March 3, 2020

Ongoing List of Required Instructional Reading

You Must Read

You wouldn’t usually see two of these update posts in a row, but this one has just one message: You need to read everything posted, copied, or written on a whiteboard.

To help, one of those whiteboards looks like this today:

We’ll use that space for a few weeks, mostly as a visual focal point. Your immediate focus is what you should have read. You’ve had all seven project posts for a month. There are modified handouts and printed copies, too. If you haven’t read everything, start reading now.

Then focus on the updates from yesterday:

Those three posts must be read. They reiterate the same information with increasing detail, so you can work your way up to the main post over the next week or so. You should immediately read the March 2 and TL;DR posts, however.

The related essay excerpts have been posted in several places and photocopied. Make sure you’ve read them.

Finally, you’ve had a formative assignment on statements of purpose since February 13. If you haven’t read it and watched its video examples, you have until Thursday:

As that Classroom posts says, you’ll have photocopies to annotate. The more you’ve read before Thursday, the more productive your work will be.

Ask any questions in the comments below.

Leveling Up: Level 1-1

When you are working in a makerspace, whether on complicated work like second-semester projects or simpler work like the purpose of literature, you must be especially vigilant about how you spend your class periods. The established feedback chain will take care of the feedback you need, if you stay on task. You must follow these three rules:

  1. You must set a daily goal, and it must be clear and specific.
  2. You must steadily collect evidence, perhaps nightly, so that you can self-assess when asked.
  3. Above all else, you must, per the terms of the course, read the instructions and instructional posts completely and repeatedly.

There are always multiple levels to those instructional elements, ranging from simplest to most in-depth, for you to access.

This post is simplified. It’s the digital equivalent of an in-class whiteboard:

This is most useful as a reference point for in-class discussion. It exists to prompt further reading.

Here are two more levels of interstitial instruction for this post:

The simple version is this:

  1. You must meet a goal of almost 100% focus when you are in the physical classroom.
  2. If you are off-task or unfocused, you trigger negative consequences.
  3. If you are on-task and focused during class, you will be successful.

The idea of a hand tally, as discussed here, is more conceptual than literal, but it can be literalized:

See the instructional posts above for what happens, good and bad, as you make your daily decisions, and read the following instructional excerpt for information about “faking it” until it clicks into place:

Leveling Up: Level 2

Grade abatement tracks your learning through profiles, which contain predictable and consistent language about universal skills, traits, and knowledge. Every three weeks, a profile score delivers an evaluation and a blueprint for improvement, and this is part of a much more robust and embedded form of feedback.

Each of those hyperlinks demonstrates the depth of the system. There are levels to this. The more invested you are, the more rewarding the learning is, as if a second course was contained within the first one.

That first course sometimes requires old approaches. It sometimes becomes necessary to track the value each of you adds to or subtracts from the learning environment on a moment-by-moment basis, and we will do this through the gamification of in-class choices.

TL;DR, or the gist of this shift:

  1. You must meet a goal of almost 100% focus when you are in the physical classroom.
  2. If you are off-task or unfocused, you trigger negative consequences.
  3. If you are on-task and focused during class, you will be successful.

This is your space, and you are old enough not to blame others for how it functions. Learning to own your choices is part of the curriculum. You can read the full version of this post to understand more:

Each day, you should go out of your way to appear focused. If you actually are focused, you don’t have anything to worry about. The work is robust and responsive enough to take care of your learning. Otherwise, you might want to fake it, as the second excerpt in this handout explains:

You have been given the tools to be productive — or, at least, to fake productivity long enough for a few positive benefits. Log into your school-issued Chromebooks, for instance, and know that the school’s 1984-inspired Securly software will monitor your focus. These reports can be run at any time to identify if you’re treating the space as a study hall.

That’s the digital trail. You can also use the physical space effectively by choosing a different seat at the start of class or by organizing your workspace deliberately to minimize distractions.

You must focus, in other words, and be obvious and even ostentatious about focusing. If it looks like you’re focused, you are. If it looks like you’re not focused, then you’re not.

