy of the calendar for your own use.

We are looking to self-report on Fridays, if possible, to avoid giving you work over the weekend — and to give me the weekend to do an initial run-through of your self-assessments. Note that these are 15-day evidentiary panels, three per quarter, which is enough to give us a triptych metaphor. Because of scheduled vacation days, the first semester fluctuates more; by Q3, each panel has exactly 15 scheduled class meetings2

These twelve profile scores have also been set up in advance in Infinite Campus.

Pareto Projects

That provisional calendar also shows you the shape of our year together, including the opportunity to do a one-of-a-kind project:

Pareto Project Guide (2017-2018)

Right now, the plan is to start the first projects in October. We will go over the process then. For now, you are free to read about our version of a Genius Hour project. Your first one will be personal in nature, like last year’s projects; the second, which will start in February, will be community-based.

Homework and Classwork Policy

The homework policy is built into the grading policy, specifically into the thresholds that separate upper- and lower-tier profiles from each other. Read them carefully. The penalty for failing to complete homework is significant.

Google Classroom is the central hub for required assignments. It tracks completion, including time and date stamps for submitted and edited work. We will also familiarize you with, Google Forms, and other mechanisms for sharing and evaluating work.

Classwork and homework are part of what’s called interstitial learning, which is best understood through practice. It allows you to work when you work best, with one exception: You must use class time effectively. This is outlined here:

This is the usual give-and-take of a classroom: The two most basic requirements of this course, in-class focus and feedback, are also the two keys that unlock the best performance and strongest growth — as well as the highest scores. What observable habits and behavioral patterns do you create over time?

When you are uncertain about what to do in class or at home, ask for help. You can also read this annotated step-by-step guide, which is available in class, online, and as one of our classroom posters:

Required Exams and Finals

Your AP exam is on Wednesday, May 16. It will be one of the last exams you take, if you have more than one, and toward the end of the school year, regardless. We will spend a good amount of time honing your ability to do well on this test, both in terms of the skills and knowledge it requires and your ability to grind through the Sisyphean difficulties of school.

While you are reading about this course and classroom, read this:

Ignore (obviously) the teacher-specific stuff. This is the test you’ll take, and we’re lucky that it’s a good test — one that requires the same universal skills and traits you need in every walk of life. Even the vestigial elements have some merit.

Be sure to read the testimonials for this course, if you have any doubt that you will be given all the tools you need to be successful:


The AP exam is important, and you’ll be as ready as your effort allows you to be. But you’ll benefit in many other ways, of course.

Juniors also take the New York State Regents in English in June. We will not practice the tasks on the English Regents until after the AP exam in May, because the Regents based their Common Core exam also exactly on the AP exam for Language and Composition. You can read more about the structure of the exam here:

The similarities:

  1. The single essay is identical to the synthesis essay on the AP exam
  2. There are reading passages and questions like your AP exam
  3. There is a short analysis prompt exactly like the rhetorical analysis prompt on the AP exam

Because of the Regents Exam, juniors do not sit for a final exam in English during exam week.

Senior Talks

Any senior taking Language and Composition will (obviously) not take the Regents Exam again. You will, however, complete and present a senior talk as part of your final exam. This will be distributed and reviewed later in the school year.

Required Materials

Bring your district-issued Chromebook or another Internet-ready device every day. Bring paper and a pen or pencil. Keep our current novel, nonfiction, writing prompt, etc., organized and with you at all times.

Otherwise, we’ll determine together what you need to be most successful. The onus is on you to start that process, and not just because we are an English makerspace. At this point in your academic career, you need to individualize a system that helps you accomplish your goals.

We are also going to try to be as paperless as possible this year. We need to be able to edit some documents in real time and to collaborate in a more 21st-century way. You need access to the hyperlinks and connections that make up the bulk of all contemporary writing and reading.

You will still have the ability to print any materials you want printed. Think of it as responsive printing: If you need a copy of something, then you’ll get it. It’s up to you to determine that need, though, and usually to take care of it. We have a printer connected to the desktops in Room 210 for this purpose.

We will obviously print essays and other texts that we annotate together. Not everything can be done on a computer, and that’s not the point; the point is to minimize our paper use and strengthen your digital skills.

