There are levels here. The first level is the post you are now reading, which offers a simple mandate:
Treat your class time as the rare resource it is, and advocate for yourself early and often.
That’s the surface level. The next level asks you to read just under 300 words on in-class focus. It does not take long.
Leveling Up: Level 1-1
Then we get to a level that covers the same material in a little over 800 words.
Leveling Up: Level 2
Finally, you get to a complete unit of study. It clocks in at over 2800 words and incorporates a considerable amount of ramiform reading. It teaches you much more than you think, too.
Leveling Up: Boss Level
This is done to help you. You need self-discipline, self-awareness, self-control — and if you ever doubt the reasons why, you could look at another set of leveled lectures:
- Focus Lecture, Levels 1–3:
- Focus Lecture, Level 4:
There are levels. Get as far as you can.