For more on why “focus” is an essential skill for all citizens, read below:

When we track your choices, good and bad, any mention of tally marks is conceptual or metaphorical. If it helps to literalize it, however, you can:

Positive contributions correspond to upper-tier profiles: galvanizing actions, creative collaboration, insightful self-assessment, that sort of thing. Doing more than just what’s required boosts your learning, the learning of others, and the products of the space.

Here is a partial list of what triggers a metaphorical red mark:

  • Inability to sustain focus
  • Inability to think critically
  • Inability to self-direct
  • Inability to self-assess

We could also pull a representative list from the essay excerpt on Occam’s razor and faking it. Those metaphorical tally marks indicate

  • watching sports highlights;
  • scrolling through social media;
  • completing a Social Studies presentation;
  • researching prom dresses;
  • looking up dirt bikes;
  • playing a game on your phone; or
  • having an in-depth but off-task conversation.

As you rack up poor choices, you’ll eventually tip the scales. You’ll go go from non-heap to heap, and then there are repercussions. These have already been established as separate from GAP scores. Some repercussions happen in class:

  • Assigned seat
  • Restricted access to technology
  • Additional daily check-in
  • Individual work contract

But if you’re wasting time in the workspace, you must pay back that time. You’ve cost yourself. Again, the TL;DR or gist of this shift:

  1. You must meet a goal of almost 100% focus when you are in the physical classroom.
  2. If you are off-task or unfocused for a significant percentage of class time, you trigger negative consequences.
  3. If you are on-task and focused during class, you will be successful.

You have to make up the time you waste, not just to insure you’re getting the work done, and not just to insure that you are ready for the future, but because you owe the space that time. This, too, is mostly metaphorical, but it can become literal. In that case, you may have to pay back the time wasted.

Again, this is all designed to promote your learning. Here is a partial list of what can happen:

  • Interventions or meetings with Guidance
  • Interventions or meetings with administration
  • Mandated one-on-one conferences before or after school
  • Schedule change: SSH → Study Hall
  • Schedule change: SSH → tutoring in Learning Center

You don’t need hundreds of metaphorical tally marks for us to justify helping you; you need only to have demonstrated that you are struggling with the skills and traits required in a learning environment.

Leveling Up: Boss Level

You must build up your life action by action, and be content if each one achieves its goal as far as possible — and no one can keep you from this.
–Marcus Aurelius

The unit on akrasia is a staple of any course taught in the makerspace. It is defined as a lack of self-control or the state of acting against one’s better judgment, and we study it empathetically and preventatively — although the central metaphor of that unit (a guillotine) isn’t exactly subtle.

Yet it truly is an empathetic lesson, in the end, which is why the readings are about overcoming our human failings. The excerpt from You Are Not So Smart, for instance, is about treating procrastination as a battle with a natural part of your brain. You have to outwit a part of yourself.

That doesn’t mean you should just accept bad choices, of course. You should accept only that there is a part of you that you must understand in order to overcome it — a human part that makes poor choices from time to time. Your job, as a student, is to master that part while realizing this:

That’s another article dealing with akrasia, even if the word itself is never used, and it’s a good article, in that it never pretends expertise, yet offers plenty of guidance and insight. It has a simple, memorable hook borrowed from an advertising slogan, but it’s more memorable for the way it attacks different excuses for inaction, one by one, in order to suggest that even the simplest steps to improve can bring clarity.

In a Humanities makerspace, the simplest steps are what matter. You are building a version of yourself through your choices. You are quite literally rebuilding your brain. If the most important thing we learn is always something about how we learn, then your personal blueprint is always evolving.

With that in mind, this lecture takes aim at two elements of the learning environment: first, how your individual choices are tracked; second, what happens after those choices are tallied (metaphorically, in most cases). This post also serves to explore some of the fundamental issues of motivation and action in our space.

TL;DR, or the gist of this shift:

  1. You must meet a goal of almost 100% focus when you are in the physical classroom.
  2. If you are off-task or unfocused for a significant percentage of class time — a percentage you do not dictate, by the way — you will trigger negative consequences.
  3. If you are on-task and focused during class, however, you will be successful.

See Leveling Up: Level 1-2 for a shorter version of this. There is also an even shorter version here.

