AP English GAP 1B: Added Value

Our class period on Tuesday, October 16, asked you to choose between

  1. responding to the morning’s assembly;
  2. reading (again) a post about the end of the writing process;
  3. applying that post to your essay on education;
  4. helping a peer decode and respond to a college application prompt; or
  5. workshopping any or all of that with me.

You even got the seemingly-extemporaneous-but-actually-planned idea of looking into collective nouns and their origins. All that, plus a mention of PaperRater, a site that will give us another way to generate feedback — certainly relevant to our course, since you were also reminded on Tuesday to read (again) the instructional post on how feedback works in our space.

That makes at least eight possible focuses for a 40-minute period. Some options were obviously and explicitly tied into your grade abatement profiles, which take shape tomorrow, but every option would have contributed to your learning to some extent. You know this. You know that every choice counts and that your use of class time is essential to your success — and your grade, if it helps you to think in those terms.

Most of you responded to this freedom well, and I think you are starting to see what is possible in a makerspace. Some of you, on the other hand, made questionable choices. And in a space like ours, at your level, we don’t want to leave anyone behind. Your success is a shared success.

We are going to shift gears slightly next week and slow down this particular vehicle1 in order to focus on the concept of akrasia next week. This will keep us in our study of education. Before that brief unit, you need to reflect on Tuesday’s choices and every other choice you’ve made this month.

For some of you, this will validate your approach. It will illuminate the explicit link between insightful reflection and metacognition and a GAP score of 8 or 9 — which becomes that coveted 95 or 100, if it helps you to think in those terms.

For others, this will raise a lower score by honing your amenability and self-awareness. You will write about you approach this course and what you might do differently to find more success — and to improve your grade, if it helps you, again, to think in those terms.

Your Task

Look up the word provisional. Then look online at the provisional GAP scores posted for Q1B. They will be posted to Infinite Campus after this instructional post goes live.

The GAP report assignment for Q1B is also on Google Classroom. Head there next, load the form, and complete it. You have permission to do this a day early.

Finally, write about your provisional profile, unpacking the language into an honest and insightful essay. Delve into your choices over the last few weeks. Think about your use of this space. Contextualize your actions and reactions.

Do this, because you should always do this, and because doing this will raise that provisional score. What you are seeing, in those scores, is the profile that fits all current evidence. Today and tomorrow, you are adding to that evidence. Your efforts will change the profile you fit. And that gets to one of the most important elements of this kind of assessment: When you work hard, you are always moving forward, and your movement is about growth, aggregate success, and added value. You build toward a profile.

You can ask questions about this opportunity in the comment section below. You will also benefit from reading this:

Dürer’s Rhinoceros

  1. Which is either a Rube Goldberg machine or a siege engine or a strange combination of both. 

Dürer’s Rhinoceros

The Rhinoceros Test

When grade abatement was being developed as a new kind of assessment, one of the central metaphors was Albrecht Dürer’s rhinoceros. (The first guide is here, alongside every Sisyphean High iteration up to a certain point. Dürer’s rhinoceros appears frequently, so it’s the mascot of grade abatement in the same way that the tardigrade is the mascot of interstitial teaching.) It serves the same function as saying, “Don’t miss the forest for the trees,” and it echoes the elephant test. It’s also related to Occam’s razor, or the law of parsimony.

If none of those hyperlinks interest you enough to do some ramiform reading, the basic idea (in here) is this: Often the simplest or most straightforward profile evidence is more important than everything else.

You should already be familiar with the process for assessment:

The GAP Process

Dürer’s rhinoceros is part of this holistic assessment, which is really an evidentiary assessment. Sometimes, one piece of evidence reflects your learning profile more than a heap of others. If you consistently sneak in visits to social media during class time, for instance, that runs afoul of one of the central pillars of a makerspace:

Focus and Feedback

A student earning a fourth-tier profile needs until the end of a cycle to produce evidence. It takes consistent reflection and metacognition, for instance, to fit just that single criterion for a 9. But a student who isn’t meeting the basic requirements of the course has immediately provided enough evidence for a much lower score. That’s Dürer’s rhinoceros.

It’s still a matter of growth and possibility, however. If you make a choice that would knock you down to a 60, for instance, you almost always have time to improve. Any improvements you do make will showcase amenability and work ethic, and that justifies a higher profile.