Writing Requirements

One of your goals this year is to create writing that expresses who you are before you apply for college and/or a career. You will organize yourself through Google Drive, publish through Medium and other online platforms, and document your growth in different ways.

That’s a powerful digital footprint  —  the kind of thing an admissions board or prospective employer will see when they search for you online. The world wants you to have a digital presence. This course will help you build it.

The writing itself will be driven by a universal rubric and collaborative writing process. The steps are carefully constructed to help you develop your own style while learning how to answer any prompt you are given.

Part of grade abatement is an approach to writing that gives feedback without scores or points on the writing itself. This is to encourage risk-taking, revision, and metacognition.

Reading Requirements

You need to develop a reading habit. Your success, now and in the future, increases the more you read discerningly and actively. Read a little of everything, and read whenever you can. Emulate Malcolm X, who wrote, “I could spend the rest of my life reading, just satisfying my curiosity.”

One way to encourage this habit is through posts like this. All instruction will be flipped online, with class time reserved for face-to-face discussion and small-group collaboration. The more we balance and preface that in-class work with the written word, the stronger both parts of your learning will be.

The beauty of the devices we all have is that they give us access to limitless text — they put us, at all times, close to compelling essays, powerful short stories, beautiful poetry, even the best books. If you learn to read for yourself, not just because you are in school, you will have a lifelong habit.

And if reading for yourself seems clichéd, reject that seeming cliché. Embrace the truth of it, which is that reading makes you a better person. This works for literature as well as the essays you will strive to emulate. It’s the simplest shortcut:

Summer reading will be our first look at how literature, including nonfiction, affects us. While we will follow the College Board’s requirements and move away from literature as the driving force of instruction after that, we will still refer to the importance of empathy and life experience in what we read.

Course Orientation

We are now at the end of the course syllabus. While you continue our in-class writing and reading, use your homework time to continue here:

Course Orientation: September, 2018

That orientation post will acclimate you more quickly to this style of learning than anything else at this stage. Take your time, read carefully, and ask questions. The deeper you dive, the more quickly you will feel comfortable.

You can post any of your questions so far in the comment section below. You can also send an email or schedule a time during the school day to meet.

  1. Or traveling, or starting a career — this is universal preparation for how to think, to read, and to write. No path you take will be judged, as long as you take that path with a clear and critical purpose. 

  2. The shape of the year is interesting. Class time — face-to-face time — matters most, and the first two quarters have lots of starts and stops. You can (and will) learn interstitially — you have to learn interstitially in this day and age — and you can augment your learning online. You can’t replace face-to-face work. So it’s interesting that the first two quarters are desultory: long weekends, days off in the middle of the week, plenty of fire drills, etc., plus distractions like Spirit Week, college applications (for seniors), and the inevitable influx of bad weather. The second semester is pretty solid, though, with plenty of time to build momentum and shake off the effects of the desultory start of the year. Spring break is predictable. The rest of our schedules lines up in 15-day blocks of time. 

Course Orientation: September, 2018

Part 1: The Occasional Bottomless Abyss

By the time you graduate from high school, you will have spent around 2,340 days in public education — about a third of your life up to that point, depending on how the hours are calculated. You might remember how it started:–2510

That’s from The Onion. It’s satire, although some people don’t always get the joke. In our course, we’ll occasionally look at satire as one of the only ways of dealing with unsettling or upsetting stuff — here’s another, more recent Onion article on schooling, for instance, that speaks to some of the systemic problems we face.

You’ve been doing this for a while, though, and are close to the end of the experience. You’re used to those systemic problems. The first day of school, with its flurry of handouts and icebreakers and generally miasmic exhaustion1 is familiar to you.

This course requires you to pay attention from the opening bell. We need to look at education — at your education — from a fresh perspective. Start with this video, which animates a TED Talk by Sir Ken Robinson:

That video was the initial inspiration for what you will experience this year in our classroom. That’s the philosophical crux, to give you another word worth knowing.

Part 2: The Syllabus

You’ll notice that this post addresses all of you, whether you are enrolled in AP Language or English 10. Each class period is separated on Google Classroom, which we’ll cover momentarily, and your instructional posts will obviously be separate; this digital space is shared, however, in the same way our physical space is shared.

This is by design. All English Language Arts courses address the same universal skills and traits, whether you study memoirs, poetry, or contemporary nonfiction. There is a lot to gain from observing what your peers do, hearing their questions, exchanging ideas, etc, so this website expands your ability to do that.