There are also related lectures on the need for greater focus as you get older:

Let’s review the space and its approach to learning:

You have unprecedented freedom and flexibility. The terms of your learning are clear, and your menu of choices is constantly updated. From the syllabus through our study of literature to the second semester’s provisional setup, you are given projects you design and pursue at your own pace. This includes the college essay in the fall, your required Senior Talk in the spring, and even the required English 12 research paper.

You can take risks, as always, because you’re evaluated on skills and traits that encourage risk and growth. There are no immutable deadlines. Feedback is built into every lesson.

The beginnings of the course prepare you for this project-based work — not just by honing the skills of writing and reading, but through a broader study of skills like organization. We even study why you sometimes make bad choices to give you the skills to self-monitor and self-direct.

Whether you are at the start of this process or about to finish it, one requirement remains the same: You must spend close to 100% of every class period focused and productive. Given your options, this should be easy. You aren’t imprisoned with a chain gang, staring down a day of hard labor in the rock quarry. This is authentic, project-based learning. It’s inspired by the best research and innovation we have access to.

In fact, it’s truly brain-boggling that any student would look at this Humanities makerspace, at its extraordinary flexibility, at the heaps of evidence about how it connects to the future, and then say, “This just doesn’t work for me.” That’s more than a gap in knowledge. It’s got to be caused by more than the usual half-lidded rumor-mongering.

This course can always adjust to provide what an individual student needs, and it can almost always do that through what a student wants. Each element, from the profiles for assessment to the universal process for essay-writing, promotes individualization.

Once you realize what that sort of makerspace-inspired, project-based learning means and what the Humanities actually do (versus how they’ve been crippled by historical accident), the possibilities are about as endless as they get in a public high school.

One of 2020’s graduating seniors, for example, spent the end of the year meeting the goals of their project-based work through a more traditional setup: an online, automated, book-driven course of study that could have been lifted from a 1995 English classroom. That’s what was best for him, so that’s what we did.

One of his peers, meanwhile, studied video game lore and posted his writing process to Reddit for authentic, crowd-sourced feedback. He went on to analyze how video game narratives might meet the criteria for literary merit, and his Reddit-inspired work led directly to a robust, real-world research paper.

Still another peer spent time analyzing the drum tracks of heavy metal songs as part of a research project into autodidactic musicianship — teaching himself to drum like the best, in other words. He was inspired, in part, by a classmate who used to analyze contemporary hip-hop in order to produce his own rap lyrics.

We are able to do this kind of atypical work because the systems of the course are so meticulously designed, because the instructions and resources are fully front-loaded, and because the assessment is profile-based. The building blocks are there. The work can be as traditional or experimental as we want it to be.

And if a student can’t figure out on their own how to navigate this course, somebody on our team of teachers and counselors will do it. We will review, discuss, and individualize every element of the learning environment until it works. Again, the building blocks of the course give us that kind of modular flexibility.

Which brings us back to the choices you make during each class period:

  1. You must meet a goal of almost 100% focus when you are in the physical classroom.
  2. If you are off-task or unfocused, bad things are going to happen.
  3. If you are on-task and focused during class, good things are going to happen.

When you put in the required time and effort, this space works. It does what it says on the tin. It prepares you for college or a career, guides you through a study of the Humanities, and invites you to learn more about yourself.

Your choices are, of course, still yours to make, so we’ll also work on advocacy over blaming others. Blame is just as self-destructive as Brené Brown thinks. As she says, it’s an expression of frustration and discomfort, and it kills relationships and empathy.

In here, blaming others does even more damage. It encourages you to avoid any uncomfortable feedback about your performance, which means rejecting the opportunity to improve yourself. Instead of growth, you face stagnation.

Or worse: You can only continue down that path for so long before you become this guy, who fought so hard against evidence and logic that he turned the backfire effect into a literal explosion.

The goal, therefore, is to make every student invest in the class period, because that investment will pay off. Here is an older essay that discusses the importance of in-class focus when you have just 40 minutes (give or take) each day:

The class period is the crux of your learning. In our high school, during most years, those periods are approximately 40 minutes long. During the insanity of the coronavirus pandemic, we had to overhaul the in-person schedule and overall calendars dramatically, leading to entire posts just about the 66 minutes available to us.

Ultimately, the exact number of minutes we spend together is irrelevant to this post. All of this expansive online material is there to enable more time for face-to-face instruction and feedback, and if you read what you’re asked to read when you’re asked to read it, we can shift easily into the mentality of the makerspace.

