November 13, 2019

Quarter 1 ends on Friday, November 15. Let’s use the next three days to assess your progress.

The most powerful and consistent feedback is, as always, the GAP score you receive. It indicates a profile, and that profile is a cipher for universal skills and traits that were honed and tested through various assignment from the panel or quarter.

The next most powerful and consistent feedback is found in instructional posts like this recent one. These posts improve your ability to self-assess through exemplars, general discussion, and the practice of deep reading.

The third level of feedback is what happens in class. The caveat is that the power of that face-to-face feedback is almost entirely dependent on how well you use the kinds mentioned above. If you have some clarity on grade abatement and read deeply on this website, you have the foundations for bell-to-bell work in the makerspace.

11/13/19 – 11/15/19

Over the next few days, you will self-assess through another GAP report, submit evidence of your current writing process, and share your Q1 Pareto Project progress. Except for the GAP report, these submissions will be part of the evidentiary process for Q2A, which ends on December 9. The focus will be on growth and improvement.

You should also focus on reading as far as possible in the current novel, The Things They Carried. There is no page number you need to reach, because the goal is now to finish. Demonstrate through your actions that you are hitting your potential, not an arbitrary page number. This weekend, after we’ve wrapped up Q1, you will receive a instructional post with more context.

Finally, we need to collaborate to improve your use of class time. I think this starts with a soft ban on phones. Read this updated guide to the start of class, and note the emphasis on how you set up your physical workspace: What to Do at the Start of Class.

Some of you will need direct, written feedback about your use of class time. This may be written to groups, not just individuals. Others may need to be separated physically from their self-selected groups in order to build better habits.

Remember that many people struggle to be disciplined at work. The Dunning-Kruger effect is one reason for that. Whatever the reason, you need enough self-awareness and self-control to stay focused when required to, especially when the requirement is only 30-40 minutes at a time.

These are the habits and skills everyone needs. If you read this instructional post carefully, you learned that colleges and careers desire self-control and self-efficacy as much any job-specific skill set of academic knowledge.

I believe that part of what’s happening is, first, that jobs are increasingly automated and outsourced, which means that the more important skills are human ones, like empathy and creativity. The analog in academics is the extent to which knowledge is externalized and crowdsourced. The more important skills are, again, the ones that can’t be programmed, like collegiality and creativity.

And at the base of that collaborative and creative skillset is the capacity to focus and regulate yourself. If you’re competing with machine learning and automated productivity, you can’t get distracted every five minutes by gossip or your phone. You have to be disciplined and serious. The difference between you and everyone else will be your capacity to conquer what is called akrasia.

Right now, far too many of you are undisciplined and unserious. You can call it senioritis, blame it on the system, etc, but it comes down to habits of mind:

Ongoing Discussion: Grain through the Body of a Bird

What to Do at the Start of Class

The start of every class period should look the same. As you arrive, even before the bell rings, you should begin the start-of-class checklist. It will focus you in several ways.

On Google Classroom, it looks like this:

That link loads the handout. It fits on the front of a single page. Laminated color copies are posted on the walls and spread throughout the room.

Here is a direct link:

Step #1: The Physical Space

Using the space effectively is about much more than modular tables and rolling chairs. You can choose seats that allow you to collaborate, and you can rearrange the room to suit your goals. Be sure to

  • sit where you can be most productive;
  • avoid groups that will distract you;
  • load only what you need on your Chromebook; and
  • put away your phone.

On the last two points: Store the phone where it can’t tentacle its way into the learning environment, and strip the Chromebook of anything not related to our work. You lack the self-control to do anything else.

Step #2: Google Classroom

The use of a form to set goals and practice mindfulness is detailed here: The Start of Class: Daily Calibration. The goal-setting is a requirement. It ought to happen at the start of class, and it must happen within the first ten minutes or so.

Always check your current, upcoming, and missing assignments. Those posts will provide a road map for the rest of the period. Read all directions and announcements carefully, and be sure to click on every link.

Step #3: Gmail

This step is best understood as a failsafe for Google Classroom. Set up notifications so that you can be informed of any and all updates related to the course, from new posts to individual feedback. If you need help organizing your Gmail inbox, make that a priority.

