Ongoing Discussion: Grade Abatement Profiles

This post is reserved for discussion of the profiles, skills, and traits that are used to direct and to assess your learning. Whether through the opening-day orientation for all courses, your individual course syllabus, or more recent explanations of grade abatement, you’ve seen these GAP staples a dozen times. They are the most important facet of this learning environment. When we assess your body of work for a GAP score, the protocol depends entirely on your fluency in what each profile argues and how each pair of skills and traits connect.

Grade Abatement Profiles, Skills, and Traits

Read the following handout carefully, whether for the first time or the hundredth time. Unpack every word, phrase, and sentence. Then enter the comment section below to ask questions about anything and everything related to these profiles, skills, and traits. Load a copy of the PDF through Google Drive here.

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