That’s why flipped instruction was developed, in fact, and why it was further developed in this space into “interstitial” learning. A letter on the subject starts off each year.

You should be prepping outside of class, scheduling the instructional posts around your schedule, and then using the classroom as a workshop. It helps to meet every day. We could make it work once a week, however, or around any other schedule.

Read this excerpt from a longer essay on the makerspace:

Those two excerpts are part of the grade abatement process, as well. In this post, they highlight how straightforward the choice is to use your time wisely, how it connects directly to your growth and success, and how you should fake it, if you have to.

The first excerpt, “Occam’s Razor(s),” discusses the choices you make each day. It’s about the “slow, steady concatenation of evidence,” where concatenation refers to almost every action you take. In the end, however, you are one type of student or another, and some choices weigh more than others.

The second excerpt, “Faking It,” is about tricking your brain into remembering that it loves to learn, loves to create, loves feedback, etc. The hook is there; sometimes you just have to force yourself to listen. If you fake it long enough, you will build good habits.

It may help to note that school is performative by design. Performance-based assessment is a net positive, for instance, and when the assessment model is driven by in-class making, like ours, you can manufacture a lot of the necessary momentum.

You can also default to the basics, if that makes more sense to you. You could choose to do literary criticism and to write an MLA-formatted essay straight out of that 1995 classroom. That’s fine. You can write five-paragraph essays, read the canonical books most seniors read, and churn out literary and rhetorical analysis. All that teaches many useful skills, and it will get you, for lack of a better term, credit.

You could, on the other hand, do contemporary research into cults, like one student did in 2019, and then connect that research to a novel about the world of Far Cry 5. You could explore the connections between video game narratives and canonical storytelling. You could research interactive storytelling.

That Far Cry example is much more authentic and interesting, yet it remains completely immersed in a love of stories and the power of reading. It also gets at the essential questions that matter: How do people fall into cults? What does that tell us about ourselves? Questions like that drive your learning.

If this extraordinary amount of agency and unequaled level of choice fail you, that is a shame. It means you are in shambles, and those shambles have a particular look:

When you hit that shambolic state, it’s a matter of forcing you to use class time effectively until the course works for you. We have to electrify the Skinner box to get you out of it.

From a certain point of view, those mechanisms offer a balance to the project-based learning and individualized attention of the rest of the curriculum. The latter is based on the real world and speaks to autonomy, self-awareness, self-direction. The Skinner box is the necessary evil: a real-time reward or penalty for certain choices.

Grade abatement profiles reward the choice to fight your akratic instinct, but they reward it over time. In the moment, gamification may work. You can research the concept (perhaps as part of a research-driven essay, or as the subject of a river essay), or you can read this quick overview of it.

In here, the gamified element is the tally of your choices in real time. We measure the value added and the value subtracted by your actions. This does not need to be literal.

As the next section explains, the value of your actions is the same as it ever was, and you’ve been told since you were very young what is appropriate and what isn’t in a classroom. You’ll learn how our gamification works through practice, too, which is a bit like what happens when you fire up a video game like Super Mario Bros. on the NES.

You learn to focus as you make choices. Does it hurt you to play a game on your phone with 60 seconds left in class? Probably not, but we’ll see when you try it. Does it boost your performance to volunteer to share your progress with the class? Definitely, and you’ll know that when you receive positive feedback.

Here is what that tally would look like if it were literal:

Again, you’ll learn by doing, and you already know, after a decade in this public-school Skinner box, what is expected of you. There shouldn’t be a need to scratch out tally marks to motivate you. This is much better used conceptually.

Black tally marks reflect choices that correspond to those upper-tier profiles: galvanizing actions, creative collaboration, insightful self-assessment, that sort of thing. Doing more than just what’s required will be noted, for instance.

As for what triggers one of those metaphorical, red tally marks? Here is a list from a post on this sort of thing:

  • Inability to sustain focus
  • Inability to think critically
  • Inability to self-direct
  • Inability to self-assess

Or you could work off of the not-at-all comprehensive list in the excerpt you read earlier:

  • Watching sports highlights
  • Scrolling through social media
  • Completing a Social Studies presentation
  • Researching prom dresses
  • Looking up dirt bikes
  • Playing a game on your phone
  • Having an in-depth conversation about music

First, an important note on all of these choices: They could theoretically be folded into your project-based work. That’s how flexible this approach is. It would take foresight, front-loading, and discussion, but you could explore almost any interest you have through this classroom.

