40 Days: English 10 Regents

April 22 is the beginning of the fourth and last quarter of the year. 40 days remain. Let’s start with a review of the basic resources available to students and all stakeholders:

If you are a parent or guardian and haven’t already done so, bookmark the course website and sign up for Google Classroom email summaries.

Course Specifics: English 10

We’ll start with Macbeth, which we’ll read and watch in class:

Reading Macbeth

We’ll then write a reader’s response to Macbeth, using the following writing process:

Writing Process: Reader’s Response

For the last novel of the year, students will be given a choice. We’ll work our way toward another reader-response essay, in addition to the usual approach to literary analysis and discussion.

We’ll also study persuasive writing, a mode of discourse that lets us learn about research, synthesis, and citation. Students will write a persuasive essay in May.

Pareto Projects, also known as 20-Time or 20% Projects, will be presented in June. For a recap of what that entails:

The final exam will be taken in class during the week of June 10. It will be based on the essay-writing portion of the New York State Regents Examination in English Language Arts.

Ask any questions about our scheduled work below, and pay careful attention to any changes announced through Google Classroom. As always, assignments will be formally posted there; this site will be used for instruction, general feedback, and planning purposes; and individual feedback will be given interstitially through our usual methods.