You can ask questions about this below. Meanwhile, I will hold onto the quixotic hope that this will all eventually be rendered moot1.

One more note: The use of metaphors and images like Dürer’s rhinoceros helps us avoid clichés, especially thought-terminating ones. George Orwell called them dying metaphors. Some clichés have power — a rose on Valentine’s Day is still nice — but you should try to find new images, analogies, metaphors, etc, whenever possible. Clichés don’t bring any vividness or clarity to ideas, however easily they come to us.

This and the lead image come from Little Einsteins, one of the best shows for kids. At some point, my own kids will age out of it, and I will miss it far more than other kids shows.

  1. Two words worth knowing: quixotic and moot. The former leads us to another metaphor for teaching and learning, since we sometimes tilt at windmills; the latter is one of those words with two accepted but contradictory meanings

Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF

Ishmael Beah describes, in A Long Way Gone, his rescue by members of UNICEF. Students experience the power of that moment through Beah’s account, and it often raises the question of what we should do — what we, in our community, should do when we know there is injustice in the world.

You will have many answers, we hope, as part of our discussions and your writing. One answer, though, is to help UNICEF continue its good work. That is our project:

You will be given your own boxes, which you can use to collect donations for the rest of the month of October. You might give one to a parent to take to work; you could bring one with you to church; with permission, you could even put one in another classroom.

As a class, we will be doing something more. Your teachers will bring in baskets; you will bring in candy and other snacks; and we will create a prize to be raffled off in the high school. There will be one basket per class period, and its quality and draw will depend on what you donate.

We’ll start collecting on Monday, October 15. Bring in candy and other goodie-basket goods. On October 19, the baskets will be wrapped up, decorated, and set aside. The next week, we’ll join forces with Mrs. Juska’s classes and Mr. Looby’s classes to sell raffle tickets down in the cafeteria. Each basket will eventually have one winner, and we will have raised money for a good cause.

We will go over the details of this service project in class. Since you must continue your work on the novel and your burgeoning projects, you should focus on bringing in snacks and treats for the basket; your teachers will set up class time for the baskets themselves.

Keep in mind that we will eventually need students to man the tables down in the cafeteria. Volunteering your time certainly fits some of the skills and traits that matter, so there’s an extrinsic motivation to go with the intrinsic joy of helping others. Here is the sign-up form:

That form is also posted on Google Classroom. You can sign up as early and as often as you like, as long as it is during your actual lunch period or a study hall. Again, there are extrinsic/GAP-driven reasons to do this, not just intrinsic ones.

Ask questions about this project in the comment section here.

Essay Prompt: On Education

Your summer reading included the opening chapters of The Language of Composition, a textbook written specifically for our AP course. Chapter 5 tackles the issue of education, starting with this essential question: “To what extent do our schools serve the goals of a true education?”

In September, you were asked to respond briefly that question. Now, you are asked to develop that answer into an essay.

So the assignment, as an imperative, is: Write an essay that answers the essential question, “To what extent do our schools serve the goals of a true education?”

How you define “essay” is, for the moment, up to you. We will adjust our understanding of the term through exam-based practice essays and a close reading of “The Age of the Essay,” by Paul Graham, which you are welcome to read ahead of time:

An essay, in this case, is a means of framing our exploration of the essential question. It puts your thoughts into writing, invites dialectical discussion, reveals your important biases, and so on. You should submit a copy of your essay through Google Classroom, where you’ll find a copy of this prompt alongside a copy of Chapter 5.

Ask questions about this process in the comment section below. Treat these comments as a chance to engage me in direct instruction, clarification, redirection, etc., while you look for chances to help your peers, too. Questions are usually better than mere observations, although they both have value.

A Long Way Gone: The First Five Chapters

In his essay, “How Teachers Make Children Hate Reading,” John Holt explains his approach to reading as follows:

I don’t want you to feel that just because you start a book, you have to finish it. Give an author thirty or forty pages or so to get his story going. Then if you don’t like the characters and don’t care what happens to them, close the book, put it away, and get another. I don’t care whether the books are easy or hard, short or long, as long as you enjoy them.

Your teachers agree with Holt — to a certain extent, at least — and we want to help you discuss the first 30-40 pages of each novel we read with that quotation in mind. That discussion can be insightful and actionable. It cannot be a simple dismissal of the idea of reading — you have to try — but you will also not be forced past a reasonable point.