Otherwise, your akratic choices add up. You’ll eventually tip the scales, go from non-heap to heap, and then there are repercussions. You’re already familiar with what can happen. Some repercussions happen in class:

  • Assigned seat
  • Restricted access to technology
  • Additional daily check-in
  • Individual work contract

But if you’re wasting time in class, you have to make up that time. You will fall behind, otherwise. Back to the gist of this focus:

  1. You must meet a goal of almost 100% focus when you are in the physical classroom.
  2. If you are off-task or unfocused enough, bad things happen.
  3. If you are on-task and focused during class, good things happen.

You have to put in the time, and not just to insure you’re getting the work done. It’s also that you owe this space 36–40 minutes of your time. When something has been this painstakingly built to provide you what you need, you owe it the bare minimum you owe every class, which is something approaching 40 minutes. Gratitude is good for you, too.

The repercussions you’ll face when you level up enough akratic choices will mostly be implemented through your Senior Study Halls, which can be repurposed for any of the following:

  • Interventions or meetings with Guidance
  • Interventions or meetings with administration
  • Mandated one-on-one conferences before or after school
  • Schedule change: SSH → Study Hall
  • Schedule change: SSH → tutoring in Learning Center

You don’t need hundreds of metaphorical tally marks for us to justify helping you; you need only to have demonstrated that you are struggling with the skills and traits required in a learning environment.

Each day, you should go out of your way to appear focused. If you actually are focused, you don’t have anything to worry about. The work is robust and responsive enough to take care of your learning. Otherwise, you might want to fake it, as the second excerpt in this handout explains:

You have been given the tools to be productive — or, at least, to fake productivity long enough for a few positive benefits. Log into your school-issued Chromebooks, for instance, and know that the school’s 1984-inspired Securly software will monitor your focus. These reports can be run at any time, by parents or faculty, and quickly identify if you’re treating the space as a workshop:

Or a study hall:

That’s the digital trail. You can also use the physical space effectively by choosing a different seat at the start of class or by organizing your workspace deliberately to minimize distractions.

Focus, in other words, and be obvious and even ostentatious about focusing. If it looks like you’re focused, you are. If it looks like you’re not focused, then you’re not.

February 24, 2020

Take today’s class period to reset your focus. Start with a review of the updated instructional website:

You must read every instructional post. Every modification and individualized element for the next three months will be built on your understanding of these lectures and lessons.

If you have questions, you can help yourself and others by leaving comments online. The ability to leave comments may be blocked in school, but you show more initiative by asking those questions at home, anyway.

Tomorrow, we will look more closely at statements of purpose. You should write a statement of purpose for each of these projects. You might start with that instructional post:

Statements of Purpose

You’re really after the habit of using these posts as references and guides. You should return to them continuously.

You can also use today to reset your in-class focus and productivity. Remember that your use of class time will determine your success, especially the success we translate into a grade. GAP Q3A ends on Friday, February 28.

It may help to think of it this way: You must tally up 35–40 minutes of productivity in class every day. You can manage that during the class period. If you don’t use the time in class, however, you must make up all that lost time somehow. You could be given a study hall in 210, a tutor in the Learning Center, required meetings after school, and so on. There’s a post on this sort of motivation:

Feedback: In Shambles

It’s almost certainly preferable to do the work during class.


Final Assessments

In-Class Focus and Feedback

Before we talk about anything else, here is your reminder that in-class focus and your use of feedback will determine the majority of your grade for the second semester:

All second-semester projects have rolling deadlines. You can set specific deadlines and checkpoints, because everything can be individualized; you are most likely, however, to prefer to do your work at your own pace.

That means that your choices in class, from the goals you set each day to your ability to avoid distraction, will contribute directly to your profile. Until June, there is no such thing as “late work”; there is just the evidence of your choices.

You have four or five projects to consider. You can individualize the work. There isn’t much excuse for being off-task and unproductive when you have that much agency and autonomy.