Step #4: Google Drive

Another failsafe. You’re more likely to open documents and files somewhere else, but you should have this app organized well enough to find any file you need quickly.

You will often share folders and files from Drive when you are compiling evidence for grading purposes.

Step #5: Sisyphean High

You most often find yourself on the course website through a Google Classroom link. It needs to be bookmarked, though, because it contains everything related to the learning process. All lectures, notes, and other posts are required reading.

You should also begin to use this site as a means of asking questions and getting feedback. The comment section is always open, and it’s a waste to leave it empty.

The Feedback Chain

This is another exploration of how feedback works in a Humanities makerspace. These are other posts on the same subject:

There are many, many more.

Continue reading

November 6, 2019

Drawn and Quartered: Q1

The first quarter ends next Friday. You will complete the last GAP report for Q1 on Thursday, November 14.

Take some time this weekend to review the assessment essentials for our course:

Clarifying Grade Abatement
Grade Abatement Profiles
Universal Skills and Traits
Step-By-Step Guide to Assessment
2019-2020 Calendar of Assessment
2019-2020 Student GAP Reports

The complete list is available through several menus on this site.

Current Writing Assignments

Today, you have two assignments due:

  1. The Skill of Empathy
  2. Reading Check: 11/6/19

The “reading check” will collect data about your progress in The Things They Carried. You must also write a short response.

The other assignment was posted on October 29, after you had read through the instructional background on empathy and Chad Fowler’s essay.

By the end of today, you should have practiced empathy in four ways. For each, you should have a written response and some metacognitive analysis.

Your next essay will continue into Q2:

River Writing: On Empathy

Read the prompt carefully. You will use the universal guide to write, which means you will need to discuss possible subjects and approaches in class before you begin.

Ask questions about this essay in class and in the comment section of the post. Use the comment section below to ask about this post’s overview of your work.

Note: You will be given a complete breakdown of our upcoming work on The Things They Carried. For now, continue to read at your own pace.

River Writing: On Empathy

Writing Prompt

Your prompt:

Write an essay on a subject from your study of the practice of empathy.


Each hyperlink in the prompt leads to the entirety of what you need to write this essay. It starts with the writing process post, which leads you to your writing guide:

The questions guide you through the modular elements of writing. Here is the second page:

Continue reading

October 27, 2019

Example of a Penrose staircase.

Back to Basics: Why Basic Assignments Matter Most

Perhaps the most notable similarity between a GAP score of 8 and a GAP score of 4 is the emphasis on basic assignments. If you complete these basic tasks, a final grade of 90 is likely; if you don’t, a final grade of 70 might be the highest you can go.

Tier Four: “Required Assignments”

Tier Two: “Basic Requirements”

In terms of skills, let’s use the metaphor of steps:

You’re asked to climb. If you skip the first step, you can probably stretch and get to the second. Some of you can take two steps at a time to get where we’re going.

But if you stop climbing, or if you refuse to take the majority of those first steps, you don’t move up.

You also can’t start at the top of the stairs, or even halfway up them; you have to take those first steps first.

GAP Triage

When you load the relevant spreadsheet file, you’ll find color-coded feedback arranged by period and student number.

Before you do that: Do not read this mathematically. Do not compare different rows. These data are part of a larger narrative, and you will absolutely get that narrative wrong if you go looking at other people’s feedback.

There is no efficient way to flip teacher notes to you than what I’ve done here. This alone takes the better part of a weekend. Do not mistake this for anything but part of the larger narrative.

Note, too, that this includes only basic assignments. You had many more assignments over the last month:

  • “Why Read?” Response
  • Response to WIP GAP: 10/11
  • Goodreads Response
  • River Essay #1
  • Ongoing Pareto Projects

Discrepancies in final GAP scores are a result of these assignments, which were given feedback separately and constitute the more meaningful and personalized parts of the course.

Triage, as we’re using the metaphor here, is about showcasing for some of you where the damage is. It’s about treating those wounds.

The following post explains how to read these spreadsheets. This is required reading if you’d like to make sense of those zeros, ones, and twos:

GAP Score Triage: Overview

Understand that this information is being shared to help you understand the need to complete basic assignments. That’s the goal: to run triage for as many students as possible as efficiently as possible.