In Ishmael Beah’s A Long Way Gone, the first five chapters make up the 30-40 pages suggested by Holt. You must read those first five chapters. We will listen to at least one of those chapters together, letting Beah read his story to us. You will read the rest on your own.

Assignment: Guided Responses

Your assignment is to respond to the first five chapters by answering seven questions. First, answer these two-part questions, being specific about the plot and characters of the novel:

  • What does it mean “to get [a] story going,” and how has that happened here?
  • What does it mean to care about what happens to a character, and which character(s) do you care about so far?
  • What does it mean to enjoy a story, and to what extent are you enjoying this one?

Second, answer the following questions, which are taken from our guide to the reading process:

  • What “range of emotions and events that would take countless lifetimes to encounter” are you experiencing through this reading?
  • How is what you’re reading developing your empathy through “the chance to see things from someone else’s point of view”?
  • How is it helping you reflect on who you are — and the idea that “everyone is a strange and interesting person”?
  • To what extent is it helping you to “see that failure is a part of life”?

In the end, you should have the answer to seven questions. Type those answers in a new document, and then attach a copy of them to the assignment in Google Classroom. Then copy your answers into this Google Form.

This class set of answers will be used to inform discussion and drive our next steps. We aren’t just looking at Ishmael Beah’s story; we are figuring out how you read, what that means for your learning, and where the threshold lies between forcing and inviting you to read.

Ask questions about this process in the comment section below. Treat these comments as a chance to engage your teachers in direct instruction, clarification, redirection, etc., while you look for chances to help your peers, too.

Q1A Data: General Feedback

The Basics: Q1A

Below are simplified spreadsheets cobbled together for your benefit. You need your student number to find your row. In each column, there is a zero (0), one (1), or two (2). This is feedback about the most basic requirements of the assignment or, in the case of in-class focus, the class itself. 2 indicates anything sufficient, consistent, complete, etc., and above. Anything other than a 2 is cause for concern.

Again, this is basic, did-you-do-your-work feedback. Authentic and meaningful feedback is explained in a post you’ve already been assigned. There are plenty of other explanations of how feedback functions in a makerspace. The data in these spreadsheets serves a different purpose. Two notes before we get to that:

  1. First, these notations ignore late work entirely. If you got any of this done before Monday morning around 8 AM, it went into this chart. Anything after 8 AM on October 1 is not indicated here.
  2. Second, these notations don’t include the first revision assignment, nor do they reflect my observations of your use of feedback.

Here are the spreadsheets:

What Should You Do Next?

It’s pretty straightforward: Help yourself, and then help your peers.

To help yourself, find an hour over the next week to enter this conversation online:

Ongoing Discussion: Dunning-Kruger Effects and Imposter Syndromes

To help your peers, find an hour over the next week to enter this conversation:

Ongoing Discussion: Herd Immunity

If you’re interested in doing a little more to help your peers, you should skim this document:

That is a copy of every self-assessment response for the first GAP panel. I’ve removed any identifying information beyond the class period. Since the language is universal, there is a lot of insight to be gained, regardless of age, level, course, etc., provided you read with empathy.

Otherwise, remember what we’ve already reviewed in class as our goals for the week. Here are pictures of the whiteboards in our classroom:

My goal is to give every student the vocabulary to talk about themselves, to advocate for themselves, to analyze themselves, etc., regardless of context. This course will give you that vocabulary, slowly but surely, if you invest in it. It’s the language of all learning. It’s not esoteric jargon. Remember that it connects explicitly to the district’s Strategic Coherence Plan:

That plan is based on everything we know about what colleges and careers demand. These are the skill and traits you need to be successful. Every time you receive feedback, you need to look for a way to hone those skills and traits.

But this is probably the most important takeaway: There’s nothing unusual about what we do in here. We read books, write essays, discuss essential questions, and reflect on our progress. Whether you’re focused on helping yourself or helping others1, that progress starts with an honest reckoning with what you’ve done.

Ask questions about the spreadsheets below.

  1. There shouldn’t be any stigma attached to helping yourself, because that’s how you find the knowledge and understanding to help others. It starts with you. If it becomes selfish or competitive, we can always deal more directly with that. 

Organization: Getting Things Done

From the profile of an INTJ, or “Architect.” Click for the website by NERIS Analytics Limited, which includes a free test and explanation of these personality classifications.