The physical space is known as a makerspace. Load your course syllabus to learn more about what that means for you. Find your course on this website, or follow the links posted on Google Classroom. You’ll find that the syllabus hits some of the notes you’d expect to hear, but the tune is different. Pay attention to those differences.

Part 3: Starting Up the Feedback Loop

As the syllabus tells you — as every instructional text will tell you, repeatedly — running a makerspace does not mean you’re without deadlines, homework, feedback, etc. Far from it. That’s why Google Classroom is indispensable to us: It gives you formal assignments, due dates, and requirements, all neatly linked to instructional posts.

You have already been invited to your course. If you did not receive the invitation sent on September 1, use the appropriate code below:

English 10
  • P2 English 10: bdd493u
  • P7 English 10: sf21ta4
English 11
  • P3 English 11: btrb0t3
AP English Language & Comp.
  • P5 AP English Lang: kojome
  • P9 AP English Lang: mc747z7

Assignments and updates will appear in the stream. When you’re ready, that’s where you’ll also find the first writing assignment of the year, which will deal with summer reading.

Feedback works differently in a makerspace. Read about this here:

Mongering and Congeries

That post is essential reading, if you want to be successful in here. Again, this sort of flipped instruction also helps you develop as a reader. It scrapes off some of your summer atrophy, too.

Part 4: Clarity from Effort

As you complete your first assignments, you will experience firsthand what the typical day in here looks like. You will see what each part of the classroom does and learn more about how assessment works.

In other words, you learn by doing in here. You also learn by reading lots and lots of teacher-written posts. To help clarify what a typical day looks like, for instance, you could read this essay:

Circadian Dynamics

This is the basic idea of how each day’s period works. The background and notes are provided outside of class, which frees us up to do more with the 40 minutes or so we have together2. We might circle up some days; we might talk in groups or meet individually; we might take practice tests or take a shot at timed writing. There is enormous freedom to do what is needed, and you will direct most of the lessons yourself.

Your job, then, is to know what you are doing each day and to waste no time in doing it. That is the most important part of this course, so it gets a rare bolded font: When we are together in our classroom, you must be ready to work.

The interstitial/online elements are there to support this (and to make the Sisyphean grind of high school a little more manageable). Grade abatement is there to free you and empower you. Still, technology is only a tool. There is no replacement for the learning that occurs through discussion and collaboration when you share a learning environment with someone.

This essay explains more about how crucial our face-to-face work is:

Head Training: The 36th Chamber

(It also lets me continue to reference Wu-Tang and Grindhouse kung-fu movies.)

If nothing else, I want you to be able to answer these two questions each and every day:

  1. What are you working on?
  2. What help do you need?

If you can’t answer either, that will be an issue, because you will always have work to do, and most of that work will be easier with help. If you believe you’ve discovered a day without work, let me know. I’ll redirect you. During the first few weeks of school, for instance, you might need time to go over the syllabus. You might need help setting up your Google account. You might want help with your first writing assignment.

You face no risk right now, so ask questions and try things out. The more you experiment and the harder you work over these first few weeks, the easier you will find it to begin generating evidence for your grade abatement profiles — a concept that will be second nature to you soon enough.

We’ll end this first post3 with an essay on what it means to take risks like this:

Molecular Learning

Welcome to Room 210, and to Sisyphean High. Good luck.

  1. That word, miasmic, is a really good one for far too many school-related situations. I first encountered it in this review of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, which was part of a unit on horror movies and censorship years ago. It’s a particularly smart look at horror cinema, but it’s the use of language that made it worth teaching in the classroom. 

  2. The essays haven’t been updated to reflect any changes to our bell schedule, mostly in an effort not to lose the Wu-Tang allusions. 

  3. Which is longer than most future posts will be. This one needs to be as dense as possible, because this is the overview of the year. You need a few dozen chances to realize the most important truth: This course is different, and only by leaning into those differences will you be successful. 

Reminders and Reanimation

From the movie adaptation of a seminal text on the importance of education.

Reminder: Final Triptych

Final Triptych

Actually, it’s less a reminder than a reanimator. We’re all a bit dead on our feet by June. There’s more than the course’s final triptych to consider, too.