Repeated: Deadlines and Grades

June 2 is the end of GAP Q4B and the last official day for Senior Talk presentations. June 3–5 will be used for late presentations, second attempts, and other last-minute adjustments. June 5 is the soft deadline for all work

June 8–12 is when we will solidify final grades, including scores for the final exam, and final averages. Senior grades will be finalized and posted on June 12.

Except for your final exam, you control the deadlines and feedback given to these projects. Feedback on your work is the same as it ever was:

The process of grading you is also the same as it ever was:

Grades are based on evidence of universal skills and traits. Feedback uses those same universal languages. Grades and feedback are most dependent on your in-class focus and use of feedback, and you will do best when you focus on growth, collaboration, and transparency.

Exception: final exam

Your reflection on the Senior Talk is your final exam. Unlike the evidentiary approach of the GAP scoring process, this is the qualitative assessment of a single artifact. It is graded through a writing rubric based on our universal writing process.

Here is a folder with a collection of these rubrics:

The two that will be used for the final exam are these:

You must follow all separate instructions and guidelines for this reflective essay.

Repeated: Artifact Checklist

These are the artifacts due during the second semester. Consider the etymology again: An artifact is anything made with skill. Each of these artifacts will either be a formative step or part of a summative project.

  1. Self-Prescribed Book Choice | Completed online through a Google Form.
  2. Self-Prescribed Book Project | Presentations, projects, discussions, etc. Submitted in class and/or online according to individual needs.
  3. Research-Driven Essay Focus | Completed online through a Google Form.
  4. Research-Driven Essay | Final draft and links to any online publishing. Due on Google Classroom.
  5. MLA-Formatted Research-Driven Essay | Properly formatted submission to
  6. Commencement Address | Final draft and links to any online publishing. Due on Google Classroom and Turnitin.
  7. Pareto Project Student Work | Presentations, projects, discussions, etc. Submitted in class and/or online according to individual needs.
  8. Pareto Project Final Self-Assessment | Completed online through a Google Form. Two parts.
  9. Senior Talk Statement of Purpose | Completed online through a Google Form that also sets the time for the actual presentation.
  10. Senior Talk Script | Final draft due through Google Classroom. Must also be submitted to
  11. Senior Talk Presentation | Presented to an audience in a space of the presenter’s choosing.
  12. Senior Talk Reflection & Final Exam | Final draft due through Google Classroom. Must also be submitted to


Final Obligations

Five months later, we return to the root of obligation — ligare, “to bind,” which can be positive or negative. Let’s talk about the former usage.

Repeated: What Our Makerspace Does

Core English courses that are not affiliated with the College Board nor a state or local college enjoy a bit of freedom from the traditional superstructure of high school. The foundation is the same — that’s why the district’s SCP looks just like our set of universal skills and traits — but what we build is different.

Through the end of Q2, this has meant dividing our year into skill-based units and units based on essential questions and authentic problems:

① The Age of the Essay
② What Is Literature For?
③ The Practice of Empathy
④ Organization: Getting Things Done
⑤ When the Truth Isn’t Sufficient

This structure derives from what a Humanities makerspace is. Read that explanatory post again. This time, pay attention to the following section:

The problems students face [in a Humanities makerspace] are the problems all of us face, and they are exactly the problems that the Humanities exist to solve:

What does it mean to be a human being?
What does it mean to coexist in a society?
What are my beliefs?
How do I want to live my life?

An English classroom is also the home of soft skills, including self-awareness and self-efficacy, which raises a few more questions for the makerspace:

What does it mean to be educated?
What is the purpose of school?
How does each of us learn best?
What are the most important skills and traits for our futures?

Like any makerspace, we experiment to find solutions to these problems and answer these questions. We collaborate, ask experts, do research. We try to think outside the box. We sometimes try to dismantle the box to build a better one.

The tools and components we pour out on the table are a set of universal skills and traits, our connections to other human beings, and the literature and nonfiction that best teaches us how to be human.

In your final semester, you might study whether video games can be art, whether obscenity has an objective definition, whether schools take care of mental health effectively, or any of a dozen other authentic issues. These might be part of a research paper, a book project, a speech, a presentation, or your own self-directed project.