These data should also help you see the repercussions of good and bad choices. It will put it, as that post argues, into Skinner-box triggers anyone can understand. This is not the usual way to share feedback on your progress.

It is also always relevant that posting grades online is destructive to your learning:

It’s not enough to disseminate grades more efficiently — for example, by posting them online. There is a growing technology, as the late Gerald Bracey once remarked, “that permits us to do in nanoseconds things that we shouldn’t be doing at all” (quoted in Mathews, 2006). In fact, posting grades online is a significant step backward because it enhances the salience of those grades and therefore their destructive effects on learning.

Posting these zeros and ones in Infinite Campus would be detrimental to you. It would also communicate absolutely no new information at that time. It would warp and disrupt the learning process.

Again, this is explained in the post on GAP triage. You must read those directions before reacting limbically to these numbers. You should absolutely not compare your row to anyone else’s. You would be operating without the information you need, and you’d be learning the wrong lesson from these data.

In brief: If you are missing work, that is obvious; if the work is insufficient or incomplete, that, too, is obvious:

Insufficient vs. Sufficient Work

All assignments can be easily checked through Google Classroom. You should also have notes on face-to-face feedback, plenty of typed feedback through Google Docs and Classroom, etc.

So these are the basics. These are the first steps. The spreadsheet, again, doesn’t include any of the larger responses, like your river essay, because those bigger assignments can only be assessed effectively after you’ve done these basic assignments.

That’s how you need to read this triage spreadsheet. It shows the basic, simple, easy stuff that you have weeks, sometimes, to finish. Doing these simple tasks allows us to apply a makerspace mentality to your more elevated writing, reading, and so on; not doing them prevents you making any real progress until you do complete them.

Note that this will be a live link on 10/28:

  • Spreadsheets for All Classes: GAP Q1B Triage [PDF]

A copy of that PDF will also be sent to you through Google Classroom. Below is a brief description of each assignment in the order they are listed in this triage spreadsheet.

Final GAP Score | What’s now posted in Infinite Campus. Unpack it with the profiles, skills and traits, and GAP guide. Ask for clarification.

WIP GAP Score [9/27] | See the post from October 2, 2019 and the explanation of WIP GAP scores.

Self-Reported GAP Score | If you don’t communicate where you think you are, no one can redirect you, validate you, conference with you, etc. If this number is off by more than one profile from your actual Q1B score, schedule a conference. See this year’s organizing post.

Self-Analysis ¶ | The self-reported GAP score is useless without this. If you don’t communicate why you selected a particular score, you might as well be guessing. Note, too, that if you don’t write enough to provide insight, this paragraph is a nonstarter.

Daily Calibration Check | This is required. I looked at a day when most students were present and had many ongoing assignments to work on.

In-Class Rubicon [10/7+10/8] | Two days considered together. See the post on October 8 for more. If you aren’t using class time well, you can’t expect to do well.

In-Class Rubicon [WIP: 9/27] | You especially can’t expect to do well after being warned, again and again, that you have to be on-task in class.

Guided Analysis: Graham | These are the traditional analysis questions that allow you to write freely on different subjects with that universal writing process guide. There probably isn’t a more important assignment from Q1.

Edpuzzle: Question 5 | This was a five-minute video accompanied by five questions. These are the basic questions that let us study literature without quizzes, traditional tests, etc. After the analysis of Graham, there probably isn’t a more important assignment from Q1, and the most important question is this one, from the end of the video.

Summer Reading Form | You could do this in two minutes, if you didn’t read. If you did read, this became the basis of the next week’s more in-depth writing response. Either way, it’s a simple form.

Note on Late Work

In many cases, assignment deadlines are waived, at least in terms of meeting those “basic requirements.” If you get it done, it still has value, so it counts.

The lateness counts, too, however. if it takes you weeks to finish something, you still have all the other steps to take. You’re now behind. You have to work faster to catch up.

There’s also a point after which the feedback you could have gotten is no longer possible. That’s why you might have completed something after the deadline, probably after the end of the Q1B panel, and not see it reflected here. We can “fix” that, by which I mean that we can adjust your profile, if possible, by meeting to go over the evidence.

The more important consideration is why you’re getting any work in so late that it isn’t reflected here. Of course we should get you the credit you deserve; the greater concern, however, is that you’re not meeting deadlines, even when those deadlines are flexible.