1. Summer Reading

Read the post covering your 2018 summer assignments. Start the work now, even if you only consider your choices. Your work ethic is going to atrophy by August; you need to exercise it regularly.

Of course, you should only focus on summer reading if you’ve truly finished up everything required of you for this year.

2. Junior-to-Senior Jumpstart

This, too, should only be your concern when and if you handle the rest of your responsibilities, especially in this class. Time will keep on keeping on, though, and in two weeks, you can start to consider some of the bigger stressors of the fall of your senior year:

  1. Asking for letters of recommendation
  2. Drafting the college essay
  3. Completing the Common App
  4. Completing your Junior Autobiography
  5. Organizing an online portfolio of writing, art, etc.

If you can dedicate some time to these over the summer, the fall will be much less stressful.

3. Pareto Projects

The goal was always to grapple with the soritical paradox of most projects and final exams. That’s a way of saying that these projects should involve work you take with you into the summer, into next year, etc., because the work is meaningful. Any arbitrary end date ought to exist to prompt feedback and validation, not to truncate your progress so we can assign it a score.

Share anything you want to share through the Google Classroom assignment created this morning. I’ll populate a Google Site created for this purpose, and we’ll see how much feedback and validation we can gather from the rest of the district and community. Unless you’re a senior (and probably even then), this kind of community feedback will matter as much in July and September as it will next week.

4. Final Essay

The retrospective consideration of your writing life is due on Monday, June 11. Late work affects your profile — of course it does — but it is more important to write meaningfully than to compromise your insight through a last-second rush job.

It’s possible that some of you did not organize your time well over the last three weeks. If so, you should take a few extra days to write this retrospective. Get through the Regents Exam first. Make sure you’ve done what you needed to do for your Pareto Project. Then carve out the necessary time, starting after the Regents Exam on June 12, complete your final essay.

The prompt is in the “Final Triptych” post and on Google Classroom. You should submit your response on Classroom, unless you are using Medium or another site to publish; in that case, you can link directly to your essay.

Note: Some of you negotiated an alternative subject for this final essay. That deal still holds. Submit your response to Google Classroom.

5. THE Regents Exam

By now, you should be deep into this prep. You ought to have finished it, really, since doing a complete practice exam right before taking the real exam is a surefire way to court burnout.

As necessary, the exam posted to Castle Learning is the best use of your remaining time. It has the metacognitive work built in. Load your account and work through the multiple-choice and writing. Refer back to your notes on these posts:

Test Prep: Endgame

Gamesmanship: Regents Exam (CC ELA)

To a significant extent, the Regents Exam reflects your preparation more than your talent for writing, reading, and thinking. Weak work ethic leads to low scores; strong work ethic leads to high scores. If you work hard, even at this late hour, you will do well. The data will tell us your story.

In fact, you might consider everything happening now as another chance to tell a story about yourself. It can be a story of continued investment and insight, of apathy and entitlement, of perseverance and turning points — all narratives stitched together from the choices you’ve already made and the choices you will eventually make. Create something meaningful.

2018 BHS Summer Reading

Brewster High School: Summer Reading (All Students)

Read the assignment below carefully. You can ask questions about this assignment in the comment section of this post.

[pdfjs-viewer url=”” viewer_width=100% viewer_height=500px fullscreen=true download=true print=true]


AP English Literature & Composition: Summer Reading

For students enrolled in this course for 2018-2019. Contact information for any questions you have included in the assignment.

[pdfjs-viewer url=”” viewer_width=100% viewer_height=500px fullscreen=true download=true print=true]


DCC English 101: Summer Reading

For students enrolled in this course for 2081-2019. Contact information for any questions you have included in the assignment.

[pdfjs-viewer url=”” viewer_width=100% viewer_height=500px fullscreen=true download=true print=true]


AP English Language & Composition: Summer Reading

Note that the assigned chapters from The Language of Composition require a BCSD login.

[pdfjs-viewer url=”” viewer_width=100% viewer_height=500px fullscreen=true download=true print=true]


AP: Stray Observations

Tuesday, May 29


Akrasia, again. We are two weeks away from the end. You need self-control and self-discipline more than ever.