You are making meaning now. It all comes down to you.

Repeated: Second Semester Projects

The major five projects are tied together through the concept of project-based learning and the underlying paradigm shifts of the Humanities makerspace. The instructional posts for all projects are listed here:

Each of these projects will be your best examples of what you are capable of in this learning environment. There may be formative assignments given to help you along, and individual assignments will be available according to need and interest.

On Google Classroom, the Stream, as always, will show you updates, newly posted assignments, announcements, and so on. Under Classwork, in order from the top, you’ll find the following resources and categories:

  • TPXA :: Brewster High School Library | Digital resources for every project.
  • Daily Calibration | Start-of-class worksheet, post, and check-in forms. You must set a specific daily goal here.
  • Second Semester Projects | Submission hub for all evidence related to the five major projects, plus an overview of the second semester.
  • Second Semester Formative Work | Checkpoint assignments, Google Forms, and other formative steps related to each project.
  • Individual Work | Appears as a category if you’ve been given an individual deadline, assignment, modification, etc. Reminder: Almost everything can be individualized.

Deadlines and Grades

June 2 is the end of GAP Q4B and the last official day for Senior Talk presentations. June 3–5 will be used for late presentations, second attempts, and other last-minute adjustments. June 5 is the soft deadline for all work

June 8–12 is when we will solidify final grades, including scores for the final exam, and final averages. Senior grades will be finalized and posted on June 12.

Except for your final exam, you control the deadlines and feedback you are given for each project. Feedback is the same as it ever was:

The process of grading you is also the same as it ever was:

Grades are based on evidence of universal skills and traits. Your feedback uses that same universal language. Grades and feedback are most dependent on your in-class focus and use of feedback, and you will do best when you focus on growth, collaboration, and transparency.

Exception: final exam

Your reflection on the Senior Talk is your final exam. Unlike the evidentiary approach of the GAP scoring process, this is the traditional assessment of a single artifact. It is graded through a writing rubric based on our universal writing process.

Here is a folder with a collection of these rubrics:

The two that will be used for the final exam are these:

You must follow all separate instructions and guidelines. As a final exam, this paper will constitute one-fifth of your final average.

Artifact Checklist

These are the artifacts due during the second semester. Consider the etymology again: An artifact is anything made with skill. Each of these artifacts will either be a formative step or part of a summative project.

  1. Self-Prescribed Book Choice | Completed online through a Google Form.
  2. Self-Prescribed Book Project | Presentations, projects, discussions, etc. Submitted in class and/or online according to individual needs.
  3. Research-Driven Essay Focus | Completed online through a Google Form.
  4. Research-Driven Essay | Final draft and links to any online publishing. Due on Google Classroom.
  5. MLA-Formatted Research-Driven Essay | Properly formatted submission to
  6. Commencement Address | Final draft and links to any online publishing. Due on Google Classroom and Turnitin.
  7. Pareto Project Student Work | Presentations, projects, discussions, etc. Submitted in class and/or online according to individual needs.
  8. Pareto Project Final Self-Assessment | Completed online through a Google Form. Two parts.
  9. Senior Talk Statement of Purpose | Completed online through a Google Form that also sets the time for the actual presentation.
  10. Senior Talk Script | Final draft due through Google Classroom. Must also be submitted to
  11. Senior Talk Presentation | Presented to an audience in a space of the presenter’s choosing.
  12. Senior Talk Reflection & Final Exam | Final draft due through Google Classroom. Must also be submitted to


Senior Talks

Download a copy of the complete guide here: Download an updated copy of the final guide to presentations here: For a combined and collated copy of all materials, use this:

More resource links are embedded below in this interstitial instructional post. Review all directions and requirements. Up-to-date information and feedback will be posted to Google Classroom.

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Addressing an Audience

This is a modular project about writing for a specific audience. It can be modified to replace other writing tasks at the end of the school year. It can be used as enrichment, too — personally and in terms of your final profile.

The default assignment is to write a commencement address for your high school graduating class. Additional options are listed after the flipped lecture and default directions.

Conscious and Alive in the Adult World

Let’s talk about writing a commencement address for your graduating class. One of the best models for this kind of speech is David Foster Wallace’s 2005 Kenyon College address, which is beloved and celebrated for its message:

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