To use the metaphor of steps again: You can’t sprint up the steps at the last second without the risk of tripping, stumbling backward, and landing back at the start.

Note, too, that your teachers are always here to help you get to the top of those metaphorical stairs. We’re with you, as you walk, to the extent you need us. There even are escalators for some of you to use.

Ask questions below.

October 22, 2019

The Act of Giving It Your Attention

Start today by reading this, which comes from the Head of School at Wooster:

[S]creens and the internet are causing us all to slowly lose the ability to do what is called “deep reading.” In the meantime, I’m going to keep asking you all to give me your attention in this way: Reading deeply, and then thinking deeply and reflecting. Questions are a part of the process too, and I am happy to answer them at any time. Even if you don’t agree with the content, or it makes you slightly uncomfortable, just the act of giving it your attention, and thinking deeply about it, is good for your brain. In this age of distraction and sound bites, it gives me great joy to help our community members retain and strengthen the gift of deeper reading.

Like our own discussion of online reading, what this doesn’t say is as important as what it does say. We’ve known for a long time now that the Internet is shallowing our brains — Nicholas Carr’s The Shallows is one of the best journalistic books on the subject — but that is a problem with how we use the Internet, not the Internet itself.

We all need help “retain[ing] and strengthen[ing] the gift of deeper reading.” It’s a habit you can only build over time, but it’s as Matt Byrnes says here: “[J]ust the act of giving it your attention, and thinking deeply about it, is good for your brain.”

This is why I write to you instructionally. Put simply, it’s good for your brain to read this sort of thing, even if it makes you uncomfortable.

Today, your reading is a soft reboot of the makerspace itself:

What Is a (Humanities) Makerspace?

Walk yourself through the entire post. Plug in to watch the video. Skim attached articles. At this point, you’ve been in the space long enough to experience the practical application of these ideas, so you should also consider your own work.

This “deep reading” will contextualize today’s assignment, too. You have reached another inflection point for grade abatement profiling, which means another moment to self-assess, collaborate, and recommit to the work of the space.

Remember that this kind of assessment also requires you to read deeply, to consider uncomfortable truths, to question, etc., in order to think deeply and reflect accurately on your progress. As necessary, you would use the links in the “Essentials Pack” for assessment, which is available in several places online and in class:

Clarifying Grade Abatement
Grade Abatement Profiles
Universal Skills and Traits
Step-By-Step Guide to Assessment
WIP GAP Scores Explained
2019-2020 Calendar of Assessment
2019-2020 Student GAP Reports

The assignment itself is on Google Classroom. The form provides you ample opportunity for honest self-assessment, since it links repeatedly to these other “deep dives” into your learning.

For today, this work is about you, the individual, taking on the sometimes uncomfortable task of deep reading. It’s also about you, the individual, completing the often uncomfortable task of self-assessment.

Plug in, focus, and work. Ask questions in person, but also ask them here, or through email. When in doubt, just ask. Use your voice to be part of the discussion.

Note: The deadline for your GAP reports will be extended to tomorrow to give you time for this. We will still distribute your next novel tomorrow.

October 15, 2019

Goodreads and Summer Reading

This week, you only meet in class twice; the rest of the time, you will need to use the interstitial mechanisms of the course to stay on top of your work. That’s a good thing. One of the skills you need moving forward is the ability to regulate yourself without constant supervision. You have to beat back any learned helplessness before you graduate.

And, as always, this is about making connections between lessons and lectures while making you stronger readers. That’s why you have to get used to flipped instruction, and it’s why the first part of the latest assignment on Google Classroom tells you to read this post:

Good Reads and Goodreads

That post connects to the reading you should have done at the beginning of the year, the assignment you should have done last week, the work we’ve done on writing and discussion, and a dozen other elements of this space.

If you have done your work diligently, this is the logical next step. It will make sense. If you have not done your work recently, you’ll have to catch up, as you’d expect.

Note: A copy of the assignment from Google Classroom is below the rest of today’s announcements and updates.

You have a week to figure out this writing response, although Friday’s class period should be reserved for passion projects and college essays. That further makes this Goodreads assignment a test of your ability to use the resources available to you to do good work without relying on someone to spoon-feed you answers.