Among your many advantages and resources are systems for instruction, assessment, and feedback that have significant engineering redundancies. You have:

  1. This Course Website | The home of almost all instruction and feedback. This site has copies of all class resources and archives, n reverse chronological order, all lessons and units.
  2. Google Classroom | Also has copies of all posts, handouts, prompts, etc., alongside clear assignment requirements and deadlines. If you get an individual assignments, it’s archived here, too.
  3. Room 210 | With few exceptions, I make photocopies of all posts, handouts, prompts, etc., and stack them around the room. Calendars are everywhere. Outlines and guides are everywhere. I’ve filled our whiteboards with copies of critical information.

I’m present in all of that, as are peer experts who’ve emerged over the year as your most valuable resource. You need all of it to handle the end of the year:

Final Triptych

This is good work, and work worth doing. But it’s still work. It requires an investment from you. It requires vigilance. Today, with the AP exam well behind us and the year almost over, you had a chance to showcase your strengths.

Last(ing) Impressions

Watching the Tides Roll Away

Today, I spent P2 and P9 observing you. I didn’t build you any new instruction, and I didn’t conference with any individual. I didn’t circulate to answer questions, and I didn’t prompt you for updates. I just watched and took notes.

There’s a corollary to Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle in this. The act of silently observing your behavior tends to change your behavior, so that you work harder while under a more watchful eye.

Today, though — today, you could not settle. It happened in the morning, and it happened in the afternoon. Too many of you wasted time, or your time was spent on something other than this class.

You were asked a question on Google Classroom about the impression you think you left; Q4B profile scores were posted at 2:30 PM as a complement to this post1; and you should now read the observations and insights below carefully, with the intention of correcting your lapses and the lapses of others.

(1) There is no more post-exam letdown. That post-exam exhaustion is real, but it doesn’t last weeks. You’ve had a grace period. Now it’s a question of self-discipline and self-control. And there’s nothing personal in that assessment; like the rest of these notes, it just is. This is what some of you demonstrate.

(2) Infinite Campus is an addiction. I observed students who tabbed back to an open Infinite Campus folder every five minutes. Others spent fifteen uninterrupted minutes going through grades. This is disruptive to you, and it’s disrespectful to the space. You do not need to monitor your Infinite Campus grades in real time; at most, you need to check them at home, when your teachers have had a day to enter updates. And I would guess that the correlation between obsessively checking Infinite Campus and lower scores is fairly strong.

(3) Posts are meant to be read at home. When you leave instructional posts for class time, you cannot work with me or others on assignments. This is wasted time. The purpose of flipped instruction is to maximize the work you do in the space; it would be like reading an assigned novel during class discussion, and it is no less disrespectful to the intention of the course. If you keep that habit into next year, it won’t result in this kind of feedback; it will result in lost points and failure.

(4) Yearbooks don’t belong in class. This is unique to the end of the year, but there is always something similar encroaching on our space. In this case, signing a yearbook in the middle of a lesson is inappropriate and disrespectful. If you absolutely will never again have the opportunity to sign that person’s yearbook, let me know, because I assume there are some dire circumstances in play. Otherwise, be respectful, except maybe at the very end of the period.

(5) Traditional work can’t be all that motivates you. P9 had the tone exercises assigned here, and P9 was far more focused than P2. Traditional multiple-choice assessments with traditional feedback trigger the right work ethic. You need to develop a motivational approach for nontraditional work, though, because that’s what you’ll have in college and beyond.

(6) Watch your language. In P2, despite me hovering in a very noticeable pink shirt some ten feet away, one of you launched into a diatribe about “[how] that guy is an ***hole.” In P9, despite me hovering nearby in the same noticeable pink shirt, one of you animatedly told a story with some profane dialogue (“Clean your **** up, god**** it!”). That’s inappropriate, of course, and it’s disrespectful. But it’s also a failure to code-switch and approach a college-level classroom with the right intelligence.

(7) Think about changing seats. There is a teacher station in here, and it’s located in one corner of the room. Other than this station, everything is modular. Move the furniture around. Change your seats. It doesn’t matter that we only have ten days left. And what’s really interesting about taking a closer look at where you sit is this: The most productive group in P9 sits at the same table as the least productive group in P2, and that table is as far away from the door and the teacher station as possible. You can be focused anywhere.