Getting Things Done, Part 1

The school year, regardless of course or level, comes down to two elements:

The GAP Process

The Pareto Project: Complete Guide

The GAP process governs our units of study, whether you are an AP student practicing for the exam in May or a tenth grader reading a novel in November. Grade abatement profiles, skills, and traits govern our learning. You receive three profile scores per quarter.

Your personal or community-based projects will be the focus of most Fridays. You’ll be in charge of how you spend that time. Each course will have a calendar that indicates when these projects will be presented and shared, too.

These two elements require you to be organized, and organization is one of the universal skills and traits you need. Load the grade abatement profiles, skills, and traits, and notice that the foundation of your learning is organization. The rest of the components concatenate1, but they can’t be linked together without organization:

This screenshot is from one of the older iterations of grade abatement, and I’m using it to highlight the header:

Above all else:
Explore, create, learn

“Explore, create, learn.” That really is the focus of our work, and when you’re immersed in self-directed writing or putting time into your Pareto Project, it’ll be exciting work. But it’s the much-less-exciting work of organization that gets us into that maker mentality.

You are reading this post because you need to organize the academic stuff you have on you. That word, stuff, comes from a root meaning “to equip,” and that’s the idea: You equip yourself every day in order to deal with school and the work it requires. You gear up.

So you need a frank assessment of how you do that. You need to assess your organization. Divide that assessment into these four categories, and then use our in-class discussions and workshops to improve each one.

① Physical Organization

Start by opening up your backpack or bag, any and all notebooks you keep for your classes, your vintage Trapper Keeper, etc., and then pouring that stuff out onto a table. (That can be a metaphorical act, of course.) Then assess the extent to which you have a system in place. Can you find materials you need? How ordered is your physical stuff? What does it all look like?

② Digital Organization

You probably have a number of tabs open right now, as you read this instructional post. Start there: How do you keep track of what you’re reading and studying online? Do you have a system for organizing those tabs? Then consider specifically your use of Google, especially Google Drive, Google Classroom, and Gmail. Do you have a system of folders in Drive to keep your work clear and accessible? Do you use a system to sort through email? How do you keep track of assignments, announcements, and instructional posts?

③ Schedule Organization

Your schedule overlaps with the first two, but it has been helpful in the past to separate it. Consider specifically your use of a calendar or planner. Do you use the calendar provided for this course? If so, to what extent? If not, how do you organize your days and weeks? How do you keep up with your responsibilities?

④ Mental Organization

This category overlaps with the rest, too, but it helps to isolate it. It is, in essence, about the grade abatement profiles, skills, and traits that direct all of your learning:

The GAP Process

To what extent do you understand the universal skills and traits at the heart of this process? How do you organize your work in here around those skills and traits? Do you use the profiles to map out your work during each GAP triptych panel? What does that learning map look like?

⑤ All Together

Your goal is to find the room for improvement in each one of these organizational categories. To do that, you need accurate self-assessment and observation, discussion with your peers and teachers, and concrete plans for improvement.

If this post is assigned formally, you will be given further directions. You don’t need them, though. You need to test your improvements. You’ll know if they work by putting them into practice.

Getting Things Done, Part 2

As a possibly important sidebar, let’s talk about your personalities. Your self-awareness and sense of self-efficacy are tied to that amorphous idea of “personality,” and you can gain some important insights through simple, online tests.

Start with an introduction to the concept we’ll be using, and then jump right into the test itself:

This isn’t required, of course, but you’re likely to be interested enough in the concept to take the test. It will give you a four-letter code and a detailed explanation of what those letters mean. Once you have the code, either before or while you are reading the explanations, make sure you know what the Forer effect is:

No online test dictates who you are. Understanding the Forer effect is one way to ward off taking these things too seriously. These sorts of tests can help, though, and here is why: When we’re talking about how you organize yourself in here, we’re really talking about you as a whole person. A personality test, especially one as steeped in good research as this one, might be useful, if you are cautious and remember how powerful the Forer effect is.

The idea is not that a personality test is inaccurate or useless. It’s that you must be metacognitively vigilant about anything a website tells you, especially when your goal is self-improvement. I have long thought of myself as an INTJ, for instance, but I see more and more of myself in the description of an INTP these days. I don’t need to take the test itself again; I can read through the differences and apply that knowledge to myself. Since I believe those differences are crucial to my development as a teacher, I have a starting point for meaningful metacognitive discussion and writing.