College Essays: Walking Deadlines

On the subject of college essays, working on them remains on the menu of choices through October 25. That will be the last day you can elect to workshop an essay, meet with a teacher, peer edit, etc., during the class period.

After October 25, you can still get help on the essay, but you’ll have to schedule time outside of class for it. Remember that this writing assignment has its own deadline, which is the actual application deadline for the schools you’ve chosen.

Upcoming Novel: The Things They Carried

Once we’re through this week, we’ll start The Things They Carried. There’s no formal assignment until the novel is distributed, but you might want to read more about it on Goodreads:

From Google Classroom: Goodreads Assignment

Due on October 21. GAP Q1B ends with a formal score on October 22.

Your assignment is to use the resources of the makerspace — time, feedback, peers, and a new resource in Goodreads — to write about one of the BHS summer reading books for 2019.

You can do this, if you read your chosen book, by using last week’s writing (Summer Reading in the Fall) and the instructional post attached below. It will be a straightforward response based on your experience of the text, our background reading, and the reading you do on Goodreads.

If you did not read a book from the list, choose one now. You can find the complete list in a post from the first week of school: Once you’ve chosen a book, you can head over to Goodreads and read about it.

What you write can be driven by our universal process, which you can find linked again below, but it may be more useful to discuss your ideas in person, online, over email, etc., as you decide what to create after you log into Goodreads, look up your particular book, and enter that conversation.

To give it a list’s structure:

1) Download the app or load the website for Goodreads.
2) Register a new account, or decide to revisit this step later.
3) Search for the book in question — in this case, your choice from the list.
4) Dive into the writing and other data on Goodreads about this book.
5) Discuss what you find, in writing and in person, with peers and your teacher.
6) Write a response — the one you are assigned, the one you choose to write, the one inspired by the writing process, etc.
7) Decide whether or not to post the finished response to Goodreads.
8) If you publish to the site, wait to see if you get feedback. Otherwise, get feedback in the usual way.

Ask questions in the comment section below, in class, and through the usual methods.

Good Reads and Goodreads

Adapted from two posts from the reading section of this site: How to Choose a Book and Holt’s Checkpoint, Choosing to Read, and After You Read.

Responding to a Text: Goodreads

Throughout the reading process, you’re asked to consider the purpose of literature outside of a high school classroom. The video we watch ends with a particularly powerful quotation about this:

We should learn to treat [literature] as doctors treat their medicine, something we prescribe in response to a range of ailments and classify according to the problems it might be best suited to addressing. Literature deserves its prestige for one reason above all others: because it’s a tool to help us live and die with a little more wisdom, goodness, and sanity.

The key word there is tool, as in a tool for our makerspace. Books are a way to solve problems and treat ailments and create meaning. They aren’t assignments to be endured (or circumvented, as the case may be); they are the most important part of the Humanities.

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October 11, 2019

WIP GAP: Today’s the Day

Today is the de facto date for progress reports, so you have been asked to complete a work-in-progress grade abatement profile score report — what you now should recognize as a WIP GAP report. The guide to these scores is available here:

WIP GAP Explained

The form you must fill out is available here: You’ll need to be signed into your Brewster account to access it. What you’ll find is a stripped-down version of the formal GAP report.

As always, this kind of self-assessment requires you to weigh evidence honestly and objectively. It is “collective human judgment informed by evidence,” as Tony Wagner calls it: a collaborative effort to validate your progress, hold you accountable for any missteps, and give you direction moving forward.

You can mark the assignment on Google Classroom as done when you’ve completed the report. Alternatively, you can create a document there to start a discussion about your progress. That is strongly encouraged! The more you invest, the more successful you will be.

In fact, you are also strongly encouraged to ask questions here, in the comment section of this post, about your progress. Those questions will benefit others, and what benefits them will also help you.

It might be most helpful to read some of the testimonials about this makerspace that are available online:

This makerspace approach to your learning is highly effective for 95% of students, but 100% is more than possible. If you find yourself in that 5%, start a discussion. Ask questions. Invest in the space, and it will pay off, because it always does.

Remember that a lack of communication and honesty is what kills any relationship. Your integrity is as much a part of your learning profile as any other skill or trait.