(8) If you’re going to do other work, advocate for that opportunity. I’d rather give you permission to rush through an outline than have you sneak it into our class period. It’s an opportunity for introspection, and it honors the stress you’re under, even if that stress is often self-induced. For the most part, though, doing homework or projects for another class is disrespectful. So is planning for college and everything else in that vein. Ask for permission. That’s an opportunity for feedback. When you don’t ask, the feedback changes tone and impact, and that’s a shame for both of us.

More Feedback

Watch Google Classroom for individual and group assignments related to today’s observations. Use the space here to ask questions and offer your own insight, and make sure you are focused tomorrow. We’re going to look into your writing life retrospectives, among other things, and that means you need to have given some thought to the prompt.

Make the right kind of impression over the next two weeks. Like every choice you make, this matters.

  1. The correlation between those scores and your choices today is strong, as you’d expect. It makes sense to dovetail the two instances of feedback. 

How to Self-Direct

Trial and Error

This is an example of how to self-direct, which does not mean to go it alone. It means, instead, that you are active in your learning. You might need help with each step below, and most steps are more effective with expert guidance and feedback.


As part of the end of the year, you’ve been assigned a practice Regents Exam in English. The exam is posted to Castle Learning, so you start there with the multiple-choice questions on reading passages. For this example, we’re sticking with that Part 1.

  1. Assess Your Performance | First, you finish the assignment and note your score. You set aside any questions you missed or had difficulty answering, regardless of score. Castle Learning does this automatically; otherwise, you would seek an expert.
  2. Diagnose Greatest Need(s) | Castle Learning provides the correct answer and its explanation for each question. With an expert’s help, you can identify patterns and diagnose needs. In this example (which is drawn from a real-life example), there are two patterns: authorial tone and figurative language.
  3. Peruse Available Resources | You’ll always have resources available in the classroom or online, and usually both. In this case, we can search Google for help identifying tone. I’ve embedded a screenshot of the results below. Then we look carefully through these results for what will help us meet your needs.
  4. Practice and (Self-)Assess | The second link in this example gives you an online exercise. Luckily, it also gives you the correct answers and an explanation, just like Castle Learning. This is an excellent autodidactic resource. In other instances, you can rely on an expert to give you the assignments and any necessary feedback.
  5. R.E.M. | Let’s see if this works as an acronym: reflect on your process; explicate the correct answers, model writing, central skills, etc.; and metacogitate on your learning. This is the key, because the goal is improvement, not just an increase in quantitative success. In other words, this is where you make the learning permanent, regardless of score.

Here is a screenshot of what you would see in this example for Step #3:

The first link is a PDF, and it would be an effective exercise for anyone looking to improve their ability to identify tone. It would require an expert’s help to score, though, which is why that second link is the real find: an interactive, automatically scored exercise. It’s short enough to do quickly, but the explanations are thorough enough to fuel effective metacognition.

What’s even more helpful is that this website has more exercises related to this Regents prep. The first one is on identifying tone:

But you would also find, with a simple bit of searching, an exercise on figurative language:

Five questions each, with explanations for each question. The exercises are scored online automatically. It’s the best kind of resource, and it happens to fit our example perfectly — and remember, this example comes from a real student. With a resource like this, you can much more easily get through the three parts of that final step.

Step #5: R.E.M. (Reflect, Explicate, Metacogitate)
  1. Reflect on the process. The better you get at searching online, the better your resources will be. You also need to codify a system for evaluating resources quickly. It took me about five minutes to find that website for the student who needed help with figurative language and tone. You can find expert resources just as fast, if you practice.
  2. Explicate the results. Explicate means to give a detailed explanation, but its root is more helpful here: It means to unfold or unravel. You need to unfold any feedback you get, whether it’s automatically generated by a site or provided in person by an expert. Imagine that you are laying that understanding out in front of you.
  3. Metacogitate about the learning. You can also think of it as being metacognitive, but then you lose the awkward verb and the “R.E.M.” acronym. Anyway, this is the key: understanding your learning choices, cognitive strengths and weaknesses, etc., in the context of improvement.

As I said, it’s possible to find exceptional resources in only a few minutes. That’s the potential of Google (or any other search engine). You’ll also have plenty of resources provided in class, from textbook lessons on grammar to printed self-assessment forms. It’s about resource management, really — repeated trial and error with the help of peers and other experts.

Ask questions about this post below.