It’s the same for you. You want a sense of yourself as a whole person:

This kind of self-assessment is organizational because it can generate forward momentum. It can improve the efficacy of other elements of your approach to learning. If you take this online test — or any others; here’s a much lengthier one called the IPIP-NEO that some students have said taught them about themselves — be sure you read all the context and explanation the site provides, keep the warning of the Forer effect in mind, and then do some reflective and metacognitive writing and discussion.

From the profile of an INTP, or “Logician”

  1. Look that word up. I’ve always liked it because it sounds like its definition — like links being clipped together. 

The Pareto Project: Complete Guide

This guide has been adapted from the PDF and Google Doc used prior to 2018. The information here is most current and most correct. Those older guides might be interesting to some of you as examples of iterative instruction, though. You can see the evolution of ideas and language.


The Pareto Project is an iterative form of project-based learning that was inspired by 20Time and Genius Hour. It invites students to design and explore meaningful, personalized projects during the school year, with about 20% of the time we would otherwise dedicate to course work instead dedicated to Pareto Projects.

Continue reading

Overview: Discussion Hubs

A significant amount of the reading you must do for this class is in the form of instructional essays and posts. These are longer by design. Think of them as transcribed lectures or chapters in a textbook, both of which would require more time than a simple set of directions or a photocopied handout. They would also all require a different kind of reading. The following post details exactly why this matters:

Well, Why Read?

That is a thorough explanation of how we balance traditional reading with hypertextual reading, or reading that is online and dependent upon hyperlinks. It’s an important concept, and not just in this class; it’s how you will be expected to read in college and on the job.

Included with every instructional post is an opportunity to ask questions and get answers using that comment feature. It is a way of interacting with the teacher the same way you would check in on a social media account — an ongoing conversation that exists outside of the normal school day. That means that instruction exists outside of the school day. So does feedback.

The number of comments on any foundational post should be significant. Think of every question you ask in class, and imagine those questions written down where others can benefit from the answers. That expands the learning environment. It’s crucial for real collegiality. It even builds your writing ability, especially in the critical arena of commenting online.

As a catalyst for future use of this interactive resource, I am creating much shorter posts that center on one or two ideas related to grade abatement. That’s because the most recent update and overview to the grade abatement process is rather long:

The GAP Process

You can — and definitely should — ask questions in the comment section of that post. You can jump to the comment section with the click of an icon, so it’s not as if you need to scroll through a few thousand words of instruction every time to ask questions, see answers, interact with the teacher, etc.; it’s true, however, that there is a visual barrier in a long post. Shorter is sometimes better, especially for discussions.

Ongoing Discussions

With that in mind, here are your ongoing discussion hubs. There are five. Each one concerns a different central idea in grade abatement, which really means that each one concerns a different central idea in the learning process. Scroll past the embedded posts for a brief rundown of each one.

Ongoing Discussion: Dunning-Kruger Effects and Imposter Syndromes

Ongoing Discussion: Delayed Gratification

Ongoing Discussion: Grain through the Body of a Bird

Ongoing Discussion: Herd Immunity

Ongoing Discussion: Grade Abatement Profiles

Here is an overview of what to expect in each discussion:

Ongoing Discussion: Dunning-Kruger Effects and Imposter Syndromes

After watching the two videos, think about your own experiences with the Dunning-Kruger effect and imposter syndrome. Ask questions about how we work on the skills and traits linked to these concepts. Start a discussion with me and your peers, online and in writing, about how accurately you are able to assess yourselves.

This is critical to all GAP scoring, because you need to be honest and accurate about yourself to avoid confusion — and, unfortunately, frustration.

Ongoing Discussion: Delayed Gratification

The second post for discussion is about delayed gratification. It, too, has a video to watch. Consider what the longer post on grade abatement argues about delayed and immediate gratification, watch the video on the marshmallow test, and then think about your own motivations. Start a discussion with me and your peers, online and in writing, about what it means to delay rewards or punishments, how that affects your learning, and what we can do to adjust.

This is critical to all GAP scoring, because you are not being rewarded or punished after every choice you make, and certainly not after every assignment you complete. You must delay gratification, sometimes for several weeks, with a clear sense of the ultimate payoff.

Ongoing Discussion: Grain through the Body of a Bird

This post quotes the first guide to grade abatement in order to start a conversation about the penalty, for lack of a better word, for not doing your job as a student. It’s a question of habits of mind: how you focus, how you maintain that focus, how you meet deadlines and requirements, and so on. Start a discussion with me and your peers, online and in writing, about what kind of you you are building.

This is critical to all GAP scoring, because you are always at the mercy of akrasia, a concept explored in this unit. We are almost certainly going to complete that unit every year, because conquering procrastination and distraction are the keys to future success.

Ongoing Discussion: Herd Immunity

The focus here is an essay on how to work together to protect yourselves from “low-information sepsis,” or the illness that comes from being uninformed about what’s going on. Read that essay, and then think about your relationship to your friends, peers, etc., in all your classes. Start a discussion with me and your peers, online and in writing, about this kind of collegiality — and what we can do to combat the plague of ignorance.

This is critical to all GAP scoring, because a lack of information is always at the heart of confusion, frustration, and disengagement. This is as information-rich an environment as you will ever see; everything is exhaustively documented, archived, explained, flipped, etc., so that the learning environment is almost 100% transparent.

Ongoing Discussion: Grade Abatement Profiles

Lastly, you have a discussion hub for the grade abatement profiles themselves. This is probably where you should spend most of your time when a GAP score is impending. The post is dedicated entirely to unpacking the profiles, their implicit and explicit criteria, and the skills and traits that connect everything we do.

As a conversation starter, that post embeds a handout with the profiles and scores on one side and the complete, categorized list of universal skills and traits on the other. This can be printed easily for annotations and discussion in class. Copies are available throughout the classroom, too.

This is critical to all GAP scoring, because it’s obviously critical to all GAP scoring. This is the assessment model. Your understanding of this one handout is more important to your success, now and in the future, than anything else.

A Quick Note on Why This Matters

These discussion hubs matter for all the reasons listed above, but there are two main motivators for you to get involved:

  1. Done properly, this is the fastest way for you to get feedback on the things that matter beyond this classroom.
  2. Done properly, this is one of the best ways to generate evidence of collegiality, critical thinking, close reading, etc., for the GAP scores themselves.

That’s if “done properly,” of course. Done properly, these online discussions provide us a ton of evidence of your learning while actually improving that learning.

Remember that this is an interstitial classroom. You always have time in class to ask questions and get feedback, but many of you are in classes with 30 other students. You can read about feedback here, and the “better form of feedback” we use does solve some of the problems of access and time. But the best solution is to take responsibility through these interstitial hubs. You have a way to get help from your teacher at any time of day. You can get feedback permanently and in writing. That helps everyone.

Go ask questions. Have conversations in the comments sections of those posts. Even if you’re doing it because you know it will look good, you’re still helping someone by asking questions. You’re still giving me an opportunity to explain something that will help others. Faking it until you make it in here is absolutely an option — scroll down to Section 10 of this essay, if you want proof.

You will get an announcement on Google Classroom that links directly to these ongoing discussions. They will be organized under an “Ongoing Discussion” category there. You should have a reason to revisit them many times throughout the year, so I would encourage you to bookmark them. When you have a question, go ask it; I’ll draw attention to it in class, especially at first, to encourage others to follow your lead.

Ongoing Discussion: Grade Abatement Profiles

This post is reserved for discussion of the profiles, skills, and traits that are used to direct and to assess your learning. Whether through the opening-day orientation for all courses, your individual course syllabus, or more recent explanations of grade abatement, you’ve seen these GAP staples a dozen times. They are the most important facet of this learning environment. When we assess your body of work for a GAP score, the protocol depends entirely on your fluency in what each profile argues and how each pair of skills and traits connect.

Grade Abatement Profiles, Skills, and Traits

Read the following handout carefully, whether for the first time or the hundredth time. Unpack every word, phrase, and sentence. Then enter the comment section below to ask questions about anything and everything related to these profiles, skills, and traits. Load a copy of the PDF through Google Drive here.

[pdfjs-viewer url=”http%3A%2F%2Fsisypheanhigh.com%2Fmalachite%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2018%2F09%2FProfiles-Skills-Traits.pdf” viewer_width=100% viewer_height=600px fullscreen=true download=true print=true]